Just then, a man in His Majesty's office was being summoned. The man knelt without courtesy as he praised the Lord's call. The man was active in the dark part while serving under General Garrant. It is also known as the General's right arm.

"Your Majesty, you have asked me to come."

"Are you finally back? Windmill."

"You're a rough person. I've been trying to relax and digest my first vacation in a long time."

The man did not take a humble attitude in front of a man of a country. In contrast, the king did not even show any indiscretion to blame. Because men were relatives and intimate friends to kings.

"Well, don't say that. I still think this is bad. How was the troil movement in your country?

"You're calm on the surface, but you still have the mess of civil strife. Those who followed us heard that the general had been killed, but there are still some remnants who can't give up."

"You're in trouble, too. What do you say we get ready around here and take over after the general?

"You must be joking. Doesn't the general have a successor? I don't want an extra fight."

"Will you succeed me? That's a good looking, uncomfortable, narrow-minded man."

"Will you say it?"

A man looks at His Majesty still. There was an eye there to blame for not telling you. His Majesty honestly apologized.

"I'm sorry. It was up then."

"I guess so. Seems to have made a woman in love so much that she wanted to share that happiness with her sister."

"I'm saying it was bad. How long are you gonna keep telling me that story?

The man looked at His Majesty as if he were frightened.

"There seems to be a bug that doesn't need a successor. Did you know? Poor thing your wife doesn't know about it."

"... what? To that sturdy Anton? That's not a report."

"Worms can gush everywhere. If it's beautiful, it's better."

The man distorted his mouth laughably.