Three hours later. Arriving in the Garant-owned woods, we decided to have lunch by the lake. It is comfortable in the woods and the aromas, including the scents of trees and soil, calm the feelings. The surface of the lake sparkled like a mirror in the sun.

"Oh, my God. There it is..."

"It would be dangerous if we were that close. Noah."

Noah was happy to be away for the first time in a long time. I felt healed too when I saw Noah smile. After the meal, Noah said, "Oh, you and I are alone, I want to give you a kiss," so the samurai and the escorts kept an eye on me from a place that distracted me.

"Oh, good feeling. Long time no see in the woods. I've never been here with Noah before."

"Oh, you've been here all day?

"No. I've never been here with your father. There's a forest behind my parents' house. I used to play there when I was a kid."

"Heh. What kind of yawn were you having?

"Right. I enjoyed playing hide-and-seek with your friends, chasing after you, building secret bases."


Noah's eyes shine. Boys seem to be attracted to those things. When I was a kid, I remembered unexpectedly about a boy I used to play with. Daffodil flowery bright yellow hair with caramelized eyes. Even though Noah and I couldn't find anything in common, the glitter and curiosity showed to him.

My father owns a lot of land. It harvests trees in its forests and produces wood. More than half of the country could say that life is moist with trees out of my father's territory. Of course the palace, starting with the houses inhabited by the nobles and the people, the furniture is also used of the lumber that came out of my parents' house.

Some high-ranking nobles in the Wang capital seem to be jealous and scornful of the matter as the "Lumber Baron," but my father didn't care.

Like the nobles of the Wang capital, I didn't really think well in my parents' house to let the people work with heavy taxes just to moisturize their lives. I have wanted to take care of my inhabitants and make them a little more liveable than squeezing taxes out of them. For this reason, there is not a single starving inhabitant in my parents' territory.

Worked for the inhabitants and created several places to relax for them. The woods in the attic were one of them, and our brothers used to play there. That's where I met Fee. When I was five, he was three years older.

Fee was quite lumpy, smart and I quickly liked it. When we first met and got along, "Come back tomorrow," he said, to the point of inviting you. It's like I enjoyed seeing him every day and walked into the woods.

The guy was a play genius. It created a variety of play tools. Rope between the trees and like a rope ladder, using a chopped tree to make a blanco, his ideas were endless. My brothers were also taking off their hats when they even built the treehouse, saying "it's a secret base".

It was a plaything he came up with, playing with everyone until the sun went down. I want Noah to have that experience too. And I just thought of Anton's face.

Anton is a serious man.

He's the kind of man who imposes on himself a way of life that exemplifies nobility. If I told him that I wanted to do what I was thinking right now, that I wanted Noah to experience it, I think he would disagree a lot.

If you noticed, Noah was pulling my hand hard.