My House of Horrors

Chapter 711: Private Screening Hall

“What does it mean to have an irrelevant figure in the film?” Chen Gong is going to the projection hall later, so he wants to get as much information about the projection hall as possible.

“A lot of tourists go to the screening hall at night to see a movie, and it turns out that there's a girl in several movies. She was in her early twenties, with long black hair, blurred by five officials, and could not see clearly. ”

“At first, visitors didn't care, either, because they thought it was the staff shadow, or because there was something wrong with the video. Until one day, when a family of four came here on vacation, their little girl started crying as soon as she entered the screening hall, and the wife couldn't help but hold her daughter and the husband and the boy stayed. ”

“They were watching an animation that day, but watching the boy suddenly asked his father why a big sister was standing on the corner of the hall? ”

“The man didn't take his son's words seriously, but after a while, the boy asked again, why did the sister always look at him? ”

“The child's constant questioning finally annoyed the man, but prevented other audiences around him. He pressed his anger and only warned his son not to argue. ”

“After about a dozen minutes, the boy suddenly cried without warning. ”

“A man's hands and feet were chaotic, panicked, and Zhang wanted to make his son happy, but the child lowered his head and cried. ”

“The child's father slowly noticed something was wrong, and he found that his son seemed afraid to look up, as if there was something scary on the screen. ”

“He kept an eye on it. After the movie went out, he sent his son to his wife and then went back to the projection hall to find out why...”

Chen Gong was listening so hard, the man suddenly stopped going back and said: "What did the father find? ”

“The child's father disappeared, and surveillance showed that he never came out after entering the screening room alone late at night. ”

“How is it possible to disappear with a man alive? You didn't make this up, did you?” Chen Gong stood up: “Where's the projection hall? I want to go check it out. ”

When he heard Chen Song, the man's mouth fluttered slightly. His intention was to make Chen Song difficult to understand, but who knew that after hearing his horror story, he seemed to become more interested.

“No, absolutely not! ”

“If you don't want to lead the way, I'll go myself. This place is this big anyway.” Chen Guo was carrying his backpack, and he looked up and down at the man in front of him.

Regardless of whether the resort is abandoned or not, their leader should not have asked a blind person to stay alone to watch the door.

“I don't get it. What are you going to do there? Didn't you just say you were looking for your friend?” The man was a little impatient, and he wanted to stop Chan Gong.

“Yeah, I'm here to find my friend, and the last message he sent me before he disappeared was -- he was in Villa Yongling Hill.” Chen Gong took his attitude seriously and couldn't hear him at all.

“Your friend disappeared here?” The man was silent, he held his hands together and hesitated to make a decision again and again: "Well, I'll show you, if your friend isn't there, we'll leave right away. ”

“Thank you.” Chen Gong tried to help the man, but when he just touched each other, the man shook his hand like a frightened sparrow.

Nor did Chen Song expect such a big reaction: "Sorry, I was just trying to help you up. ”

“It's okay, I can do it myself.” The man stood up in the dark, closing his eyes, but as if he could see everything around him, avoided obstacles and walked out of the room with the blind stick behind the door.

Chen Gong followed him, and the two walked back and forth in those strange buildings.

“The people who designed these buildings probably didn't consider the rational use of the land area, did they? ”

“What do you know? It's all art. ”

“I don't understand. Can you explain it to me? ”

The man was not in the mood to chat with Chen Song, and left in a hurry. He was familiar with all the grass here, and walked much faster than Chen Song had imagined.

After a few minutes, they stopped in front of a completely enclosed second floor small building.

“This is the projection hall, the door is locked and I don't have a key, but there is a small window on the second floor where you can look outside. ”

“Okay, thanks, I'll just take a look.” Chen Gong walked to the door with his backpack, and he looked back and found the man still standing where he was: “Are you all right? Do you want me to take you back? ”

“No need.” Something bad always happens to a man. He stood still for a while before turning around, but before he took any steps, he heard a loud noise coming from behind him!


The tranquillity of the night was broken, and the sudden sound almost broke the man's eardrum. He was frightened and even threw away the guide cane in his hand.

“What's going on? What's going on?” The man panicked when his hands wandered in the dark.

At this point, a warm hand held his arm.

“There are others at your resort!” Chen Gong gently held the man, his voice was reassuring.

“Impossible! Absolutely not!” The man struggled to retreat, he panicked, his body trembled, his blind wand fell aside and his lips were purple.

“How do you know there can't be anyone else if you can't see?” The clouds covered the moon. Chen Song held the man in one hand and dragged the horrible broken skull hammer in the other. He stood beside the man and stared at each other's closed eyes.

This scene is very scary, both from the viewer's point and from the party's point of view.

“It would be even worse if there were someone else! In the middle of the night, it's probably back!” A man wants to leave, only by his expression and tone, and Chen Song can't tell if the other person is lying.

“Don't worry, calm down.” Chen Gong looked at his cell phone and gave him only half an hour to prepare for the trial. If he put the man back, there would probably be other accidents: “The two of us better stay together and take care of each other. ”

Chen Gong picked up the guide wand and gave it back to the man. He held each other back and the two entered the screening hall together.

Compared to the slightly dilapidated buildings outside, the screening hall was surprisingly clean, as if someone came to clean it every day.

Chen Guo reached out and touched the equipment on the projection stage, it was spotless, it could clean the entire projection hall so clean, surely not a blind person could do it.

Staring at the man's eyes that had never been opened, Chan Song squeezed the broken hammer in his hand.

“Now that we're inside the projection hall, do you know how these instruments work? ”