Then fortunately, Anton and I never looked at each other. I haven't seen it since, because I feel guilty about using me as a shield to protect myself. You seem to be lying about your obsession with me until now.

But I was satisfied. I couldn't help but feel nervous about my time with Anton. The absence of that opponent and his loss of appearance gave him a clear mood and an appetite.

It's great that it's not stressful. The meal Anton recommended seemed delicious, but I couldn't feel it was delicious from my heart because I didn't know when he was going to serve the medicine and I was distrustful.

Now you don't have to worry about your dangers thanks to having a trusted Dora beside you, and your appetite naturally springs up. Fee's nutritious meal to make is delicious, and I hope I don't have to see Anton forever like this. What a thought, Anton showed himself by the time the wound finally blocked and laughing stopped sounding on the wound.

It had been about two days since I could get up from my bedroom.

"Hey, Yurica. You're looking a lot better."

"Master Anton. What can I do for you?

"That's an unconvincing attitude. Well, fine. You look a lot better. [M] Don't let me see you on this one."

What's up, man? Keep people hurt. From him, there was no word of apology. Anton looked like nothing had happened. I take it for granted that it would be upsetting to see that. I think he could have done it if he loved him like that, or he was a dumb guy.

"Who do you want me to meet?

"It's His Majesty Liamos."

"... please don't"

"You don't have to worry about it. It's easy for you."

Once His Majesty Liamos of the Trojan Country had been told that he would come to this mansion with patience, but that day should have been refused because the day was bad. If he thought the story was a flowing one, he was just extending it.

"What do you want me to do when I get out?

"Your Majesty wants to see you. He was intrigued by his wife, who sheltered her husband, who was about to be attacked by his mistress."

"Please decline"


"Don't you see why? I don't want to see you."

"You don't get to see His Majesty Liamos very soon. This is a tragedy."

"Not to you, but not to me. Now what are you up to? Anton."

Looking at Anton, Anton glanced at him, but it instantly raised the corner of his mouth. I have a frigid grin on my face.

"Say what? Yurica."

"Are you going to use me as your shield this time?


As I twisted Anton, Dora, who was passing in the meal, called out in front of him.

"That husband. Your wife has just finally been able to get away from her bedroom. Your wife doesn't seem to be feeling well."

"Right. Sorry about that. Looks like I was in a hurry. We'll talk about this later."

Anton withdrew, thanks to Meer's praise that such a story should be made available again at a later date.

"What is it now? That guy."

I couldn't believe Anton's nerves. I'm not his wife, and I'm already out of touch. Now you're going to introduce me to Your Majesty and tell me what to do? Dora mentioned something that would incite anxiety.

"There's nothing like offering that man, Yurika, to His Majesty Liamos, is there?

"Stop it."

I felt like Anton might, and something cold ran on my spine.