My House of Horrors

Chapter 727: Escaping with a Reproduction Confidential Room? (Second more)

“Is there a problem?” Chen Guo took out $200 and put it on the ticket counter.

The ticket clerk stood still and quickly replied: "It's okay, I just feel a little familiar with the name, very much like a friend of mine. ”

“Really?” Chen Sing smiled slightly and didn't care.

The movement of the staff was considerably accelerated and all formalities were completed in seconds.

Nightmare Academy tickets are interesting, a letter of admission with the name of Chen Song on it.

“Please queue up in the waiting area with your ID and notice, and the tour will be ready for five or more visitors.” After completing the formalities for Chant, the staff member appeared not to be feeling well and left with his stomach covered.

Chen Gong walked behind the other two tourists with his bag and felt at ease as if he had returned to his own home.

“Dude, did you come alone?” The front door was lined up as a couple, holding hands together, looking nervous.

“Well, relax. It's all right. Come in and see. ”

“You are a real cowhide, dare to come here alone, this place is very scary, I just talked to my girlfriend, if there are too few people going in together, we just give up.” Men are over a meter and seven tall, dressed in black, wearing a wide frame of glasses, and people look good.

“If you give up, will that ticket be wasted?” Chen Song is somewhat incomprehensible.

“It's better than being scared to cry and running out on your own!” The man thinks Chen's brain circuit is very clear: “My colleague has played in this haunted house before, it's very scary, the two of us must walk together later. ”

“Okay.” Chen Gong himself owns a haunted house. Of course, he won't be a light-hearted enemy. Nightmare Academy can do such a big thing, he must have the ability to push the bottom of the box.

The man seemed to have very little guts. He kept telling his girlfriend how scary this haunted house was. His girlfriend also cooperated very well. His face was frightened white just to listen to the man.

Another minute or so later, a woman in her twenties and three students entered the door.

They didn't even know each other. The three students were chattering and seemed very excited. One of them seemed to have played in the haunted house, but he was scared to give up half the time.

The new female tourist dressed very ordinary, nothing distinctive, belongs to the type that can't be recognized in the crowd, she doesn't really like to talk, she stands alone in the corner.

“Enough is enough, all tourists come with me.” The staff member who was just uncomfortable walked out of the staff aisle with a shabby red bag and a few blue storage boxes: “Please do not use your phone when entering the haunted house, we will provide you with lighting, never chase or touch the actor, and of course the actor will not touch you. ”

The staff repeated the rules to be followed when visitors entered the haunted house, then reached into the bag and took a small flashlight out of it: "Please line up with me to pick up the lighting. ”

When a man and a woman walked in front of him, the staff sent the lighting directly to each other, but when Chen Song passed, the staff reached out and stopped him: "Sir, can you leave your backpack with us for a while and we will return it after the haunted house tour? ”

Chen Guo shook his head, his backpack had only four red clothes, and handed them over to others. In case of an accident, the whole building was expected to be buried.

“Sorry, we also follow the rules and hope you will cooperate.” Strong staff attitude.

“Are you worried about the contraband in my backpack? It's okay, I can open it for you guys.” Compared to the staff at Nightmare College, Chen Song is a lot more rational.

He opened the backpack in front of the crowd: "I've seen your cues. You're not allowed to bring flammable explosives, knives, video facilities. I don't have what you're saying in my bag. ”

Everyone in the room looked at Chen Song's backpack, and their faces slowly turned strange.

“What is all this? ”

Big red heels and cute cartoon puppets can also be understood as a personal hobby, what about the repeater? Learn English?

The point is, you visit a haunted house. Why are you bringing all this stuff to visit a haunted house?

The surrounding tourists looked at Chen Song strangely and the staff was also full of questions.

“You do not carry hazardous materials, but..." The staff picked up the repeater and he suspected that the repeater contained pinhole cameras and other things.

The staff pressed the switch and the tape rotated inside, making a noise of sand.

It seems like it's really just a common replicator...

“What do you mean? Come to your haunted house. Can't you bring a repeater? I've never been in another haunted house before!” Chen Gong argued.

“Critically, they didn't expect anyone to show this to the haunted house.” The staff hesitated for a moment to put the repeater in the backpack and he looked over at the other items.

In the backpack compartment, staff also found a hand-painted horror cartoon and a ballpoint pen wrapped in tape.

“You're still a painter? ”

“Doesn't it?” Chen Gong didn't admit it, he didn't deny it, he just looked at each other quietly.

The staff didn't know how to answer either. He put everything away for Chan Song and returned the backpack to Chan Song: "Grab your school notice and flashlight and go inside. ”

He grabbed it in his backpack for half a day and finally took out a red flashlight and handed it to Chen Gong.

This flashlight has the same shape as other flashlights, but only Chen Gong's flashlight case is red and everyone else's flashlight is green.

Through the safety doors, several visitors entered the elevator in turn.

“Ten seconds from now, your nightmare journey will officially begin, and if you can't keep on trying to give up, you just have to cry out to the monitor for help.” The staff member walked the tourist into the elevator and pointed to the notice of admission in the hands of the crowd, with a strange smile on his face: "You have a small number of visitors this time, and to balance the difficulty, I'll give you one more hint - think about what the nightmare is. ”

The staff presses the elevator switch and the elevator closes and starts to rise.

“Choi Ming, you've played before, you know what's hidden in this admission notice?” One of the students asked about the other child next to him.

“Don't look, just keep your eyes on your feet after you go in.” Choi Ming also looks like he's only eighteen years old, very shy.

“Is it that scary?” Another kid doesn't believe it, wants to rip the school notice open, he just halves and the lights in the elevator suddenly go out!

The darkness suddenly descended, and several screams instantly sounded in the elevator, followed by a gleaming green light from around the elevator.