My House of Horrors

Chapter 1083 Tomb Tower (4000)

Chen Ge looked into the room along the crack of the door, even if he had a pupil, he still couldn't see clearly.

Listening upright, there is no sound in the room, and the whole building is quiet and scary.

"It feels weird."

There are bowls of rice in the deserted residential building, and anyone who looks at it will feel uncomfortable.

"This building doesn't seem to be prepared for living people." Chen Ge retracted his gaze, he was knowledgeable and speculated based on his existing experience.

"It's not for the living, can it still be prepared for the dead?" Xiao Sun clutched his waist, he leaned between Wen Qing and Chen Ge, and looked in other directions from time to time, as if there would be drilling there at any time. What horrible things come out.

"If there is a yang house, there will be a yin house. It's no surprise to prepare a place for the dead." Chen Ge looked at Wen Qing: "We are in Jiuhong Community now. What do you think is the difference between Jiuhong Community and Jinhua Community?"

"It's no different. Jinhua Community was built a few years later than Jiuhong Community, that's all." Wen Qing recalled.

"If you think about it, don't miss anything." The problem in Jiuhong Community is obviously larger than that in Jinhua Community. Although Jinhua Community is dangerous, there are still people. The residential buildings in Jiuhong Community are basically silent.

"Jiuhong Community is the first community built in the old city. The house has been old for a long time, and the house itself often has problems. Now there are almost no tenants, and I rarely take people over to see the house."

"The house itself often has problems?"

"Water leaks, poor lighting, noise, etc."

"There are not many tenants, why is there noise?" Chen Ge asked Wen Qing dumbly.

"This... our company is not very clear either. At that time, the boss checked in and did not find the source of the noise, and the matter was gone."

"Your company is really bold enough. I wonder if you even do business with dead people?" Chen Ge has been to the real Jiuhong community. Even in the daytime, the place is gloomy.

"Don't be kidding me, we are a serious intermediary company." Wen Qing's face was pale, and she seemed to remember something suddenly: "The first batch of household heads in Jiuhong Community have all moved away, and the company is not clear about the specifics. For some reason, many of them left without saying goodbye. We couldn't contact them at all. Therefore, most of the houses in Jiuhong Community are vacant so far, and the few tenants are related to this."

"Have the heads of households who moved out never come back?"

"No, many of them left overnight and didn't even bring the furniture in the house."

"Do you think they are moving?" Chen Ge was quite speechless.

"Once these weird things are publicized, who would dare to rent their house? At least I would never!" Xiao Sun clutched his waist, he was one of the victims.

"Now I am a little interested in the boss of your agency. What kind of talent would dare to take over the Jinhua and Jiuhong communities? I remember your company name is Jiuhong Intermediary. Does he have anything to do with Jiuhong Community? Relationship?" Chen Ge wanted to ask clearly, and then began to explore.

"Our boss is very powerful. His surname is Jiang and he has a lot of industries, not only in Hanjiang, but also in Xinhai. Jiuhong Intermediary Company was founded long ago and is completely in a state of stocking. Unless the company is about to last, he will Make a fortune." In Wen Qing's mouth, their boss is a very powerful person.

"Intermediary Jiuhong has been losing money, why does he have to maintain this broken place? Does he know any secrets?" Chen Ge looked at Wen Qing: "What is your boss's name?"

"Jiang Jiu, he is also one of the major shareholders of Dongjiao Virtual Future Park, and has cooperation with many companies."

"Jiang Jiu?!" Chen Ge understood this name. The so-called Jiuhong Intermediary Company was a conspiracy between Jiang Jiu and Mingtai. In the past ten years, they estimated that they had been screening tenants and treating Some tenants are arranged in fixed rooms.

Thinking about it this way, maybe the boss of Jinhua Company is also related to Pluto. The landlord gradually became sick under Plut’s bewitching.

"Boss Jiang is very nice. He let me work here at the beginning and helped me solve my residence so that I can have my own home." Wen Qing had a good impression of Jiang Jiu, but she didn't understand everything in her life. As a gift, the price has already been secretly bid.

All the lines are connected in series, and Jiuhong Community is prepared for Xiang Nuan. This place should be used to train the most suitable child to become a concubine.

