"We hear she was accompanied by Yurika from your home?

"Yeah, I brought him from my parents' house when I came to marry him"

"She seemed strangely close to Anton, and she didn't think very well. Yurika didn't show up at Baker's night club last month, did she? Noah was absent because she had a cold or something..."

"Is this your night club, Baker? Was there? I didn't hear that."

Baker is a baron whose son belongs to the Kingsguard, formerly a merchant, with a spinning factory, a family that has been made up of dressmakers. Anton personally with that Mr. Baker, as well as his deputy, Zaire, were interactive and even invited to the night club.

I didn't hear there was a night club at the Baker's. I don't know what you mean. Nancy said it like it was hard to say.

"At the night club, Master Anton took her as his partner."


"Besides, the dress she was wearing was from Baker's new western courtroom, and it got the attention of the guests she was inviting. I thought she was just being asked to model because the customers she was invited to were merchants from other countries with whom Baker was dealing."

Nancy was in with her husband Zaire, so she went to say hello to Anton and asked him about me. In contrast, Anton said that Noah caught a cold, so I was nursing and couldn't participate, and instead I joined Anna as a partner, which seemed to explain to my Kingsguard friends and facial acquaintances.

"She was already a brilliant woman. I put my arms around Anton in public and call him Anton."

I forgive you, Anton. You're Anton. And, Nancy was frowning uncomfortably in remembrance.

"I can't believe you brought a samurai to dress up in a place like that while you have a wife named Yurika. Isn't that like a mistress?

Excuse me, Yurika. And Nancy was as outraged as she was about herself. Besides, the party, I was listening like some other HR. My heart was pounding.

I was shocked when I found out about Anton's betrayal, but until then, I only had a frightened feeling that the thought of relying on him was due to the mist.

"I guess so. If you act like that, you can't help but think about what kind of misunderstanding it would cause you."

"That's right. Yurika, if Anton is well, don't take revenge."

"What kind of payback would you like?

Nancy put a prank grin on her face. It's been kind of fun.

"Right. Why don't you try some expensive shopping? A gem that's expensive enough for your eyes to pop out, or a bag or something?

"That sounds fun. An operation to get my husband to work without a break until the repayment is complete, right?

"I would love not to. Yurika, it would be nice to punish Anton."

Nancy is a compassionate man. She must have cared about me because she didn't know the truth about Anton.

I'm starting to feel sorry for Anton if I don't do something, pretending to be on her mind. If I'm going to do it anyway, I want to make him say goodbye. I'd like to know how you came up with this before.