My little mom is the richest man

Chapter 1429 of the wind and rain

"Hey!" How can this? is her? Actually her! The fox who was asleep on the side of the belly suddenly smashed, vertical ear, both eyes were staring straight to the house, but listened to the house, but also high. In this case, the air gradually filled with a wonderful fragrance. If the flowers are mixed, it is difficult to cover the nature of the new holy. As the floral is more and more strong, there is a sudden glow in the house, and the golden silver is scattered in the colorful light. There are thousands of things in the hundred miles, and the young grass is buds, the branches are tapered, and a piece of spring is full of spring. Although it is already in the winter, it is not until spring ...

"Hey ..." How can she be her? " She will bully people, people don't have her! The poor little fox is deeply blown, and the head is silent, while sucking the nose, swaying a step, walking, walking towards his warm fox.

"The wind is in full swing."

In the face of a series of strange pictures, you will be such a saying that you will be in the moon.

And explains that month, I woke up, I was a night, but I found yourself sleeping in the house of Ziwu Garden. This is not surprising. After all, she still remembers that she has been drinking a lot of wine, and the drunken people are running everywhere, but it is just a matter of us, but why will it be naked? Ok! It's not impossible to get drunk people. Can you get a good-looking man in your body? And from the messy beds in front of you, and the two people are still connected to the pain in front of them and their pain in their hooks, it is not difficult to imagine what happened before. Ok! She acknowledged that most of the things after drunkenness did not remember, but unfortunately, the scene of dying for the two people turned into the clouds was remembering.

Before the little face is bleeding, Mingyue Jun gives this drunken first thing to be sighing: Fortunately, in this man is just Muqiu, otherwise he is not caught in the pork cage! Ugh! Wine energy is chaotic, the ancients are not deceived!

Finally, the experience summed up this painful experience: although the taste of the wine is not bad, especially after drinking wine, his brain is like being opened, it seems to have a lot of wonderful and beautiful things. Out, the body is relaxed, but this consequence is terrible, and it is still far from the wine, cherishing life!

After self-reflecting and self-education, Mingyue Jun finally decided to take advantage of Muqiu, there was no better to steal it, so he went to the ground, so he was a little cleaned by Zi Wei Yuyuan hot spring. After that, the route to the memory came to the Zi Weiyuan, then, it's stupid!

If everything else can be understood, then the picture of Mingyue will have to say that there is something that is somewhat incredible:

It is not surprising that there is a lot of flowers in Zi Wei, which is not surprising. After all, the species are four-time flowers, and the flowers bloom are not affected by the time. The strange thing is that this scene has appeared outside the purple garden. It was originally a ridiculous, although there were also people's hand to trim, but because of this place, in addition to occasionally a few patrolling guards, almost no one came, so the trim people were happy, even put weekdays Some abandoned floral plants are discarded here, causing here to become ridiculous, it is better to modify the whole other places.