My master is a god

Chapter 562

Biquge, the fastest update my master is the latest chapter of the gods!At this time, all of them looked at Yang Yiyun.

Hu Xian'er walked over to Yang Yiyun and whispered: "Thank you~" Although she didn't want to see Yang Yiyun because of Zhanqing, it was Yang Yiyun who helped her. The minimum etiquette is still necessary.

Moreover, Hu Xian'er slowly discovered that Yang Yiyun and Zhanqing were not like the rumors. There was a holiday between the two. On the contrary, on the surface, the two of them dismissed each other, one looked down on the other, but actually gave Hu Xian'er something. The feeling that the hero cherishes the hero.

So this thank you to Yang Yiyun is sincere.

"You're welcome, just go with it." Yang Yiyun didn't think much.

At this time, Zhanqing people walked over and said, "Crazy Yang is your own help, but I am not begging you. Don't expect me to thank you." He said this, but Zhanqing people already admire Yang Yiyun in their hearts.

A stone puppet formation almost caused him and Hu Xian'er to hang up, but in Yang Yiyun's control over everyone with a few words, it was easy to crack. At this time, Zhan Qing people really believed that Yang Yiyun had two brushes in the way of formation.

However, he was a dead duck with a hard mouth, and he didn't say he was killed.

Yang Yiyun whitened Zhan Qingren and said, "No thanks, I am charged for saving people. You owed me 400 spars last time. This time it’s cheaper. Give me 600 spars once you save you. , Add up to a thousand spar, remember to go back and replace it, otherwise I will go to Kunlun to ask for the account, this time even if it is a transaction, you and I do not owe each other to spar, so your thank you is redundant."

" want the spar to be shameless~" Zhan Qingren's face was black, and which pot of the goods did not open, and he said in front of everyone that he was in debt. Isn't this slapped him in the face?

He arrogantly owes 400 crystals to others in the future as the head teacher of Kunlun.

No, this item has now added another six hundred and owes a thousand spars.

"You can't eat your face as a meal, remember that I owe me a thousand spars in total, don't force me to go to Kunlun to ask for an account." Yang Yiyun turned around and left.

Zhanqing people: "You..."

"What are you doing? It's only a thousand spar, for you to account for the enchanting evildoer, can you not afford it?"


The two of them quarreled as they walked, and the others followed behind with a smile.

After breaking the formation this time, although everyone was saying something and going their own way, they had already acquiesced in their hearts. Then Yang Yiyun led the captain, because there are broken formations in the black stone forest everywhere, and Yang Yiyun is indeed needed to replace everyone in the forest. Get out.

No way, no one else understands the formation.

Now there is only one little monk Fan who has not returned to his throne, so few people know where he is now?Will it be trapped in a formation like Zhan Qingren and Hu Xian'er?

However, everyone has a map to move forward. As long as the general direction is good, you can definitely find the little monk.

The entire Black Stone Forest can't see the end at a glance, and no one knows how big the Black Stone Forest is.

Can only be patient and walk along the route on the map, and there are formations, and everyone can't walk fast.

Follow Yang Yiyun's steps forward little by little.

After walking for nearly an hour, he was still in the black stone forest, as if he had entered a maze and couldn't get out.

But Yang Yiyun knew that this was not a maze, but that Black Stone Forest was too big.

At a certain moment, several people suddenly heard the sound of fighting.

There are only two possibilities for fighting sounds here.

The first was the same as that encountered by Hu Xian'er from Zhanqing, someone was trapped in the formation.

The second is people fighting with people. The only ones who can fight here are the little monks. Fan met the old Lama and Ding Changfeng.

Regardless of the type, Yang Yiyun needs to see some of them.

After walking a hundred meters forward, they saw the source of the fight.

It was really the little monk and the old lama who met.

At this time the little monk Lefan was fighting with the old lama.

It's like a fateful duel between the two.

As for Ding Changfeng and the others who attacked them, the total number is still 30 or so. The situation of these people at this time made Yang Yiyun and the others stare.

Among these people, except for several powerful generations such as Ding Changfeng, the old lama, and the young monk of Liao Fan, the others are actually fighting each other, and each of them has a hideous look.

Looking at this scene in Yang Yiyun's eyes, it was clear to them that they must have touched some illusion, and the only people who were not affected much were a few people.

In Yang Yiyun’s eyes, the phantom god here is the kind of illusion that can affect the mind. This kind of formation can often evoke all kinds of desires in people’s hearts. Fancy each other as an enemy.

"Haha, this is interesting." Zhan Qing said with a smile.

