My little mom is the richest man

Chapter 625 Singing (Part 2)

"Well, let's give you enough time to give you 15 minutes first." Jun Riyue said with a smirk.

Taking advantage of this gap time, Junzi clicked on a song she liked.It is Chen Xun's "Under the Mountain in July".

"I imagine you are just the scenery in your heart. After the prosperity, you will try to be desolate, but forgetting becomes a cinnabar mole in your heart. How can you not erase it? So I began to long for a long time. July is happiness."

Toshiko's low voice and general feeling, everyone couldn't help being immersed in this song.

"But his beauty is urging people to grow old, Yangyang Daze cried, and there was a clear flute sound on the fourth day of the lunar year. I couldn't hear it very clearly. The dark fragrance of the riverside, now only a ray of green smoke, disappeared in the morning mist. , It's not dark yet, but the storm has already come, where are you? Through the dawn, across the mountains, from vigorous to plain..." Toshiko closed his eyes and sang deeply.

Everyone has achieved full results in Toshiko's low voice. Today, listening to Toshiko's voice, the stories told, and even the emotional chestnuts shed tears. Everyone can't help but secretly admire how good this singing is.

It just so happened that a song was over, and it took a long time for everyone to return to their senses.Toshiko's voice is very special, like a person who has gone through the vicissitudes of time, her voice is low and magnetic, she sings very emotionally, and the ending is good, as if this song was tailored for him.

At this time, Mu Qiu took the lead and applauded, and everyone was relieved. It turned out that a song had already been sung. They themselves had been immersed in the scene created by this song for so long, and they had completely forgotten the time outside.

"Junzi, do you have someone you love? This song is very emotional, not like someone who has never experienced emotion. Tell everyone, is the white moonlight in your heart?" Mu Qiu teased.

Toshiko smiled without explaining, put down the microphone and sat on the sofa.

"Is it the turn of the old doctor and Mu Qiu next?" Everyone joked maliciously.

"Okay, then we will sing a song "Lost Moon", you can listen to it well. Music, start." Mu Qiu said.

"If there are elves in the moonlight, there are fairy tales in the forest, and there are sleeping beauties in the fairy tales, sleeping in the moonlight." Mu Qiu sang deeply.

"If there are stars on the moon, the stars are the skirt of the moon, the skirt of the princess, and the princess is singing heartily." Jun Riyue's soft voice sounded.

"Years flow in Fangxiang, in the observation field in the distance, the past is flying, and the singing is echoing. After all, the height, the warm sun, the hometown of Yanboli is like a glazed palace lantern, layered by layers, and every bit is lovesickness. In the twilight tetrahedron, waiting in the wind and snow, staying in the sun and the moon, lovesickness is no longer barren, everything has a master. I am your believer, lovesickness cannot be imprisoned, my brows and eyes are waiting aside my whole life, the bright moonlight is now falling, It's all on your face, as white as jade. Then you grow old." Mu Qiu and Jun looked at each other, and they sang this sentence together.

Jun Riyue's ethereal voice and Mu Qiu's low and sexy voice immediately made everyone intoxicated.,, ..