My House of Horrors

Chapter 578 Water, Mirror

Bamboo's brain was completely stunned and the familiar cold feeling came from his wrist.

She felt the water running through her mouth and nose, and her lungs were filled with water that she couldn't breathe.

With her hands and feet swinging desperately, she wanted to make a sound, but no one responded, and all she could see was the woman in the mirror slowly lifting her head and showing her face, which was hard to describe.

Under normal circumstances, the woman in the mirror should also be a beautiful woman, unfortunately all five of the women were swollen.

Even weirder, the woman's face constantly changed, black spread, after a while, to make Xiaozhu feel familiar, she was terrified to discover that the five officers of the woman in the mirror began to become like themselves.

She waved her hands, but couldn't control her body. The sound of the water was ringing in her ears. Bamboo felt like she was locked in the mirror. Her body and the ghost had changed!

“Help me! Help me! Help me! Save...” Big breath, but no oxygen in her lungs, Bamboo before suffocation, blushing, out of biological instinct, she rammed into the glass mirror in front of her!


The sound came, the blood blurred his eyes, but the feeling of suffocation disappeared.

“Takeshi!” A shout came from Acheng in her ear, and the woman's consciousness finally woke up, and her body swayed and fell back.

“What's wrong with you?” The man held Bamboo in his back and the blood seeped out of his forehead, staining his eyes red.

“Mirror, there's someone in the mirror!” Bamboo hugged Acheng's arm and yelled in the mirror.

She hit the mirror in the bathroom and a piece of mirror stained with blood fell off the wall.

Ah-cheng held Xiaozhu and broke the glass scum in the woman's hair. He was also frightened by the woman's actions.

“Don't be afraid, I'm here, and I'm here.” Acheng held the woman back, and he realized there was something wrong with the bathroom.

The dark hair in the sink drain is floating like seagrass, and the water is rising, slowly spilling out of the sink.

With a drop of water falling on the ground, the atmosphere in the room became even more frightening, and the quiet flow of water seemed like a suicide man with a knife smashed his wrist, not water, but blood.

“Let's get out of here first.” Ah Cheng held Bamboo and dragged her out of the room by force.

“The hose is still off...” Bamboo's voice sounds a little weak.

“I can't help it. I'll get some people to come in later. I'll take you to the hospital first.” Neither did Acheng feel horrible, but the woman had just suddenly gone mad, causing Acheng's heart to lift up.

He seemed to be a bird of shock, looking back into the bathroom, and suddenly he saw that the blood on the broken mirror fragment was creeping, like a little bug in a river, slowly converging into a few words.

I'm in the mirror! She's in your arms!

Seeing these words violently, Acheng almost let go of the woman's hand and realized that it was not a prank and that something strange might have really happened in the rehabilitation school.

Her forehead was still bleeding outward, and Bamboo was completely different from what she used to look lovely, and she seemed a little scary that the wound had not been treated.

Lights flash faster in the hallway, and the hospital has many cartoon pictures and animal pictures on the walls to speed up the child's recovery.

At this point, in the light, the darkness changed, causing those cartoon figures to become weird, and that smiley face looked extraordinarily frightening.

More and more water in the bathroom spills from the sink, like life, out of the bathroom, behind the foot of Acropolis.

Acheng didn't notice, and the normal person wouldn't have thought that all his attention was focused on the cartoon portrait on the wall.

“The first time I found this thing so horrible at night, I had to tell the principal later to replace them all. ”

A few words just appeared in the mirror constantly appeared in Acheng's head. He held onto a small bamboo with his head hanging low and felt the soft body of the other party, but not the temperature of the other body.

“Takeshi? ”

He tried to shout, the little bamboo in his arms raised his head, the wound opened to both sides, and the blood on his forehead slid across his face along the tip of his nose, and it looked very dazed: “Ah Cheng, I feel so tired and dizzy. ”

Long tones, strong nostrils, as if a woman's nostrils were filled with water.

It's hard to describe the feeling of a girlfriend you once loved, who now looks a little strange.

“Hold on a little longer, I'll take you to the doctor.” Acheng bit the tip of her tongue, her girlfriend is in so much pain, she can't believe that she would want to abandon her. It's not something.

He accelerated his steps, but walked and found that the corridor of the rehabilitation school seemed to be getting longer.

“I've been gone for a while now...” His unknown feeling grew stronger, biting his teeth tight, hugging Bamboo and rushing forward.

But he just took a step, and it was like stepping on something and slipping to the ground.

He and Bamboo all fell to the ground, and when he looked back, he realized that the corridor had been soaked by water sometime, and a stream of water was like a snake with severe poison behind him.

