My little mom is the richest man

Chapter 630: Meeting (Part 1)

"Squeak!" Jun Riyue hurried to the office with a pair of Hengtiangao shoes, and his steps seemed a bit messy. On the way to the office in a hurry, he accidentally ran into a few people, and immediately said when he hit one. I was so embarrassed, and then left in a hurry.

"Hey, are you all here? You came really early," Jun Riyue opened the door and saw chestnuts. Kani and others were already in the meeting room, thinking that the boss of himself was actually returning Being late, I felt a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Boss, you are ten seconds late," Junzi said while looking at Jun Riyue silently.

Everyone laughed inexplicably when they heard Toshiko's sudden sentence, especially Karni, who couldn't help but laughed directly.

Jun Riyue had only embarrassment left at this time, so if he didn't answer this sentence, he just stood at the door in a daze.

"What's the matter? Boss, why are you staying at the door so stupidly? Aren't you in a meeting?" Lizi said, and then quietly said to Kani, "Look, the boss has been taken care of by Junko. Frozen there, she must be empty in her mind now, and then she can't walk anymore."

"What did you two say quietly there?" Jun Riyue said.

"It's all right, don't ink there, come over to the meeting." Mu Qiu said to Jun Riyue.I arranged my clothes by the way.

"Yesterday, we all had fun, right? Life is nourishing? So the question is, we will talk about some things about Uncle Fu and Stephens during the meal, singing, and. Relax, there are not so many serious problems, so let me first talk about how the whole situation became slightly embarrassing after I met Mr. Stephens from the hotel last night." Mu Qiu said slowly. His expression is a bit serious, and his eyes are especially bright, as if he can see through everyone's mind.

At this time, apart from having a good time and laughing, everyone lowered their heads, thinking, what exactly happened yesterday?What danger has the boss encountered?What happened to Mu Qiu?Everyone looked upset, and some even lowered their heads and grabbed their hands, full of distress.

The atmosphere became awkward.At this time, Carni coughed slightly, and could hear the echo from the office, which made Carni a little embarrassed.In a disguised way, the quiet sound of a needle falling to the ground in the office can be heard, and everyone is afraid to gasp.

Mu Qiuqing cleared her throat, raised her head and looked at everyone for a few times, then changed another ppt page.

"Okay, everyone, don't be so serious. Let's solve these matters one by one. One bite is not enough, and a big fat man. Let's talk about Uncle Fu first. The one who has the most say is Jun Riyue, let Let's talk about it, everyone welcome." After Mu Qiu finished speaking, she sat in her seat, playing with the pen in her hand, seemingly foolish, but he was listening seriously.,, ..