"Does that old fox build a virtual future park in Hanjiang also mean the birth of a ghost? Or that he knew some secrets through the birth of a ghost, so he wanted to build a paradise in Hanjiang?" Chen Ge has already named Jiang Jiu Remembering in his heart, he didn’t mean to do anything to Jiang Jiu, he just wanted to wait to leave this door to be friends with Jiang Jiu: “Since the other party can cooperate with Haunting, then he also cooperates with me. Maybe. Anyway, I have to fight for it and listen to his thoughts."

After clarifying these things, Chen Ge had a new understanding of the neighborhood in front of him, and Xiang Nuan was different from the other children, at least in Mingtai's mind.

"We've stayed here long enough, let's get ready to go upstairs."

The corridor is not equipped with door locks, but the black fog outside cannot diffuse in. It seems that every building is protected by some special force.

"There must be the remains of rag dolls here too."

Chen Ge led Wen Qing and Xiaosun to the second floor. This floor looked even more dilapidated. There were scattered paper money on the ground, and a white inverted blessing was posted on the corner of the corridor.

"It's not like every family is doing funerals. Why is there a bowl of white rice at the door of every house? Who is this rice for?"

The chopsticks are inserted in the center of the rice, not slanted or slanted, and it is hard to tell whether it is for people inside or outside.

Compared with the first floor, there is not much difference between the second floor and the first floor except that there is an extra blessing in the corridor. Even the scratches on the door of the room are almost the same.

To be cautious, Chen Ge still pushed the door one by one.

The doors of Jiuhong Community are all wooden doors, and some locks have been loosened, and the gap between the door panel and the door frame is very large.

From left to right, the numbers on the second floor are 201 to 204, respectively.

Chen Ge didn't feel anything when he pushed the door of room 201, but when he pushed the door of room 203, he noticed something was wrong.

When he pushed the door hard, the door panel did not move. When he stopped pushing hard for a period of time, the door panel would vibrate slightly.

It's like when he pushed the door, someone inside the door was pushing hard against the door. After he left, the person inside the door slowly let go of his strength.

Taking the Skull Smasher out of his backpack, Chen Ge touched the door handle of Room 204.

This door is very old. The surface of the door is full of children's mud fingerprints and inconspicuous scratches. There is also a two-centimeter gap between the door panel and the ground. The whole door is very loose and it seems difficult to close tightly.

"Don't come here, you two, be optimistic about the corridor, don't let people cut off our back."

After Chen Ge finished speaking, he slowly walked to the door panel. He stretched out his hand to push the bowl on the ground to the side. Halfway through the push, he slammed on the ground and looked inside along the gap under the door panel!

The white eyes flashed by, and the black hair disappeared from under the door.

"Someone!" Chen Ge wasn't sure if it was a tenant in the building, and his perception told him that what he saw just now was not a person, or even something woven from memory.

"Brother, don't you be surprised, okay?" Xiao Sun jumped up in shock, pulled the wound on his back, grinning in pain.

"Quiet, don't talk." Chen Ge stood up again, took out the comic book from his backpack and took a look at it, then slowly clenched the Skull Smasher.

The employees have not yet woken up, but "ghosts" have appeared in the building, and now it is his most annoying situation.

"Da da da……"

While Chen Ge was thinking, a strange noise came from the corridor, as if a child was running in the building, and the sound disappeared quickly.

"It should have come from the top floor. Should we go and take a look?" Xiao Sun was unwilling, but he still said it.

"Don't worry, take it step by step. If the roof is very dangerous, we have nowhere to escape." Chen Ge did not choose to leave. He grabbed the doorknob and shook it vigorously. After finding that he could not open the door, he aimed at the door. Kick the lock!


The door of the room opened, but the man lying under the crack of the door disappeared.

"No offense, please forgive me." Chen Ge slowly entered the room with the Skull Smasher, "Be careful not to touch the bowl of rice next to it."

This is the first time Chen Ge has entered the room in Jiuhong Community. The building area is much smaller than that in Jinhua Community. The house is also extremely dilapidated and does not look like a human being.

