My House of Horrors

Chapter 973: I'll Take Your Name

“Well, I know. ”

Chen Guo is very grateful to the police in Yangtze River. The police do not necessarily represent 100% justice, but Chen Guo knows that Li Zheng and Yan team are all doing their best to uphold justice. They also helped Chen Guo a lot.

“Say yes, next time.” Li Zheng shook his head helplessly. He was sincerely persuading Chen Song. Compared to having family support and the help of colleagues, Chen Song had only one person.

“Forget it, Django, how did you find the body? ”

“According to you, it's actually very good to check that the house on the twelfth floor is uninhabited, but the monthly electricity bill is very high, and we locked it directly here, and the result of opening the door was that the body was found in the freezer. ”

“Did the prisoner catch it? ”

“The suspect is supposed to be the head of the household, and the deceased is his anorexic girlfriend, and we have received information that someone has already been sent to apprehend him tonight without surprise.” The Jiang police are extremely efficient in their handling of cases, which in some ways has something to do with Chen Song.

“Well, I can give her an account. ”

“Explain? ”

“Can I come in and take a look? This is not supposed to be the scene of the first case, and there is no possibility of destroying evidence.” Chen Gong entered the house with Li Zheng's consent. The room was not big, and the last time the girl lived was here.

Through the living room, Chan Song enters the kitchen and sees a side by side freezer and refrigerator.

He remembered what the girl had said to him that night, and there was something wrong with him: "Whoever harms you will soon be punished by the law, and he will not escape. ”

Chen Guo just finished this sentence and suddenly there was a very gentle knock in the house.

Li Zhengzhengxian consciously looked behind him, and Chen Gong was the first to look at the freezer because he had the gift of ghost ears.

Open the cabinet door and Chan Song sees a skinny girl curling in the shadow of the freezer, holding her shoulders with her hands, her head gently raised, her pale face filled with tears.

The sun shined on her face and her body became illusory, but she didn't care, seemingly trying to bathe herself in the light for the last time.

“Don't cry, you deserve a better life. ”

Chen Guo reached into the freezer and tried to help her wipe away tears, but he didn't touch anything.

The sun shines among them like a ditch that will never be crossed.

“It's okay, I'll take you home. ”

Before the girl disappeared, Chen Gong took out the comic book and included her in it.

Looking at the empty freezer, Chen Gong stayed for a while.

“What are you looking at? The bodies were found here, but they were removed.” Li Zheng walked over.

“Nothing.” Chen Guo raised his backpack and waved to Li Zheng: “If it's all right, I'll go first. ”

“Do you think I called you here to talk to you? Now, you tell me exactly what you did last night! Finish the transcript, no questions asked, then go back and wait for the next call! ”


Chen Gong has returned to New Century Paradise in the afternoon, running continuously between the eastern and western suburbs, plus he has not slept all night, he is now very tired and his body is a little overwhelmed.

“I'm still comfortable in my own haunted house. ”

Lying in the staff lounge, Chen Gong fell asleep without knowing.

Nobody bothered me. When Chan opened his eyes again, it was already dark outside.

"It's 8: 00? Be sure to set the alarm next time.” Chen Gong lifted the blanket over himself and glanced at the door. The house was quiet and the staff seemed to be off duty.

He put the white cat lying on his back aside and found a note on the table, reading that the handwriting was left by Xu Wan —— hygiene we've cleaned, rest well, remember to eat.

Drop the note, Chen Gong walked out of the staff lounge with his backpack and turned every scene over.

Once he was sure that there was no problem, he went to the prop room and found a photograph taken during the day through a turntable in a crate at the corner of the wall.

This is a very ordinary photo with no bad smell attached to it.

On the back of the photograph is a date December 21, and on the front of the photograph is a teenage boy in white, long sleeves, blurred face, unable to see clearly his face, but the overall feeling is very clean and sunny.

“How can I find it? Not even an address?” Chen Song remembered the date and then stared at the photo.

“Light fountain? This place looks like a downtown park!” There was no other clue, Chen Guo decided to go to the city first to take a look.

Ever since he got his black phone, he's rarely been to the city, where he's been remotely.

The contents of the backpack had not yet been removed. Chen Guo collected the photos and ran out of the horror house with the backpack.

A taxi arrived downtown, and Chen Guo remembered that the park had been enclosed by a fence, as if it was under construction, leaving only one trail behind.

“Dude, why is this park surrounded? Can we go in now?” Chen Gong found a big brother with a helmet by the fence.

“What are you doing in there? The park is about to be demolished. Didn't you see the decades-old trees removed?” Brother Worker looks very talkative.

“To be torn apart?” Chen Gong was found here through the photograph. If the park is demolished and the scenery in the photograph is no longer present, his last clue will be broken.

“I heard they were going to build a supermarket, and I don't know what happened.” Brother Worker put his hand on Chen Guo: “We're working inside, you'd better not go in there. ”

“A friend of mine left me a picture of the park, and he's not feeling well lately, and he wants me to go to the park and take some more pictures for him.” Chen Gong goes towards that empty path: “I'll be right out. ”

The park was full of pits, the floor tiles were turned open, valuable ancient trees were dug up and weeds were left in the garden.

Chen Gong took the photo and walked through the park with his childhood impression.

He's been to the park before, but not often because he's too far from the western suburbs.

Turning around, he spared a big circle, and Chan Song finally found the place in the picture.

However, there was no more water in the fountain, and the lamps arranged around it were removed, leaving only a rusty iron shelf.

Weeds grew out of the brick crevices, and the shops that bought ice cream and marshmallows disappeared in the photo, looking at them, and the only thing that was identical to the picture was the bench by the fountain.

“It is indeed the same place. ”

Chen Gong walked by the fountain, looked around, and finally sat on the park bench: “How can I find this? ”

He stared at the photograph in his hand, and suddenly there was a woman's voice in his ear.

“Excuse me, do you know the squid? ”

Chen Song turned his head and found himself standing behind a very quiet woman.

The woman was about the same age as Chen Song, her skin was white, her cheeks, neck, arms were all tattooed, and only two words were tattooed - squarefish.