My main god is Huiye

My main god is actually the brilliant chapter 316.

Although I don't know who is ghost, but the monster can tell them that it is best to escape.

"What is the one? Yinyang division?"

"I didn't expect this little village, I really didn't know how to live, I just invited the yin and Yang, and I saw that I would like more suffering next time."

"Don't worry so much, I have a bad feeling, let go."

"Bold! Who is it! Isn't it a human beings? How can we fight together? Total a few strong people in human beings, what is fear!"


Several Spids have discussed, and finally heard the views of the battle.

The characteristics of a fierce and good and good race make them suddenly.

However, at this time, Ye Feng's right hand waved softly, the huge ice rod of the condensation in the sky was moved, and the ice ribs were shot.

The four earth spiders on the ground have a bit flustered, but they quickly calmed down, and they spit out countless milky spider silk from the mouth.

Just one second, the spider silk forms a huge spider web in the air, then enabling those fringes.

When the mineral ghost is proud, the ice ribs burst, and the small ice needle passes through the gap of the spider web.

"Ah !!"

Although the killing of the ice needle is not so big, the ability to get torture is very strong, the four native spiders are screaming at the same time, and the huge body is also rolling on the ground because it is uncomfortable.

420 Strive to force the ice needles in the body, but the ice needle will be opened, and the cold air is raging in their body, let them have no way to endure.

The unpaged field that is lying is even more fierce, just like a natural disaster.

The spiders are stained with chronic venoms, slowly penetrating in the roll, and this land is probably abolished.

Listening to this painful scream, Ye Feng slowly fell from the air, looked at them coldly.

The flame begins to appear by his side, and the gesture of the fire snake is kept.

Ye Feng's approach naturally made the soil spider to be induced, and the eyes flashed a fear, but this emotion was hidden by them.

Crazy blood suddenly filled his eyes, screaming, and suddenly sprayed a dark green venom.

"I really don't know how to live."

Open a gap between the handles, completely absorbing these venoms, and Ye Feng's mouth slowly evoked.

He would pay attention to the purple, let him not be polite, what is the meaning of the soil spider servilion. I want this kind of fierce monster to eat bit hard and I can't get it.

Then ...

"Light and heavy realm".

Chapter 333 Qin surnamed village head

"Light and heavy realm"

The huge body of the native spider seems to be in the same way, and begins to fall in the sky.

From the perspective, these four spiders are controlled by what controlled, but there is no halfway in the air to twist their body.

Looking at this scene of not far, these ordinary villagers are extremely unparalleled.

"It's Yin Yang Normal University, did not expect that there is no yin yang teacher to travel to us to help us clogging this group of monsters!"

"Long live the Yin Yang Normal University!"


Just when these villagers cheered, the face of the village head was full of worry.

"Village growers, what happened? Do you seem to have a heart?"

"The big capital of these monsters is on the mountain. Now, even if the Yinyang Normal University kills these monsters, if the monsters know that their companions have been killed ... I am afraid I will kill us in the mountains."

In an instant, everyone is quiet, think about it, there is really this possible.

"So ... I will seek the Yinyang Normal University ..." One of the villagers said carefully.

"I have this, I am relieved, I will try to reduce everyone's loss, the thing in my hands should be able to satisfy the yin yang."

The village head is a little blurred. It seems that it is a memories, and it is not asked for this sentence to discourage the words, and directly shake his hand back to his home.

Anyway, this is also the decision made by his old.


Everything that happened there, he only knows that you have to teach this spider, at least to take them, so it is also the first machine in the next mountain's negotiation.

Light and heavy realm can be converted from the controller's weight, Ye Feng is also light than the feathers, so this will be like this.

I feel almost the same height, and Ye Feng fierce will reverse the realm.

"Hey! ~~!"

The spider is completely unparalleled, and the weight suddenly becomes large, so that they directly go to the ground, the huge pressure is in an instant, but it is more than the same, and they don't even fall in a lot, just reveal a head on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng almost laughed out, and the spider now became a "soil" spider.

The slowly came to a few monsters, and Ye Feng looked at them as soon as they gave you. "Is it still wanting to do it?"

The hard moves two times, but only the thick spider legs can barely move, the biggest cockroach spider demon is frozen with Ye Feng, "Why is you? Why suddenly take us?"

After Ye Feng moved, they didn't feel the natural pressure of yin and Yang, plus the conspicuous blonde, so I also know that Ye Feng is not Yinyang.

"Of course, I have been dragged, I have to take all of your soil spiders, are you not honored? That person should also have heard, the monster is eight cloud purple ~"

Ye Feng smiled and smiled and sold it directly.

Who told her to mess, when these soil spider will not listen to the purple mother's order, it is not what he wants, as long as it persuaded them to participate in the moon war.

"Monster? How is it? We have no hatred with her!"

The leaded spider shouted loudly, but because they had eaten a lot of soil, they kept cough in the later.

The leaded spider shouted loudly, but because they had eaten a lot of soil, they kept cough in the later.

"This is not what you can know, let's go, take me to find your leader."

"Wink! We can't take you!"