My Pet Is a Holy Maiden
I had that dream again the next night.
Though he woke up, he looked up at the ceiling blurry as he lay on his back on the bed, and Tatsumi remembered the dream he had had until earlier.
A strangely realistic dream that reminds me exactly of the details.
Plus, I don't have a heart, or I feel like I'm getting more realistic every day.
In a dim basement kind of place, the Virgin, as usual, offers her prayers in a heartless manner.
The dream I had today clearly showed how desperate she was to pray.
Several sweaty beads floating on white skin like virgin snow.
Eventually, the sweat beads slip off over her skin, which she doesn't make microscopic, and drip pompously on the stone floor.
Even in such detail, Tatsumi looked solid.
"... I wonder why... I dream like that..."
As he looked up at the ceiling, Tatsumi shrugged pompously.
Having the same dream so often must be for some reason.
A common pattern is if someone is calling about Tatsumi - a so-called subpoena pattern.
But whatever it is in a novel or comic, there will be nothing unrealistic like being summoned somewhere all of a sudden.
In the first place, there's no reason to be summoned. Tatsumi is a very normal sixteen-year-old boy with no strengths like this anywhere.
Sure, in a novel or something, a princess of another world randomly summons a brave man to save the world, what a setup is, but I don't think it's going to happen to me in the end.
More than that.
Tatsumi herself knows very well that it should not be as it is now.
We have to look forward. You can't keep talking about Chico forever.
As she told herself that again today, Tatsumi began to change her clothes cursorily when she woke up from bed.
Now that I've dropped out of high school, let's at least look for a part-time job. While I think about it, I get dressed and wash my face.
Go to a neighborhood convenience store and buy a job magazine. Though I tried to think of it that way, when the birdcage that once contained Chico in the corner of my sight got into my eyes, the grief came in when I lost Chico.
The fun life I once had with Chico is repeated many times behind Tatsumi's brain.
And think again. That Chico is no longer here.
When that happened, I couldn't do it anymore. The grief of losing Cheeko comes back to me, and I'm unwilling to do anything.
Ever since Cheeko was gone, I haven't had much appetite either and I've only had a minimal diet. That, too, is all the instant food I've bought in before.
In the end, that day and again, Tatsumi was not going anywhere, and she was to remain drawn to her room without doing anything.
Sit back on the bed and watch photos of your family and Cheeko still on your phone screen. Along the way, Tatsumi reaches for the guitar she left aside on her bed and somehow begins to flaunt it.
This acoustic guitar was the shape of his late father, and when Tatsumi was young, his father also played this acorn to Tatsumi for a little while.
Apparently his father banded together when he was younger and was genuinely looking to be a professional guitarist. In the end, he refused to take the road to the pros, but it was also his cliché that he had gotten to a pretty good place.
Tatsumi was also taught how to handle the guitar by his father, so he can play to some extent. Of course, I don't have the strength to point to professionals.
Poiron, Poiron and I claw play guitar without any particular awareness.
"... With that said, this is how you sound your guitar, Cheeko sang it to fit..."
I remember that, Tatsumi, who feels dark again.
Once, when his cheeko was still fine. When Tatsumi played the guitar as she did now, Cheeko shrugged me as if singing along with it.
Tatsumi quietly claws her guitar as she remembers her appearance on the day of her arrival.
It was then.
Suddenly, the light boiled around the bed where he was sitting down.
On the bed, there are only bedding, such as sheets and duvets, and no light source exists that emits light.
And yet, all of a sudden, mysterious light-emitting phenomenon out of bed. For an unclear reason, Tatsumi can only narrow her eyes and see how things are going in the raging of light that can only be described as exactly boiling.
No, to be precise, to an all too sudden strange phenomenon, all I could do was narrow my eyes and see how things were going.
While Tatsumi is doing so, the raging of light continues.
The light is silver and feels no heat at all. Instead of heat, that light is somewhere in a dazzling but gentle light that makes you feel sacred.
And when his surroundings were completely stained with silver, Tatsumi realized that something existed at his feet.
Something like a geometric pattern and a letter or symbol that surrounds it.
When he decided that Tatsumi's limited knowledge was like a magic formation, shining more silver in the dazzling light.
His consciousness swallowed into the dark dark, the opposite of the light that overflowed his surroundings.
Blurry, try to open the eyes that were closed.
The surroundings are dim for a long time. Could it still be before dawn?
I thought so. Tatsumi moved her neck. Trying to look out the window in the overhead direction of the bed.
But there were no windows that were supposed to be there, and instead what I could see was a heavy wall of stone. Moreover, its walls were fitted with expensive looking candlesticks with fine decorations, and the candles on its candlesticks were lit with fire.
Was there a stone wall or a candlestick in here?
Tatsumi thinks with a fallen head.
After Tatsumi's death from his family, Chico and his relocated apartment is a small 2K room. Still, by myself - until recently, Cheeko was with me - this room was large enough to live in and Tatsumi liked it a lot.
There can't be a stone wall in that room, naturally. No, it won't be just Tatsumi's room, there will be few stonewall houses or anything like that in Japan today.
Then this is not Tatsumi's room. So I wonder where I slept, and I'll wake up my torso to see what's going on around me.
The perimeter was covered with stone walls across all directions. It's not just walls on all sides either, the ceilings and floors are all stone built.
Well, like I saw a landscape like this somewhere? Besides, many times very recently.
Tatsumi looks around again, scratching my head with me.
Then I caught what his eyes were.
That's one woman with her eyes open in a kneeling position and staring at herself.
