The next day. Anna visited the room looking frustrated.

"Yurika. What do you mean?

"What could it be?

I can't think of a reason why she's angry. Anna and I hadn't even looked at each other for a while, so suddenly, she came to see me and said, "Isn't that terrible?" and when I saw her face, I was stuck with it. I was disturbed.

"Anton told me to get out of here. You said something, right?

"Me? I didn't say anything. Are you in love with him? Aren't you the one who knows best about the woman that he dumped?

"Then why is Anton suddenly telling me to leave?

Did Anna tell you to leave for Anton? It's her first ear, but she decided it was because of what I could say to Anton. Complete wet clothes. I hope you don't involve me in the inner rub.

"I don't know. Ask that guy. Didn't you just swing by that guy, too? Doesn't that mean he didn't love you as much as you think?

"That shouldn't be..."

"Can you say there isn't? You may have been in the same position as me. You must be tired of that guy. I'm sorry."

Anna falls off her knees at my point. What is this? Negro's about to come, so I was hoping you'd leave. Still sitting there?

My tone is getting tighter too. I don't have a choice. Anna broke my family originally, and you don't have to be nice, do you?

"Anton, you don't know anyone in this country. I'm the only one who can count on you."

"I know I might have been when I first got here, but I seem to show my face in the palace all the time, so maybe I could get close to you with the powerful?

Then maybe I cut you loose. And when I said it, my face was blue. I used to admire Anna like a sister, but looking at her now never moved my heart a millimeter.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this," she muttered, ugly and unable to watch. I didn't see any of the samurai I was counting on there.

She doesn't seem to be accommodating in a weird place. She looks just like that guy. When I leak my sigh, Anna kicks in.

"After all, Yurika was dropping by with Anton, wasn't she? I know Anton visited your room last night. That's why you're trying to kick me out, isn't it?

"Aren't you a mismatch for that guy, too? I was in demand as a child care worker, but you don't think you're tired of being the only one with a purpose?

She's a pain in the ass. I felt sorry for myself wondering if I admired her like this. When Anna was at my side as a samurai, I felt reminded, even though I didn't like it, that she had only played the way I wanted.

When I said back to her to set the line between the thoughts, she said terrible things and grabbed my chest.