Mu Qiu smiled. In his opinion, if someone is a lucky star, the system is the real lucky star.

Because all of this is actually systematically arranged, it looks a bit like deliberate arrangement when you look into it.

"Anyway, the investigation is clear now, we don't need to worry about her identity anymore. I want to wait for the father to contact her, and with the father's ability, we can help her restore her memory as soon as possible, and save us a lot of money. thing."

Jun Riyue nodded, "I will contact Murong's family first, and then I will tell them about Lingyun and the blocking person. As for other things, we don't have to worry about it."

Two years ago, the other party might have used some means to conceal the Murong family, and in the past two years, no flaws were revealed.

But now with the clues they provided, Murong's family would never let the other party go.

Murong Yan's life experience has been resolved, and she is about to leave, other matters can only be arranged by Jun Riyue.

Thinking that Murong's family would definitely rush over when they got the clues, Mu Qiu simply said a few words to Doctor Chen.

Because Dr. Chen didn't know Murong Yan's identity, he thought that Mu Qiu just didn't want to use herself, so she was frightened and asked if she had done something wrong. The anxious appearance made Mu Qiu and the others couldn't help laughing.

"Dr. Chen, don't be afraid. Your performance is very good. Thanks to you during this time. If you want, we will establish the world's top medical institution in a while. You can come to work at that time. "

Although Jun Riyue invested in the hospital, the treatment was not comparable to that of her company. After hearing Mu Qiu's words, Dr. Chen was stunned and couldn't believe that the pie really fell on her head.

"Mu Shao, I heard it right?"

Mu Qiu nodded, "If you just think that you have misheard, then I can treat it as a mistake."

"No! No! Shao Mu, thank you so much. You can rest assured that I will work hard and will do my best to contribute to the company."

"But before that, Murong Yan will have to take care of you."

After speaking, Mu Qiu and others returned to the ward. They did not directly tell her of Murong Yan's life experience. Mu Qiu felt that it was more appropriate for their family to handle this matter.

Or when the time comes, let the old man help her granddaughter personally heal, so that she can think of it more meaningful.

Because they learned about Murong Yan's life experience, when they returned, Jun Riyue and the others put aside their scruples, but they were also kind to Murong Yan.

After staying for a while, the group left the hospital and proceeded with their next plan-shopping!

On the way to the mall, Jun Riyue smoothly contacted Murong Xuanhe.

When receiving Jun Riyue's call, Murong Xuanhe was still very surprised, after all, he had nothing to do with the richest man.

"Mr. Jun, I don't know what you want to do with me?"

"Mr. Murong, the main reason for calling you is to inform you of good news. As far as I know, your granddaughter suddenly disappeared two years ago, but I haven't received any news." Jun Riyue There is no extra greeting, and the subject is directly pointed out.

Murong's family has not given up looking for Murong Yan all these years. Hearing this news, Murong Xuan and his eyes widened.