My little mom is the richest man

Chapter 715: The World In The Eyes Of Others

"Because of this, I became curious when I thought of this."

"I'm curious how the world in the eyes of others is different from mine? What does it look like?" The patient questioned his own thoughts.

Mu Qiu suddenly realized: "Then, I understand when you say that. This is probably the original reason why you started to imitate others?"

"Yes, you are right. I just thought of many ways because I wanted to figure out other people's worlds, but in the end I decided to use the dumbest way."

"We humans will try to "see the world from another angle" and "learn to think in another place", but this is not that simple."

"I just slowly observe the details of others first, and then remember those salient features."

"Later, I began to try to imitate others, to experience what they did? Why did I do that? How did it feel to do it?"

"After that, the person I imitated was as if I were that person."

"After a long time, I can even know what the other person is thinking?" the patient said conscientiously.

Mu Qiu was shocked by what the patient said, and thought: "So powerful, is it possible that she can guess what I think?"

"When you talk like this, I think you are like an actor, performing the script as it is, but losing yourself in the back."

"And you just found out what other people are thinking, I think you are a bit exaggerated."

Regarding my opinion, this patient expressed disagreement.

"I understand what you said, but if my description is wrong, why are the people around me afraid of me?" the patient asked Mu Qiu back.

"That might be because you imitated it too much!" Mu Qiu said.

But the patient also said that Mu Qiu's thinking was too simple, saying: "Don't you think that if someone imitates for a long time, the so-called details can be grasped accurately and can be seen through without behavior?"

Mu Qiu was a little moved by the patient at first, and said, "It makes sense for you to say that."

"Yeah! I think I have grasped the details very accurately, and I am familiar with the purpose of the action. After getting used to it, I will not feel magical." The patient continued.

Now Mu Qiu and the patient have exchanged identities, and it feels like Mu Qiu is here to consult this patient.What's more weird is that Mu Qiu began to feel that she had come to an MLM organization.

"Aren't you tired by doing this?" Mu Qiu asked.

But this patient did not feel the same as Mu Qiu, and said, "No, I think it is very interesting!"

Mu Qiu heard the patient's answer and said that he really couldn't understand it. In a sense, he felt that the patient was already dying.

Mu Qiu felt that if she had been looking at the world through others' eyes, she might collapse.I even felt that the whole person's worldview collapsed.

"What you see is seen from others' eyes, don't you want to try to see the real world?" Mu Qiu asked the patient back.

She smiled and said, "What is the real and unreal world, isn't it the world from different angles?" The patient said with a smile.

The world she thinks is the world seen through everyone's perspective and vision, and there is no world seen in the living room.

Mu Qiu did not want to debate this topic with this patient again.,, ..