My little mom is the richest man

Chapter 1267 The Strongest

Only those with superior ability and high moral character can possess them. Later, the seven saints all became immortals, and when they emerged, they left the seven saint jade pendants in the mortal world.And these seven jade pendants have been blessed by the spiritual power of Nuwa, and they are contaminated with the celestial aura of the seven immortals, so they have spirituality. They will find themselves who can match the jade pendant to become their masters, and those who have received the jade pendant will also take over as the saint. The name.As for the'King of Fa', they are the four recognized experts of Xuelang Fajia with the strongest ability."

"Cheng Xian?! Really?" Jun Riyue sighed, still unable to accept this superstition.

"Of course it is true! In Haoyu, as long as we do more good deeds to accumulate blessings, we can become immortals by earnestly cultivating the Dao. Not to mention, a patriarch of the Tianyi clan cultivated Zhengguo more than 10,000 years ago. The earth immortal was named Bifangxuan by God."

"Ten thousand years ago? It really is so close!"

"Oh! Although it was more than 10,000 years ago when Master Xuan Nv became an immortal, she still shows up to help people in difficulty. Many people have seen her!"

"Yes! I would like to see her if I have a chance!" Seeing that Chun Nuan seemed to be anxious by herself again, she didn't even forget the honorific title that she usually never forgets. Although Jun Riyue still disapproves in her heart, she doesn't want to offend anymore. She said, "However, I shouldn't have a chance. I should be able to go back in ten days without accident!"

After that, he didn't say much, and fell into his own mind:

In ancient myths, there are legends of Nuwa repairing the sky and creating human beings. However, I have never heard of the story of Nuwa creating the world. There are also the legends of Houyi shooting the sun and Chang'e flying to the moon. Although they are similar to the legends here, But its content is still very different.But it’s also right. It’s normal that the mythology of this world is not my own. It’s normal for people to think of things like gods. In my own world, myths are different from those of other countries. , Even the myths of various nations are very different, let alone another world!In fact, Jun Riyue was not curious about the differences in these myths, but was even more puzzled that these myths had many similarities.

Soon ten days passed, and the day was still dark, and the ministers headed by the emperor had knelt on the ground in the Great Temple of the Thousand Sage Kingdom and the main hall of the Biqing Palace.Of course, the three of Jun, Sun and Yue were not spared either, kneeling straight behind the emperor in a gray robe.After a series of sacrificial rituals, the emperor stood up straight. The emperor today did not wear that beaded hat. When he turned around, Jun Riyue finally saw his face. He was about 30 years old, Longmei. Fengmu, Yuli's long body, his eyes burned very majestic.Just listen to him giving orders in a deep voice: "Please look at the blood mirror!"

As the little eunuchs uttered the order, a group of people appeared at the entrance of the main hall. Walking in the front was the legendary saint-the national teacher. Walking side by side was a middle-aged man in a white dress with wide sleeves. The woman, with elegant and refined manners and picturesque eyebrows, seemed to be somewhat similar to Xu Zhihan at this time.The two followed four little eunuchs carefully carrying a mirror covered with black silk, walked to the front of the spirit card, put the mirror in place, and walked back silently.The national teacher bowed to the emperor and said: "His Majesty Qizhao, the minister has not recovered his skill, and he cannot cast the spell on his own to activate the blood mirror. Now he invites the patriarch of the Tianyi clan to help the minister, and I hope his approval!