"Should we go to help the little monk?" Mei Shiying looked at Yang Yiyun.

"Don't worry, looking at the appearance of the little monk, I don't suffer for the time being, I just fall behind. If I am not mistaken, this is the illusion killing formation. Once in, everyone will be affected." Yang Yiyun said with squinting eyes.

In his heart, Yang Yiyun was thinking about how to get the little monk out, and then trap all the people like the old lama in it, and let them fall into their own inner illusion. It's better not to come out.

However, this is a bit impossible. If you save the young monk, you must break the formation, which is equivalent to saving the old lamas.

Seeing the situation in the field, the old lama and the young monk fought with each other. It seemed that the two of them were still sober in their minds, but their eyes were red. This situation can only show that both of them are in the withered land illusion. influences.

The fighting sound shook the sky, and they actually killed a lot of each other.

Ding Changfeng and a few people saw their disciples fighting each other and tried to stop them one by one, but to no avail, they were chased and killed by their own people.

It's impossible to kill yourself, right?

One by one is a bit of a rat avoidance device.

Yang Yiyun looked around and found that while there was no way to get into the young monk and come out, he could still trap others, and sighed in his heart: "Forget it, let you live a little longer."

Since there is no good way to save people.

Although the little monk Liao Fan was so arrogant that he would not obey his own command, but to save him once, Yang Yiyun believed that he would still give himself face, so that the next way, everyone can unite and go.

Looking at the layout of the stone forest in the field, Yang Yiyun found that the eye of the formation was on a huge stone in the place where the little monk Fan and the old lama Barda were located. As long as the huge stone was broken, the magic formation would not exist, and they would just Can enter the battle to save people.

Looking at Zhan Qingren, he said, "Zhan Yaoxie uses your broken mirror to destroy the stone behind the little monk, and the phantom array is broken by itself."

"I'm special this is Kunlun's treasure called Kunlun Mirror, not a broken mirror." Zhanqing was furious.

"Well, Kunlun mirror Kunlun mirror, use your Kunlun mirror treasure." Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes and said.

"Why me?" Zhan Qingren said nothing.

"Only yours... well, the Kunlun Mirror has a long-range attack effect." Yang Yiyun took it for granted, more than ten meters away, in fact, his star picker can also do it, but just let Zhanqing people contribute and try Will this guy follow his own command now?

"Huh~" Zhan Qingren snorted coldly. Although he was unwilling, he still took out the Kunlun mirror and urged Zhenyuan Yang Yiyun to illuminate the stone.

Zhanqing people knew in their hearts that Yang Yiyun was testing whether he would obey the command. In fact, at a distance of more than ten meters, any one of the five of them could destroy the stone.

Yang Yiyun allowed himself to shoot, which was a kind of temptation, and he was very upset, but he also knew that Yang Yiyun was unique in the way of formation. They really needed to listen to him if they wanted to pass the Black Stone Forest smoothly.

So Zhanqing did it.


The Kunlun mirror of the Zhanqing people shone through, and the stone where the phantom array was suddenly shattered.

Yang Yiyun raised the corner of his mouth slightly and smiled in his heart. Zhan Qing told himself with actions that from now on, he would follow his own command.


After the Zhanqing people smashed the illusionary eye stones in the field, the people who were in it awakened one by one, and then they found that they were stopping each other.

They also showed that Yang Yiyun and several people appeared. They couldn't see Yang Yiyun's five people in the illusion before, but when the illusion broke, they saw Yang Yiyun.

The little monk Liao Fan was delighted when he saw Yang Yiyun and a few people arrived, and the old lama Barda's expression changed: "Withdraw~"

Now that I see Yang Yiyun's old man has a deep shadow, I don't dare to face Yang Yiyun hard.

"Do you want to chase it?" Zhan Qing asked with his eyes slanted.

"You go chasing it~" Yang Yiyun didn't plan to chase it, because in the Black Stone Forest, the unevenness of the security will touch the big formation, and then the gain will not be worth the loss.

"Don't chase down." Zhan Qingren murmured.

At this time, the little monk Xiaofan walked over and said, "Amitabha, thank you Brother Zhan for your rescue."

"Don't thank me, it is Yang Madmo's credit. Without him, the magical array cannot be broken." Zhanqing said to the young monk Fan.

At this time, the little monk Fan Fan's eyes flashed with light, and he thanked Yang Yiyun.

But Yang Yiyun fixed his eyes on a string of Buddhist beads in the hands of the little monk, and said in a mysterious way: "Where can I see the Buddhist beads in your hand?"