Various forces continue to blend and derive many other forces, and the new gods who control these forces naturally follow the source of their power, so the four great gods have their own power.However, as the four great gods became stronger and stronger, their spheres of influence became wider and wider, the extremely yin god Moyin, who had a dark and low self-esteem by nature, was very dissatisfied and jealous, especially towards the brightest and most powerful god of light. Haotian was particularly dissatisfied.Without knowing when it started, the god of extreme Yin began to swallow the power of some weak gods, and combined with these powers to create countless gods who are not pure, but dominated by dark power, and have their own power, and He began to become enemies with the other four gods, and then continued to tempt the gods of the light clan to gradually degenerate into the dark clan.Therefore, the other four gods had to join hands to deal with the gods of extreme Yin. Since then, the universe has formed two camps of gods and demons respected by Haotian Moyin. Moyin is the founder of the demon clan and is called the Demon Sovereign by posterity, Haotian Then he became the leader of the Protoss, the emperor we respect."

"Hey! What about that Xihe? Why not have her? Shouldn't she be a pair with that magic sound? Isn't the two of them just complementary to each other? If they are not a pair, then the yin and yang are opposite. Should Yin's first opponent be Xihe? How could it be Haotian?" Baby Mo, who was hard-working and asked, asked a series of new questions.

Chun Nuan was full of embarrassment, this is really a common problem, but the difficulty is that although this is a legendary story, it is related to the founding great gods, and it is inevitable that there are cosmic mysteries in it.How could she be able to see through to a little girl, she had to say angrily: "Why didn’t these two gods, the two gods, the two gods, form a pair of slaves, but I don’t know why, but according to legend, the goddess Xihe and the goddess Yaluo later became Married to Haotian, the god of light. This magic sound is also extremely powerful. The four great gods worked together to resist but still fell short, but thanks to the help of the goddess of the sun, the balance between the gods and the monsters was basically maintained. ."

"It looks like this magic sound is really powerful! Alas! I didn't expect this vulgar polygamy to be the beginning of this heavenly emperor! Really..."

"Girls, don't talk nonsense! Be careful to break your blessing!" Chunnuan hurriedly stopped when Jun Riyue uttered insults, fearing that he would be implicated by a passing god, and still muttering something. : Tong Yan Wuji... It's strange, she looks like a god, and she keeps complaining in my heart that this girl is courageous!I dare to say anything nonsense, can this offend the gods be said?In fact, she doesn’t know how courageous this monarch is. She has been influenced by modern education for a long time. Although she has experienced such miraculous things as traveling through time and space, she still believes in science and loves science from the bottom of her heart, especially respect. The monogamy of equality between men and women is a spit on the polygamy that only exists in the evil old society!Just for this, in the long days to come, Jun Riyue will never wait to see the supreme emperor of heaven and earth.

This is also a later story. Besides, this monarch is shocked and babbled when he sees the warmth of the sun and the moon. He doesn't agree with it, but thinks she is strange and funny, but she looks like a superstitious old lady at a young age, but she can't sneer. .

Chunnuan was really frightened, and said, "Miss Mo must be tired after a busy day! It should be a good rest!" He hurriedly recruited people to fetch water and hand over towels, and quickly cleaned Jun Riyue. They all retired.