My House of Horrors

Chapter 544 Unlock the New Trial Mission!

The middle-aged woman watched a passenger disappear, and her anxiety reached its extreme point.

“I'm just responsible for sending the kids to Lywan town. I don't know anything else! ”

“Don't know? Then I don't have to leave you either.” When Chen Gong finished, Xu Yin and other haunted house employees surrounded the past.

As the woman screamed, her ugly face began to change, and the five officials shrugged.

Clothes that look dirty also continue to bleed outwards, plain bargaining, and are all children's fingerprints.

“Get me out of the car! ”

Her body seemed to grow much taller when her voice was hoarse and horrible and the woman's bones crisp.

Looking at the changes in women, Chen Gong and the staff around him were very calm, like standing outside the cage and watching the beasts roar inside.

“No problem getting out of the car, but first you have to tell me, where are the kids?” Three days have passed since Chen Guo promised Red Raincoat to help her find her child within a week.

Women don't seem to hear Chen Song's voice and her face gets more and more blurred.

Interestingly, Chan also seemed completely blind to the changes that had taken place in women. The voice was steady and there was no fluctuation: “Did you steal all these children? ”

He pointed at the boy who was still asleep and looked at the young face.

The woman seemed to realize that Chen Song was the backbone of all the ghosts, and just now Chen Song had put a broken skull hammer in her backpack, when her hands were empty.

She stopped hesitating, her poisonous eyes stared at Chen Gong's neck and pounded!

Blood stains on his coat, Chan Sing looked at his woman, not even a symbolic escape: “Half red, you seem to be the strongest fighter on this two-star trial mission. ”

The woman rushed halfway and stopped forcibly, and her body was completely frozen because of fear.

Somehow, there was one more person between her and Chan.

Red like blood, no need for Chen Guo to say more, Xu Yan is already in front of him.

“The end of Route 104 is a two-star horror scene, the most powerful battle force of this scene is half red, so to think, there should also be a comparable half red in that Twilight High School.” Chen Song still remembered the old headmaster, and after presuming that the other party might be in red, Chen Song became more heartfelt.

After letting Xu Yin control the woman, Chan did not kill her directly, and he was ready to hand the woman over to the red raincoat for treatment.

“If there is any wrongdoing, the debtor shall pay it back. ”

The woman didn't know what was going on in Chen Song's heart. She just looked at Chen Song's face with a smile and thought she was very “dumb”.

Put the other employees in the comic book, Chen Song picked up the unconscious little boy and walked off the 104 final bus.

The black phone vibrated slightly as he stepped on the ground with both feet.

“Is this the end of the mission?” Chen Gong looked back at the last bus, the whole car was empty, and the mission went to the end, and he was the last person to get off.

“I should now be able to embark on a more difficult task.” Chen Song clearly felt his change. For him a few months ago, the two-star horror scene was a search for a glimmer of life in despair, fearful and ready to die. And now, the situation is completely different.

“It seems that my hard work over this period has paid off.” Chen Gong slides the phone screen and taps on the new information on the black phone.

“Lucky ghost lover! Congratulations on completing the 2-Star Trial - The Jedi! ”

“Mission accomplished 100%! Get Hidden Prop Reward - Last Shuttle 104! ”

“Shuttle 104 (a spiritual vehicle symbolizing an unknown and disastrous nature, which has had many accidents and is only allowed on the road in the early hours of the rainy night). ”

“Attention! Now you have two choices! ”

“One: Unlock the 2-Star Horror Scene Spirit Car in the Chestnut Maze, and when you select this option, the Spirit Car will never leave the Chestnut Maze! ”

“II: Retain the spiritual vehicle, which can only be driven on the road after the early hours of the rainy night, passing the station with a probability of attracting special passengers. ”

After reading the information, Chen Song chose the second option without much hesitation. There will be many more horror scenes in the future, but there is only one spirit car, and its special ability is very appetizing to Chen Song.

There is a certain chance of attracting special passengers. I'm afraid such passengers won't be able to get off again after getting on Chen Gong's 104 final bus.

Once the choice was made, the black phone shook again.

“Two-Star Trial Mission - The Jedi has been completed and Nightmare City will open a new trial mission! ”

“Increased number of terror scenes to unlock! ”

“Twin water ghosts (my sister tied a stone to my leg and my body sank, I saw a lot of dark water grass in the reservoir, screaming index two stars). ”

“The Haunted Firehouse (the neighbor's house always sounds strange, the house is obviously uninhabited, screaming index Samsung). ”

“Deep in the tunnel (what's deep in the tunnel? Scream Index Samsung). ”

“Ghost Town, Lywan (Mama, this is Boo… scream index 3 1/2 stars). ”

“Midwife (one day, I'll be for you! Scream Index 4 stars). ”

“The New Sea Central Hospital Curse Game (Abandoned Hospital, there is such a vicious game of curse and death! Scream index four stars, you need to complete the front task before you can turn it on). ”

Black phones have updated six new trial assignments, the hardest of which are also two stars. What makes Chen Song frown is that the only two-star trial mission still seems to be underwater.

He can swim himself, but it's inconvenient in the water after all: "Mission information is called a twin water ghost, and there should be more than one enemy. The description of the mission is also strange, ‘I’ see a lot of dark water grass in the reservoir, are those water grass or dead hair? ”

The difficulty of the mission increased markedly, with two newly unlocked three-star scenarios, the Haunted Firehouse, the first time he heard that the task deep in the tunnel should be linked to previous nightmare-level daily tasks.

Chen Gong and the red clothes in the tunnel met once, and instead he found the task the most difficult: “There is an opportunity to complete this trial mission deep in the tunnel first, maybe my horror house can attract another red clothes. ”

It is noteworthy that Chen Gong is slowly coming into contact with the Lywan Haunted Town mission, with a screaming index of three and a half stars.

Chen Gong guessed that Samsung and a half would happen, most likely because the door in Lywan Town was out of control.

“After the door went out of control, the difficulty increased to three and a half stars. Even the door went out of control without a four star scene. It's scary! ”

The last two missions were all four stars, which was completely unexpected by Chen Song, and the eastern suburbs were too dangerous than he thought.

“There are already three four-star trial missions on the list, so don't rush them until you're all set. ”

Chen Gong counted the opening time of the Virtual Future Park in his heart. He wanted to go on a four-star trial mission and get some big news out in the last few days of the park.