Then a few days later. I was being taken up to the castle by Anton. His Majesty Liamos summoned them. I didn't really want to come, but I also didn't have the courage to say no to calls from the most powerful people in this country, reluctantly.

I was fortunate to be alone with Anton in the carriage at least. Dora is allowed to accompany her. But no samurai can follow her inside the palace, so she waits in the carriage.

"Take care," he said from the carriage about the palace, wanting to turn back when Dora called him. Though I couldn't act.

When did you become close to His Majesty?

"Come on?"

Entering the palace in Anton's escort, he asked. Nothing. I'm not close to His Majesty. I just exchanged words once. And yet Anton sees me with a surprise. Do you even think I've gotten along with His Majesty before I know it?

"As much as you visited me when you were away and we talked a little bit."

I'll tell you without misunderstanding. Something you are not willing to be close to apart from Your Majesty. Anton seemed to have some purpose and was definitely trying to summon His Majesty to that mansion. Looks like the guys were collecting on that day, too, so it's clear he was trying to do something about it.

Even though Anton was about to summon His Majesty to the Mansion, His Majesty did not respond because he was not just highly suspicious, but because the Fies were leaping in that shadow.

His Majesty has been delaying his contact because he was not feeling well or was able to run errands for Anton when he was due to arrive.

The Fies had a handout in this country and said they were sending their own handlers through their companions to the palace as well.

I don't know what Anton's purpose is. Does Fee have an idea? He hasn't shown up today, but he's already headed to the palace in Dora's story. That's what happened. Fee says he's been tasked with intelligence, so he's probably sneaking in.

When I was in Greece, His Majesty Riamos was heard to be a belligerent figure, so I always thought of him as a tough man thinking of attacking another country. But His Majesty, who I actually met, seemed so mediocre that I didn't think he was the king of this country. I didn't feel malicious. I was surprised by that.

Besides, you also seem to know that Anton is deceiving you that he is the son of Prince Wang. A call from His Majesty. I can't imagine what's going to happen and I tremble.

"What's up? Yurika, are you cold?


How do you realize that at a time like this? Someone who didn't even care at the beginning of the marriage. I think he was still better off when we met, although I don't feel like being nice to him by now.

Back then, he didn't treat me as a political marriage partner. As a newlywed couple, it would have been cooler. Still, we sandwiched Noah in between and kept a good distance, while acknowledging each other as colleagues in common life. There was nothing like fraternity without love.

That just seemed troublesome now. I'm officially divorced from him. Should be someone else in red. And yet how did this happen? If this was his rush down initially, I would have believed him enough to believe that it was a play, if he had told me that in lies, but now I don't expose myself to that feeling. As much as I wanted to doubt him every time he did something, my feelings of trust in him were fading.