My little mom is the richest man

Chapter 1351 Letter? Still don't believe it?

"What about believing? What about not believing?" The old woman asked in return.

"Aunt! It's true, I really..." Mingyue Jun still wanted to explain, but looking at the indifference in the woman's eyes, her voice disappeared into the air consciously.

"The night is getting dark, what do you always follow me to do if you don't go back? Is it possible to get lost again?

The woman's indifferent voice remembered again, and Mingyue Jun reacted. I don't know when she has already followed the woman for some time.Looking back at the dark and terrifying path that I should have taken, I banged a snare drum in my heart, and said with a pleased smile: "No! Last time my aunt took Mingyue Jun through, Mingyue Jun remembers... just before. Aunt Cheng was very grateful for her help. I wanted to find a chance to thank my aunt, but I didn’t know my aunt’s name last time when I walked in a hurry, so I couldn’t find it..." Looking at the woman, she still had that indifferent expression, but... …What did she mean when she saw her eyes?Why does it seem to be a little disappointed, a little sad, a little helpless, and a little distressed.Uh...Except for the last time I met this woman for showing me the way, this should be the second time I met, and she shouldn't have so many and so complicated feelings for herself.Then... Thinking too much?Ok!It should be too much... alas!Looking at the woman in front of her, she just walked forward without answering, and shook her head helplessly. It seemed that she was not very willing to take care of herself. He looked back at the dark path again. No matter what, he would have to last until the dawn was crowded!God bless you, as long as you survive this time, Mingyue Jun promises that he will never go out at night again!After discussing with God in his heart, Mingyue-jun bit his scalp and raised the skirt and trot to the woman's side. He chuckled and said, "Hehe...that... Since it is not convenient to tell Mingyue-jun of my aunt’s name, Mingyue-jun does not ask. , I just don’t know if I can tell Mingyue Jun and Auntie where she usually lives, and Mingyue Jun will come to thank you?"


Seeing the woman walking straight ahead without saying a word, Mingyue-jun took a deep breath reluctantly, and had to catch up again, "Haha...Aunty, it doesn’t matter if I don’t even bother to say, choosing a day is worse than hitting the sun, not as good as Mingyuejun." How about going with your aunt tonight?"

"..." This time the woman still didn't reply, but she rarely stopped and looked back at Mingyue-kun deeply. A hint of urgency flashed through her eyes, and then she recovered indifferently and continued to walk forward.

Uh... did she agree?Still not agree?Since she doesn't speak, then treat it as she agreed!It's just... what did the look in her eyes mean?Why does it feel like waiting for a good show?Mingyue Jun couldn't understand.Of course, the same thing she didn’t understand was Xueren Lexing, who had hidden his figure and followed him. He asked his friend with great interest, but his friend just stared at the woman with deep eyes, so he cared about him. I can only feel the nose and continue to wonder.But it’s okay, they will understand soon, because...

After a while, Mingyue Junyuan stared at the scene in front of him: This is a rare place for peace in the palace. Although the night is dark and the wind is high, it is still not difficult to see the greenery that shouldn't appear in the middle of winter. The leaves of grass and the branches are blooming happily, the pink and purple carnations with huge flowers glowing with fluorescence, the cold wind blows, and the fragrance is fragrant!What a wonderful view!Of course, it would be better if there was no lone tomb in front of it. Now that there is this lone tomb, the scenery will inevitably look strange.