My little mom is the richest man

Chapter 1312: True or False

"Returning to the Queen Mother! The slave girl is also puzzled!" Qi Siyu bowed his head and replied: "One is that Mrs. Ruo Shui, although she has amnesia, is too far behind her previous stubbornness. The other is this. Lin Mingyue, the person sent to return, before she entered the palace, her father Lin Yiyi was the Jiupin county magistrate of the border town of Qingxu a year ago, and later because his wife Song had not left the pavilion with the prefect of Xingzhou Qin Siguo’s most beloved thirteen ladies are close friends in the boudoir. With this relationship, Lin Yizhi was able to replace the foodman in the prefect of Xingzhou, so the family went to the capital city. It happened that the palace women returned to their hometown every forty years. At that time, the princes successively accepted the confession, and the king took a lot of manpower back to his mansion. Therefore, he urgently needed manpower and called the palace maids. So Lin Mingyue was called into the palace, but he said nothing when filling in the information. meeting."

"Nothing?" Empress Zhao Yan raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Yes! It is said that if time is not too tight, and several princes get married and set up another mansion, they will take away some familiar palace people. If there is not enough time, the steward responsible for selecting palace people will not accept it. She. However, what was unexpected is that after Lin Mingyue entered the palace, he adapted surprisingly well. Moreover, in terms of his speech, manners and conduct, she is also the best choice, and she is very popular with all palace members. Respect. I saw the queen mother in the mirror before. Not only did he speak elegantly and generously, but also seemed to have learned a lot. It seemed that even the imperial physician of the palace never found out things like Sangzi in the palace, but she was caught She saw through it at a glance, and there must be a problem." Qi Siyu smiled and analyzed.

"Not bad!" Empress Dowager Zhao Yan's fingers were light on the table. "Lin Mingyue has to check again, and go deeper. Just listen to what he said, and seem to be unclear about his own past, but how to return to it has to be figured out!"


"Also, this Qing Ruoshui also has a problem, go to Yang'er to find her and check it carefully?"

"Listening to the meaning of the Queen Mother, is it possible that this Qingruoshui is fake?" Qi Siyu looked up in surprise.

"Huh! It's hard to say." The Empress Dowager Zhao Yan was too chawan again, speaking lightly.

"But... how come someone looks like this? It's not possible?" Qi Siyu couldn't believe it.

"That's not necessarily true. The world is so great that it is not impossible to find two people who look exactly the same. What's more, there are so many capable people and strangers in this world. Although it is difficult to change a person's appearance, it is not. Impossible. Xueyang's identity is different, and this palace cannot take this risk." After all, he sipped the tea lightly, frowning and sighed: "Just talk about this tea art, although the Qingruoshui tea art at this moment is also counted, but unfortunately it lacks the original one. The stocks are indifferent and contented, after all, they are superficial. Look at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, embroidery, singing and dancing, although the appearance is bright, there is no inner essence at all.

"That's true. I heard that when His Royal Highness picked up someone and brought it back, he said that he bumped his head and lost his memory. So he learned the same things from the beginning, but learned very well. It’s fast, but... it seems that you always reach a certain level and you can’t be diligent anymore. The original way is because it hurts your brain. Now according to the queen mother, is it this temperament..." Qi Siyu seemed to understand, but still Doubt "The slave only knows that this person wants to learn something, spirituality and intelligence are inevitable, but does it have a lot to do with human temperament?"