Mu Qiu was walking on the way back. The rain didn't seem to stop. Mu Qiu paused before the dark clouds in his heart slowly dispersed.

When he arrived at the consultation room, Mu Qiu sorted out the clutter on the table and made some conclusions.

As soon as the list is over, Mu Qiu will make a summary of the list.

Just halfway through Mu Qiu's preparation, Jun Riyue came, and when she saw Mu Qiu who was busy in the office, Jun Riyue walked directly towards Muqiu.

"Doctor Mu! How are you doing these days?" Jun Riyue said with a smile, leaning on the door line.

As soon as Mu Qiu turned his head, he saw Jun Riyue's hippie smiling face.

"What wind brought you this golden flower?" Mu Qiu said teasingly.

"This is my consultation room. I can come whenever I want to come. You care about me!" Jun Riyue said with an expression of "I am the biggest, what can you do?"

Mu Qiu sighed and shook his head and said, "I haven't seen a shameless person like you, alas~" Mu Qiu continued to talk to Jun Riyue.

Jun Riyue was not angry at this time, but instead smiled and said with both hands clasped fists: "It's so easy, I won't care about you."

"How is the order handled?" Jun Riyue asked.

Mu Qiu was not serious anymore. When it comes to work, both of them are very serious.

"It's okay! These are not so easy at first, but when you contact them for a longer time, you will learn a lot and feel a lot."

"Some patients are not so unreasonable, so unreasonable, and difficult to understand."

"Actually, it is the real abnormality to have our kind of thought."

"We always put ourselves in the perspective of God to see nothing, and we never reflect on ourselves."

Jun Riyue looked at Mu Qiu's eloquent and eloquent expression, and was very happy, because Mu Qiu really grew up and learned to consider others.

"Okay! You kid, that's not bad! In just two years, you have grown up so much and you have matured a lot in your mind. I am very pleased for my sister!" Jun Riyue smiled and patted Mu Qiu's Said the shoulder.

Mu Qiu's eyes locked on Jun Riyue and said, "It's not a good job you arranged for me. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have to face so many strange people and strange things, let alone you haven't paid me a salary. , I will just show you the store for nothing."

"I praised you just now, now it's like this again, alas~" Jun Riyue sighed.

"In other words, you are also the disciple of the ancestor now, that is, you are my younger brother, and you are still my younger brother, did you treat your sister like this?" Jun Riyue said with a rogue expression.

Mu Qiu also felt that he had become accustomed to it. If Jun Riyue was not like this one day, that is, it was really abnormal, then Mu Qiu would feel unaccustomed.

"Hey~ I'm really worried that you won't be able to get married like this!" Mu Qiu joked.

"It's okay, elder sister, I can't get married, so I will stay by your side all the time, you have to support me! It's not easy for my sister to raise you." Jun Riyue continued with a rogue expression.

"Don't, you'd better go outside and do harm to others! I can't stand your torture." Mu Qiu quickly said with a "NO" gesture.

This evening, Mu Qiu and Jun Riyue passed in a quarrel.

I don't know what kind of patient Mu Qiu will meet tomorrow.

Now Mu Qiu, facing the conversation with the patient, is a little expectant.,, ..