My life starts with money

Chapter 475 Mission Reward, Brother's Fan Brand! (Subscribe)


[Spending amount: 57.53 million (RMB)]

[Number of harvested welfare: 20,000 people.

"Hey? Do you spend this money? 20,000 Welfare spree and eight thousand mobile phones, only 560 million ??? This is also too cheap, the old man fee is so big ...."

Li Xian is dissatisfied with the sentence, and his eyes is to the computer screen, there is a WD file above, which is this increasing bill.

From "items" to artificial, express, etc., written very detailed, more than 100,000 more than system statistics.

In this way, the system is obviously not calculated in addition to the spending of "welfare", but it is good to include the three thousand mobile phones in the last few days, otherwise spend less money.

Overall, this task is a successful completion, although there is not spent how much, but it has caused a lot of storm.

If you want, there will be many people to compete in the future, to distribute the "large" welfare, to achieve the purpose of attracting traffic.

This is not, Wang Speng's dog nose has smell the "meat flavor". After he talks with the sage, he intends to send a million welfare, try the water.

His Weibo pays more than 10 million. It was originally the leader in the second generation circle. However, the sage of Xian Ge's operation made fans more than 20 million, which made him inexplicably frustrated.

Xin Hard bitter has been hard for a few years, no second a month.

As we all know, Wang Speng went back to the country to go to the country's number of roads, saying that he is the first person in 2014, but in addition to some top fresh meat, no one is higher than his heat.

However, the title of this "Nethong" first person, I am afraid it is easy to.

Although, Wang Speng did not say anything, but it is estimated that there is 10,000 MMPs in the sages. I don't know if I am not talking about ....

(╯ `□ ') ╯ (┻┻┻

Laozi is a "net red" easy! !

If you are idle, you will go cool, don't specialize in the Laozi business!

Can you have money?

MD, Laozi is not bad!

Hey ... well, the principal of the king is probably ... may .... Should ... maybe ... it is very uncomfortable.

But there is no way, Dian Ge is not convinced!

For the words, the system shows the statistics, the corresponding rewards are also introduced into the eye.

Or the original formula, or the familiar taste, never let the sages are disappointed.

[Task Reward: Lottery +5, Random Masonry +1, Strength Exclusive Property Point +1, Agile Exclusive Attribute Point +1, Charm Exclusive Attribute Point +1, Fans Ticket +1, Limited Location Censions +1 (Location: Paris, France), welfare sales buy a single coupon +1, a star rare radon ring +1, a star rare character card +1.

"I will go, give so much reward, system atmosphere !!" Li Xian's number, there is ten rewards, one of which is the exchange coupon of Paris, just flying tomorrow, it will give it to give it.

Europe, London, Paris .... Three mysterious gifts waiting to open bags ......... really let him look forward to it.

All light flashed, all rewards entered the system warehouse.

Li Xian wanted, first plus attribute points, at the same time, the system has come to several prompts, and there are two coupons to take effect.

Li Xian wanted to switch to the warehouse interface, first plus attribute points, at the same time, the system has come to several prompts, there are two coupons to take effect.

[, Welfare spending tickets automatically take effect ...].

[The system will pay all the cost of the owner to pay the welfare task, and return the host with 10 times the amount!

[Congratulations to host 500 million RMB consumer, "has been transferred to your account, please pay attention to check.


White PIAO is cool, and it has been cool!

Seeing the mobile phone text message 5.7 small goals, Xian Ge silently filled a lot of happy water, although the surface is just slight excitement, expressing "respect", but the heart is still dark.

┓ ('∀`) ┏

Hey ~~ This money is getting more, and it is really a bit distressed! !

[, Fans the number of vouchers automatically take effect ...].

[Congratulations to host the title "Magic Pope", but the fans who have obtained the homework benefits will give this title title every day to provide 66 shocks for the host.

[Tip: The first batch of "Magic Patients" provides 6666 shocks for the host, congratulations to host 186648000 shock value!

Shocking value +6666!

Shocking value +6666!

Shocking value +66!

Shocking value +66!

Lying in the trough?

Lying in the trough!

Lying ... lying ....

Laozi still became a magic teacher? ! !

Li Xian was shocked, looked at a big wave 666 drifting, his mouth and his eyes were not pushing ...

To be honest, he compares the title of this magic teacher, but it has come here, it seems to have to accept reality, and then, next ..., I am afraid to actively develop the teaching people.

In order to shock the value, in order to reward ..... out!

A few minutes later, Li Xian took his cheeks and returned to the system interface. I don't have to host the teaching. Yes, the system uncle, the inner shocked reward, or a billion shock reward, can you send a prize? ""

Laozi is a teacher, how can I come to the next sunflower ... ah, Qiankun moved.


System : Want to eat? Wat the wrong film? !

Cut, no strength, brother did not ask for a space ....

The martial arts dream of Yan Ge, after the heart spit, switch to the character's property panel, the color value is still on 89 points, as if it is increased to 90 points, there is a loss of difficulties.

Character properties.

Host: Li Xian, male, 24 years old, height 188 (increased 4cm), weight 159 pounds (normal).

Level: lv5

Title: [Fast Gunner], [New Driver], [Haiwang], [Management Master]

Color value: 89.

Charm: 86. (+10)

Strength: 85. (+17)

Endurance: 86.

Agile: 85. (+8.5)

Lucky value: 10 + 3

Health: 82+ (3)

Passive skills: I want to think.

Skill card slots ....


After reading the property, organize the warehouse, Li Xian did not hurry to see other rewards, but get up and active, then go to the bedroom to clean up.

I have already booked an official jense, take off on time at noon tomorrow, I am afraid that there is not much time to prepare, I can't take a good battle tonight, I can get up at noon.

Going back to the bedroom, simple cleaning up the luggage, there is not much thing, but also two or three sets of clothes often wear clothes, what is the value of money, and will throw into the system insurance.

Not much time, the Xian Ge has just sorted half, and I feel that there is a soft "thing" to post back, and one of them is fragrant .....

Hey ~ The days of the old ox, it is really difficult!

. . . . . .

PS: Sorry, please rest assured, no TJ. Dad asked me in this situation every day, really annoying, older, single hurt.