Di Ji?What do you mean?Isn't it silly?Why did you kneel down for yourself?Hehe, where are they singing this!In fact, Jun Riyue is not stupid. Although he has never watched those TV series and novels, he is not ignorant of the current situation. He just refuses to accept reality.What did Chun Nuan just say?Going to call a national teacher?If you dare to feel good, you can go back when the national teacher comes.

"The national teacher is here!" The little eunuch screamed, Jun Riyue's eyes lit up as soon as he heard it, and he looked at the door eagerly.A national teacher dressed in black came to the bed and bowed and said, "Di Ji is awake, and only then heard that Di Ji is unwell. The Weichen came to diagnose and treat Di Ji. I don't know where Di Ji is unwell?" The voice was very humble.

Looking at the humble national teacher in front of him, Jun Riyue was cold from head to toe, and smiled forcefully: "Hehe, what national teacher, did you make a mistake? I can't be Di Ji's, you can ask me if you don't believe me My companion, I haven't changed anything since I got here, so I'm still the original me. How could it be Di Ji? Besides, don't you already have Xu Zhihan? You must be mistaken..." The more I talked, the more I got excited, and gradually became a little incoherent.

The Chinese teacher quietly listened to Jun Riyue’s chaotic words similar to self-talking, and then he said: "Be calm and restless! We will answer the questions of Emperor Ji, and the ministers will answer them one by one." Before, Haoyu experienced a catastrophe, and almost the entire Haoyu will fall into this catastrophe. The culprit that caused this catastrophe was the former master of the Thousand Saint Kingdom, Xue Ren Aotian, so he suffered from this catastrophe. The hardest hit was my Thousand Sages. Fortunately, the Queen and Concubine Kui turned the tide, and Haoyu was spared. Unfortunately, at that time, the two empresses were already pregnant and could not wait for their stamina. After the battle with Xueran Aotian Missed, there has been no news for many years. Out of helplessness, Weichen had to resort to the maidens of the two maidens, the Tianyi clan, with the mentality of a tentative attempt, and searched for the two maidens and the emperor's ancestry by the method of kinship unique to the Tianyi clan , I didn't expect to find a trace of Nuwa's aura in another world."

"But, what does it have to do with me? Didn't you also say that there is only a trace of that kind of aura, according to this reasoning, there should only be one person in the emperor, how can it be related to me?" Jun Riyue interrupted impatiently The words of the national teacher are obviously very anxious.

The national teacher ignored Jun Riyue’s impatience, just smiled, and continued: "Weichen did only sense the breath of Emperor Hanyue, but the Weichen, Tianyi patriarch and the palace lord of the Moon God brought it back together. When Han Yue was Emperor Ji, she suddenly ran out of the monster beasts, disrupting our plan, and brought you and the little brother back in the chaos. It can be seen that it is God's will, and I hope that Emperor Ji can comply with it. "

"But... but don't people here change their faces when they come back here?"

"There are countless worlds in the universe that exist side by side, some of which are similar, and some are a thousand miles apart. The two emperors can grow up smoothly in another world, which means that the living environment there and Haoyu are very similar. But after all, they are two worlds. , Whether it is the social system, economics and culture, or the aura contained in the entire space will be different. Of course, the former is easy to detect, but the latter requires a person with profound spiritual power to detect it, and it will be based on the environment and Make corresponding changes in your own situation to protect yourself.