Looking farther away, the door to that single room next to the bathroom slowly opened.

A low figure appeared behind the door, reclining on the door panel, and the bright light was not so dark, but her face could not be seen clearly, knowing that she was wearing a wet coat.

“Wenwen? ”

The little girl appeared in the studio, which coincided with the midday woman Guan Wenwen's cabin.

Acheng was about to make further moves, and the phone was suddenly turned on, and he almost unconsciously connected the phone.

“Has the child gone back to school? I talked to the principal about a lot of businesses out there, and they said they didn't see Wenwen, and the kid was probably still in school, but he was hiding somewhere. ”

It was Teacher Wang who called and heard her voice. Cheng was like catching a lifesaving straw: “Wen Wen is at school! Come on, you guys! Bamboo's hurt! ”

“Injured? I'll be right there!” The phone was hung up in a hurry, and Acheng wanted to say a few more words.

He put his phone away, but just moved the screen away, and he saw Bamboo leaning up on a face and looking at him in a very unwieldy position: "Who are you talking to? ”

“Teacher Wang, she will bring someone here soon.” Acheng was very cautious. After he found Xiaozhu's tone was wrong, he did not ask each other much more. After seeing the shadow of Suspected Wen Wen, he did not rush in.

In his view, it would be better to leave the place first.

“I've searched the studio before. The little girl isn't there. Is the kid playing hide-and-seek with us? ”

How can a mentally retarded, ill-brained little girl turn an adult around?

The more horrible Acheng thought about it, he flashed in his mind a horror film he had seen a long time ago. The actress was a stranger who lived a long time like a child. Each time she was adopted, she broke the peace of the family and even stained the family with a little blood.

“Does the child have to suffer the same illness? ”

If you don't want to go on thinking about it, Acheng dragged Xiaozhu out of the corridor, but when he walked to the door, he found out that the door leading to the outside was locked.

“Where are the keys?” Acheng couldn't find the keys in his pockets, and he shook the door with his hands until the lights on his head went out.

The low figure hiding in the single room came out and reached forward as if it was stopping something.

“Don't come near me! ”

As he watched the shadow run faster and faster in the corridor, Acheng let go of his hand, and he was ready to drop the bamboo and jump out the window alone.

Strangely, he loosened his hand, but Bamboo's body was still attached to his.

The woman's face was close to the chest of Acheng, and she raised her head: "Acheng, don't you want me? ”

The blood spread on the woman's face, the water dropped in her ear, and Acheng didn't know why. He felt that the woman's face was becoming strange, which seemed to be another woman.

Pushing the woman's head aside, Acheng's breathing became impatient and his heart beat fast: “Wait here, I'll go out and get someone! ”

Instead of disappearing, the droplets in his ears grew louder and louder. The low figure in the corridor had approached him, and the woman on the ground crawled towards him. Her hair stuck to her arms and eventually caught Acheng's leg dead.

“Don't leave me here alone! ”


“Who locked the door? They found Wenwen?” A woman who looks quiet stops at the door of the classroom: "She doesn't answer the phone, can't be someone who didn't find her and snuck away? ”

A woman's dissatisfaction with other teachers at school can be heard in the words.

Remove the keys, open the door, and the floor is covered with water damage.

“What happened?” The woman stopped at the door for a while and turned on the lights on her cell phone: “Li Xuezhu was injured on the phone in Xiaocheng. How could they hurt themselves when they were looking for a child at school? Is there a third person here? ”

She reached out and pressed the hallway light switch, but the hallway light seemed to be broken and could not be turned on.

A handful of steps forward, the woman raised her phone and the light passed through the hallway. She saw the bathroom door open and a little girl, not tall, standing in front of the mirror.

The kid put his feet up and put his hands in the pool, like he was fishing for something.

After a while, something more surprising happened to the woman.

The girl also stretched her head to the sink and buried her entire face.

“Wenwen? ”

The woman looked at the child's back and felt familiar. She snuck up towards the bathroom.

“What does the boy want? ”

There was water on the ground, and she would still make a noise, and she would only see it when the woman walked to the bathroom door.

She was standing in a broken mirror with a swollen monster wearing a bloody coat and her hands pressed against the girl's back head.

“She wants to drown this girl?! ”

At a critical moment, reason triumphed over fear and the woman rushed into the bathroom to save the girl.

The strange man in the mirror was surprised to see a woman rush in.

Just where the woman had just stood, the dark hair spread like aquatic plants, and if the woman had turned around and fled before, she would have crashed into a big, dark, woven net.