My little mom is the richest man

Chapter 1437 stops him!

"What do you mean?!"

Feng Xinkao and the quietness asked.

"Let's not believe in you! Bai Guang reproduces, surrounding Gu traffic waves, only listening to her low and low: "Goddess, the sun and the moon are similar, the four-party spirit, with my name, out - break!"

With the spell, a white ray is straight to the red jacket, and only the seal vibration film is stopped.

"Stop!" When I saw it, the wind was ready to stop again, but I was stopped by the quiet.

"The gathering of the gather! Are you a person of the Tianyi?" See this situation, quietly confused. How can the people of the Tianyi family become a humble palace? And her skills are not low, she insisted to keep the enchanting, and have you deeply? And she just said ...

When I heard the appearance of the stun, Gu Yongbo did not answer. One is that she is innocent, two, she doesn't know how to tell them that this enchanting is given to himself.

"Haha! How did the five brothers don't make a little girl so long? And let the brother to help you!" The people of the swordsters, the nose, the thin lips, and there is Xuan Yi Feng Shen Junlang, is clear Xu Dawei's Wind Snow - Government King.

"Blocking him!" The eyes saw that the king was appreciated to Gu Qi, quiet.

"Yes!" Wen Yan Xi Wei quickly shot the attack of the snow, in fact, even if it is quiet, he can't see the hurt of Gu Cai.

"You stop others, I will help her!" Will the snow thinking well, and the quietness will also pull the standing gesture.

"But this ..." Although it is necessary to save the flow wave, but I think that I have to release the enchanting, the wind is still hesitant.

"For the Yangly, I believe in her!" I won't answer the wind, and the silence has been opened to the red ray, and the seal is a shock. At the same time of defeating, Gu Yongbo two attacks, the constant vibration of seal is still standing.

"Silent Niang Niang! Five brothers! Are you going to be with the enchanting, violation of the father?" Feng Xuechen's supporters, the heart is secretly said: the dead, Feng Xing said that the stinky child is really strong, yourself It is actually blocked by him easily by him, it is really mad.

Intercom, but seeing a group of white shadows flashing over the seal. "Bang!", The seal once again shakes, white shadow is popped up, fell on the ground, only listening " ..." a few sounds, and everyone looks carefully, but it is a white fox. But see that the white fox turned over two laps, and immediately stood up and stood down, then popped up, then hit, then popped up ... so again, the seal swaying is getting more and more powerful, the white fox has gradually flowing Blood.

Seeing this scene, the most surprised is to have a number of winds and Tau Zhu. Because only they recognize this, it has been raised by the wind and snow in Purple Garden, and I didn't expect it to ran to save the moon. And it is clear, this is not an ordinary fox. After all, Chi is the ancient beast. Later, although it was sealed in the sword, but its power is amazing, the average person is a counterattack, not to mention an ordinary Livestock. Just this fox can actually shake the seal and sang the seal counterattack. What is incredible! I am chaotic! How is so many strange things? Don't you really have to change?