"Ruo'er?!" No wonder he was so strange tonight, but he actually regarded himself as Mrs. Ruo Shui,'Ruo'er, how kind and nice to call him.It should have been thought of long ago, how could he have such an accident for himself with such a spoiled expression, such a kind attitude, and such tender eyes?

Enduring the inexplicable pain in his heart, let Feng Xueyang rest his head on his leg, and carefully massage the acupuncture points.In a short while, Feng Xueyang fell into a deep sleep, staring carefully at the jade-like face, the beautiful width of the eyes, the shadow cast by the long and dense eyelashes, the straight nose, and the stubborn and beautiful lips.Is this how you get along with her?Are you here for a long time?Is this how she polishes ink and grooms for you, and learns calligraphy and piano with you?What else happened to you here?Must be very happy then?Yes, I finally remembered that the familiar female voice in my mind turned out to be Qingruoshui, but although the voice is familiar, it feels completely different."I don't know where to go, Taohua still laughs at the spring breeze." This is Mu Qiu sighing because of Mrs. Ruoshui's changes!

"What kind of person was she in the past? You can actually let you use it so affectionately." I can't see through, I can't figure it out, but I want to see through and figure it out, slowly approaching, and then taking the exam... suddenly , Feng Xueyang, who was originally sleeping, stretched out his long hand and embraced Mr. Mingyue, pressing him under him, and bowing his head was a kiss.

Mingyue Jun was stunned.He has never kissed himself, even on that frantic night, he kissed all over his body, but never touched his mouth.What kind of feeling is it like, the refreshing aroma of wine, the warm temperature, the soft touch, sometimes magnificent, sometimes tricky, sometimes crazy, sometimes lingering, it seems that the suffocated image is about to explode, but it just reluctant to let it go, but after all Still let go.The person who let go is Feng Xueyang, who still says "Ruoer" in his mouth before he wakes up.

"Didn't you say it's done? ... It's done!" Saying that I won't fall in love with him, I said I can't fall in love with him, such a superior person!Such a stunning person!How many women want to love him in this world?How many women are worthy of him in this world?It shouldn't be extravagant, but why is the heart so painful, so sore, so empty?Why are you still crying?Is it just that his few amiable looks make you delusional?Who do you think you are?Want to emulate Qing Ruoshui?But there can be a few clear waters in this world, even if she can't go back, let alone you?He has never included you among the people he wants.It's time to go, this belongs to them, you shouldn't step in, don't see his disappointed eyes looking at you after waking up from his dream.

Without wiping away the tears on his face, I covered the quilt for the wind and snow. I found the lotus cinnamon silver carbon, smashed it and placed it in a purple jade furnace and lit it. , Walked out slowly.

When he walked to the door and was about to leave, the light passed by, but there was a white shadow on the table.I couldn't help turning around to look carefully, but I don't know when there was an extra white fox lying on the case, and his black eyes looked at him extremely disdainfully.Yes, disdain!For some reason, suddenly seeing such a fox, Mingyue Jun neither panicked nor surprised by its beauty, just inexplicably annoyed!I couldn't help but pouted, and looked at the white fox provocatively, "What are you looking at? Sneakingly, it's obviously a fox, but it's like a mouse! Humph!"