A very beautiful woman with long platinum hair and red ball-like eyes. For some reason, a single room of hair is popping out of the parietal area. Is it a guy called "asshole hair"?
Since such a woman did not move one piece in surprise and was staring at herself, she took a serious look at the woman without even thinking of Tatsumi.
And Tatsumi realizes.
That the woman looks familiar.
"... came out in my dreams... Virgin...?
Yes, it looked just like that Virgin who was always praying wholeheartedly in the dreams he sees every night.
When Tatsumi looked around again that came to mind, now he does look a lot like that basement place I dreamed about. No, it's not like they're similar. That basement itself.
So, is the Virgin the same person as the woman you dreamed of?
Once again, when Tatsumi tried to turn her gaze towards the Virgin figure.
A strong impact struck his body.
Tatsumi, who was in a position to sit back on the bed, falls back on the bed intact, unable to withstand the shock he has attacked.
What the hell?!? A beautiful white gold hair fluttered into Tatsumi's sight in a light panic.
And felt, a strong embracing sensation and a sweet fragrance across the nasal cavity.
At this time, Tatsumi finally realized that she was being held by an earlier Virgin woman.
A woman holding Tatsumi tight to suddenly jump.
As she held Tatsumi's body tightly with her thin arm, she let go of her body slightly and peered into Tatsumi's face.
The red eyes of a woman and the black eyes of Tatsumi intersect at close range.
Now the crimson eyes, like women's red balls, had glittering tears. Then she smiled happily toward Tatsumi.
"Finally...... finally see you...... I've been waiting for years to see you like this again......"
"Huh? Uh... I've seen you before...?
"Yes... oh... this look, this voice... and this smell... no doubt... I have never forgotten about you even temporarily..."
So I moved around, and the tears that were overflowing in her eyes finally decimated, and fell zero on Tatsumi's face.
To the feeling of tears falling on her cheeks, Tatsumi remembered her current posture once again, reddening her complexion.
Now Tatsumi and the woman are hugging each other on the bed.
Besides, I feel the softness of her body all over her body because of the woman's position on top of Tatsumi.
But I don't really feel heavy. He is about the same height or lower as Tatsumi, but he probably weighs a lot less than him.
Especially conscious are still the two awesome soft things crumbling in his chest. Of course, it's an alley representing a woman.
Whenever she moves, she softens her fluffy feet and Tatsumi's chest.
I didn't realize it when I was dreaming, but all she wears is clothes that wrap a very thin piece of cloth around her body.
It's dim in the room, but if you're still this close to her, you'll see the color of her skin through that thin cloth.
Unexpectedly, Tatsumi's gaze is sucked into the valley of her chest, which is clearly engraved.
The pink fruit at the tip of his chest was pressed against him. Hidden and invisible with his chest, but I'm pretty sure this woman's chest combat is pretty good. Is there something like 85 to 90 estimated combat power?
What a sad creature a man is to think of that in a situation like this, Tatsumi thinks like some other HR. It is undoubtedly a sort of escape from reality.
Do you notice Tatsumi's gaze like that or not, the woman said something really outrageous when she laughed fluently again.
"Again...... I am so glad to see you like this again............ your husband"
"Huh? What? Yes, now, what... Huh? Your husband? also, could... you mean me?
"Yes. Aren't you my husband"
chuckle. The woman laughs happily from the bottom of her heart.
As I said earlier, apparently I've met this woman before.
Tatsumi hurries back to his memory, but he didn't remember meeting the beauty in front of him.
In the first place, Tatsumi doesn't know any foreigners. On the contrary, very few foreigners have ever exchanged words in their lives. At most, it would be about once or twice when they asked me the way.
Besides, she is such a beautiful white blonde (platinum blonde) with red eyes like red balls. Your face is extremely neat, and you can't possibly forget it once you see him.
The woman went on to say even more when she read the inside of Tatsumi, who had been thinking about it.
"I can't help but remember your husband. Because I'm not who your husband remembers me."
"Huh? What does that mean?
Unexpectedly, the woman laughs when she sees the proper Tatsumi. And when I let myself go of him, I made my dwelling right on the bed.
"I'm late. My name is Calcedonia Chrysoprese. He is a priest in the Order of Savaivo in the Kingdom of Largofiri."
and quietly lowered his head, remaining in a front-seat position.
"Is...? Oh, uh... I'm Tatsumi Yamagata."
"Yes, I know you."
and a woman named Calcedonia smiling. Seeing this smile of hers, most of the men of the world must be captivated. It's such a superb smile to make you think so.
But even with such a smile on his face, Tatsumi's confusion only deepens.
Of course she knew Tatsumi's name because there were a number of words in her current language that she didn't hear at all.
At this time, the speculation in Tatsumi's chest comes to mind. But sooner than he uttered it, Calcedonia went on to say more.
"Your husband won't know anything about me. But I know your husband better than anyone. No... I remember"
Calcedonia staring at Tatsumi's face. In his sincere gaze, Tatsumi felt a sense of readiness.
I've had this look at myself before. That, too, comes from very close range.
For example, from above the hand. For example, from above the shoulder. Sometimes it must have come from on your sitting knee.
Yes. For some reason, her gaze is very similar to that of his beloved little family.
"... Chico..."
That name is unintentionally zero from Tatsumi's mouth. And the moment I heard that, Calcedonia had the most grin ever.
It's a blissful smile that everyone who sees doesn't doubt that she feels great happiness.
Words burst out of her mouth with such a smile that shocked Tatsumi immensely.
"YES......!! YES, YES!! I... I am CHICO!! Master...... YOUR CHICO!!"