"Chen Ge, look at this." Wen Qing pointed to the wall calendar behind the door, with crosses drawn in red pen on it, looking very hideous: "There are no years on the wall calendar, and most of it is missing, but there are a few days. There are words written on it..."

There was no light in the room. Wen Qing held her mobile phone to illuminate. When she put her face on the calendar, she suddenly screamed.

"what happened?"

"Yes, with hair." Wen Qing's phone fell to the ground, and the light shone on the faces of Chen Ge and Xiao Sun, turning their faces pale.

"I'm sorry." Wen Qing apologized, and quickly picked up the phone, but she didn't know why, the scene just now appeared in her mind. Chen Ge and Xiao Sun turned pale, staring at her standing at the door. : "They seem to be the same kind of people..."

Xiaosun didn't pay attention to walking around in the house, but Chen Ge heard what Wen Qing said just now. He looked at Wen Qing's trembling shoulders and did not pass.

"Be careful not to be too far away from me. The three of us must make sure to appear in each other's sight at the same time." After Chen Ge finished speaking, he began to look for clues in the living room. Xiao Sun entered the kitchen, while Wen Qing held on to the wall slowly. Slowly approached the bedroom.

The wooden bed was covered with moldy bedding, which seemed to be bulging.

The bed was leaning against the wall, and white mosquito nets hung on the corners.

"I also have a mosquito net at home. When Xiang Nuan saw the mosquito net for the first time, she refused to go in, crying and making noise." Thinking of Xiang Nuan, Wen Qing's heart slowly calmed down, she entered the bedroom and opened the closet next to it. .

There were a few bad-eaten clothes hanging in the shabby cabinet.

"I have never seen such a dress. Is it a cheongsam?" She reached into the closet, trying to take one off and take a look.

Touching the clothes with her fingertips, Wen Qing was about to take it out forcefully, suddenly five fingers stretched out from somewhere in the wardrobe and grabbed her hand!

Her face instantly turned pale, and Wen Qing didn't even have time to scream, and that hand was gone.

"Chen..." Wen Qing wanted to speak, but she suddenly realized that she couldn't speak. She looked down slowly and found a pair of pale hands pinching her neck.

There was a strange noise in the closet just a few centimeters away from Wen Qing, the clothes hanging together were slowly squeezed away, black hair seeped out from the gaps in the clothes, and then a pale face slowly squeezed the clothes away. Keep getting closer.

Unable to speak, Wen Qing's body was slowly pulled towards the closet by those hands. Wen Qing saw her horrified and distorted face in her white eyes.


Just when she was about to be dragged into the closet, the door of the cabinet was suddenly closed.

Opening her eyes, Wen Qing was shocked and she realized that she was just standing in front of the closet, holding the door with her hands.

"Are you okay?" Chen Ge dragged the Skull Smasher into the bedroom.

"It's okay." Wen Qing shook her head. She wasn't sure if what she had just seen was an illusion or a real thing. Since entering the black mist, she felt that something was wrong with her body, such as those human heads in the black mist. , As if only you can see it.

"It doesn't seem like you are all right like this." Chen Ge pressed Wen Qing's shoulders: "Don't hide anything, tell me everything you know."

Many horror movies have similar sections. Some people feel that something is not right, but when asked, he does not say that there is a big hidden danger. Chen Ge will never let this happen to him.

Therefore, once an abnormality is discovered, he must dig into it.

With Chen Ge's insistence, Wen Qing finally told the truth: "I just opened the closet in a trance, and there is a pale face hidden in it. His eyes are all white, and he is squeezing out the clothes a little bit. My hand caught my neck, I couldn't call for help."

"There are only whites in your eyes?" Chen Ge nodded.

"Do you have any clues?"

"No, I just think his scary way is worth learning." Chen Ge looked at the closet next to him: "Let's call him the cabinet ghost first. Is it still in this cabinet?"


"What did you do just now?"

"As soon as I opened the door and put my hand in the middle of the clothes, it appeared."

Before Wen Qing finished her words, she saw Chen Ge open the closet and put his hand among the clothes.

"Like this?"


"But why hasn't it come out yet?" Chen Ge fiddled with the clothes in the closet. He didn't wait for the cabinet ghost, but instead found something in the pockets of the torn clothes.

He found several torn sheets, which were covered with blood.