My little mom is the richest man

Chapter 1439 is goodbye

There is no strength to find the injury, but the blood that spreads to the ground confirmed that his guess, but the wound did not seem to have blood, the mind seems to have a closed door, and some of the gaps were hit by some slits, some original dust seals As the blood flowing out, slowly flow into the brain, weird city, high-teching, will run the house, colorful strange lights, wear a weird men, a different knowledge system ... is there Come? The reason is not the same as others, is it because I don't belong to it?

- "... Since you inherit the Skull sword, it is the true heir of the title of the" Mother of the Earth ". The six rings of the Hao Yu three are not respectful, and you should also take responsibility. Manage Haoyu ... "

Who? ! Who is talking? Mother of the earth? Is it talking about her? Manage Haoyu? ! impossible!

- "... The origin is dead, everything has a fixed number, it seems to be broken, but it is nothing is not possible. This is already, I have returned to my place, assume my own fate, I have a fate Goodbye!"

Where is it? Where is it, where is it? Where did you come, where is it? What is it belong to yourself? Haoyu? Or is the world called the earth? Who is it? What is your own fate? Destroy Qing Xu, destroy Haoyu? Do not! Will not be like this, it will not be like this ...

From the phantom, it is the chaos outside the seal. The children of the mutual dozens have not seen each other. The four princes are fighting each other, Gu Zhu and the silent face is dignified to the seal casting. The ministers and the emperor led the dress, the palace was banned, and everyone was very excited. It seems that the mouth is struggling, but unfortunately, although it is seen, it can't hear anything. , a group of white shadows, squatting on the seal, the seal is shaking, then the white shadow is thrown, the fall is not far, actually that is only called "consumption", the mouth has been Blood red. It stood up and stood back, and the eyes of the black lacquered the eyes were stared, and again struggled to the seal from ...

The determination and courage of the dark eyes are very pressing, and this eye seems to have seen? The model is vague, in the middle of the moon, the Mingyue seems to see a fox to come to himself. It is the same as the mouse, there is a pair of beautiful eyes, but also a white hair, but that hairy is not ordinary white, but the silver white white, the silver light, the moonlight, it is full of silver, it is like A round of moving Mingyue, dragging the nine fluffy long tail ... nine tails ... "nine ... tail ... nine tails ..."

In the thoughts, Mingyue Jun said with awareness, low and low. The miracle happened again. The original ordinary white fox suddenly made a silver-white ray, and the nine plush fleece was rushed to the seal. Then the seal begins dramatically, even cracks, and then the light wall disappears in the air.

The seal was unsained, and the sudden change made everyone stunned. This is to break the seal, the scene seen by Mingyue Jun, all people look at themselves, and there is a surprised face, the world is still very quiet.