My little mom is the richest man

Chapter 1369 - A new place

In the late afternoon of winter, plum blossoms of various colors open competitively, white holy, yellow brilliant, pink delicate, red enchanting. This plum forest can be considered the dividing line between the Purple Palace and the whole palace. At this moment, Ming Yuejun was walking in the fragrant plum forest accompanied by Ning Ran, when the originally clear sky was fluttering with snow.

Ning Ran said, "It's snowing, and we don't have an umbrella, let's go back!"

The weather is such that the snow will not fall much or for long, it will stop in a while."

Ning Ran said, "No! You've had a scare two days ago, your body is getting better, you can't catch a cold again."

Yuejun said, "How can I be so delicate? It's been two days in bed, but it's a rare day, so let me go out for a while."

Ning Ran hesitated: "......"

Ming Yuejun continued to pamper: "A little while! Just a little while ...... okay?"

"Then ...... is fine!" Couldn't resist Ming Yuejun, Ning Ran finally gave in and pointed up to the pavilion not far away and said, "But you have to go to that pavilion first and wait for me, I'll go back and get you an umbrella and a hand stove."

Ming Yuejun beamed, "No need to be so troublesome! Just this bit of snow ......"

Ning Ran skimmed his head and did not look at Ming Yuejun, his tone was very firm: "No! Either go back now, or you wait for me in the pavilion!"

"All right! I'll wait for you in the pavilion!" Ming Yuejun had no choice but to compromise.

"Then you have to be good and stay in the pavilion, but you can't wander off, and you can't go out of this plum forest, understand?" Pull over Ming Yuejun, tighten the deer cloud shawl on her, pull up the shawl with the velvet cap for her to put on, and carefully tie the belt.

"Don't worry! What kind of status am I still don't know myself? Look at you! Previously, I only felt like my sister, but now I look more and more like my mother!" Ming Yuejun teased.

Ning Ran did not forgive: "Who stayed up in the middle of the night and went out to wander around? It's okay to wander around without asking someone to accompany you, and you got sick from the scare?"

"Okay! It's my fault, isn't it? Go back quickly!" Ming Yuejun didn't want to listen to Ning Ran's nagging anymore, so he hurriedly rushed her away.

Looking at Ning Ran's back, he finally sighed with relief and slowly paced towards the pavilion. It's all because of that annoying Thousand Saints ruler, who somehow wants to help him and Queen Consort to make a clean break, where is this going? Naturally, the Moon King politely and gently sent him away. However, people are blown away, but the mind is still not at peace, late at night no sleep before going out for a stroll, who expected but strolled out of the unimaginable things to? ...... raised his eyes to look at the plum forest, the outside of the plum forest can be seen occasionally passing through the palace people, when they used to be a palace maid, they can also be like them walking in most places in the palace, now with this incestuous identity, but the original spacious cage has become much smaller.

The identity of concubine after all is not considered a proper master, raised high, that is to beat the face of the proper master, stepped on low, but is to give Mu Qiu slap, the embarrassment of this identity, Ming Yuejun is still serving Qing Ruoshui when it is clear. At that time, Qing Ruoshui's identity as the empress was not yet exposed, several times out of the Purple Palace wandering, encountered several harem masters, they have been a lot of taunts, but also caused a lot of trouble. Although all by Mu Qiu one by one to resolve, but she is still Mu Qiu explained as little as possible out of the Purple Palace, but now she has the identity of the imperial concubine as a backing, since no longer have to be afraid of other people taunting. Originally felt her pity, I did not think it is now their turn, the funny thing is, they are far more pity than her, she after all, Mu Qiu can rely on, and yourself?