My Pet Is a Holy Maiden
Knight of Liberty.
Suddenly called from behind, the voice of a young man.
From what I heard, the age was only slightly older than Tatsumi...... still, it was thought that he would not be well above twenty years old.
And in response to that voice, Calcedonia, called by name, looks back first.
Slightly late for her and Tatsumi again. At this time, Tatsumi, who was walking behind Calcedonia, realized she was smiling as she turned around.
If Tatsumi also looked back behind her so that she could be caught, there was one man there.
Age would still be around twenty. The length that seems to exceed 180 cm and the shape that you can see is thin but well worked out.
Tatsumi guessed that sheet-metal armor - the so-called platemails - would be on that disappointing body, with a sword on his hips.
Her hair is bright redhead. A cool, tidy look that really shows the hairstyle that cut that redhead short.
The red brown eyes were gently narrowed to capture Calcedonia behind Tatsumi.
Wow, it's like some prince or brave man, that's the first impression Tatsumi had of him.
"Oh, Morger. Have you finished training your cleric warriors today?
"Oh, it's been a good day."
"Alas. You have seen the other cleric warriors, isn't that a mistake?
Tatsumi's feelings are approximated, and the two really have a friendly conversation.
Tatsumi descends to the side of the hallway so as not to disturb the conversation between the two. While doing so, Tatsumi had realized that the name "Morger", which Calcedonia had spoken of earlier, sounded familiar.
-That's right. I thought a nobleman named Karsin I met today said. Sure, rumors say he's like a Calcedonian lover... I thought he was also known as the Freedom Knight...
As Tatsumi remembered his conversation with Karsin today, a man named Morger moved his gaze toward him.
"By the way, Calse. Who's this one? I'm dressed unfamiliar... but could you possibly be a visitor to my temple from another country?
"Ah! What I did... I'm sorry"
Calcedonia bowed her head deeply as she turned back to Tatsumi, remembering that she was inadvertently in conversation ignoring Tatsumi.
"I'd like to introduce you. This man is Morganik Tychols. He is a cleric warrior who belongs to this temple of Savaivo, and he is the same demon warrior as I am."
"Huh? Same as Cheeko...?
"Yes. Me and Morger always work together when we have a request to be devilish"
Calcedonia chuckles as she watches Morgarnike. The opposing Morgar Nike also looks at Calcedonia with a soft grin on its cool, tidy appearance.
You're like a couple of famous entertainers, and Tatsumi stares at them with somewhat out of place sentiments.
At the same time, a tiny pain felt in the depths of my heart.
As Tatsumi tilted her neck inside wondering why she felt such pain, Morgarnike approached Tatsumi one step closer.
"I just got an introduction, it's Morgernike. Just so you know, exotics."
With that said, Morgar Nike offers his right hand all the time.
Tatsumi also squeezed the right hand offered by Morgarnike, thinking that even in this world you would show up dear with a handshake.
"Nice to meet you. Me... Oh, no, I'm Tatsumi Yamagata... Should I call myself Tatsumi Yamagata over here?
When Calcedonia introduced Karsin to Tatsumi earlier, she introduced Tatsumi to Tatsumi Yamagata. Apparently in this country, names are named first, just like in the West.
"So, what brings Lord Tatsumi to this country? Is being here with Calse meant to see you under the Chrysoprese?
Everyone knows that Calcedonia is Giuseppe's adopted daughter if she is a person in this temple. This is how Calcedonia often guides guests to Giuseppe.
"Huh? Uh... you mean Mr. Giuseppe under the Chrysoprese, right?
"Yes, it is"
When Tatsumi visited Calcedonia, she smiled and nodded at the question.
That was a really trivial exchange, but the shock it had on Morgernike was enormous.
Kingdom of Largofiri, no, it is no exaggeration to say that we will be at the apex of all Savaivo believers in the Zoisalite continent. I did not expect Giuseppe Chrysoprese to be named as intimate as if he were a neighbor's face acquaintance.
If he were to be the supreme priest of each denomination, beginning with the Savaive God, his authority would be shouldered even by the king of a nation.
Who the hell is this brunette boy who calls that Giuseppe so intimate?
Also, there's one more thing I care about Morgarnike. It's about Calcedonia being really close to this boy - no, it's like serving this boy.
Calcedonia, daughter of Giuseppe Chrysoprese, albeit adopted daughter, and even famous "Virgin" in the Kingdom of Largofili, treats her with a step-back attitude as if doing so were normal. Besides, her expression seems very pleasing.
I'm not happy to serve this boy.
The attitude of Calcedonia, which doesn't seem like it, really bothered Morgarnike.
Usual Calcedonia does treat everyone with a smile. But it comes only from her service as a cleric, and vegan girlfriend, regardless of her same-sex, does not get very close to the opposite sex.
Speaking of heterosexuality, to which she becomes close, her grandfather, Giuseppe, and his proximity, as well as a few archpriests who have adored her since childhood, they have many elderly people, and I guess there is less awareness of heterosexuality if you try Calcedonia.
For her, Morgarnike was secretly complacent that the man she approached closest to her age was herself.
To date, Morgarnike has worked with Calcedonia many times to work as a demonic master.
Not many humans now recognize Morgarnike and Calcedonia as a pair of demonic masters.
Warcraft hunting in Shirai and demonic masters belonging to the denomination often take one job for a few.
The enemy is a mighty warcraft or demon. It would be more advantageous to confront each other in more than one, without even having to think about it.
Some of them work hard on their own, but it can be either someone with certainty or someone who is not comfortable dealing with others, or someone quite different.
It has been several years since Morgarnike and Calcedonia became exorcists, but in the meantime the two have always worked together as a team.
Sometimes it takes the two of us days to travel to the requested place and even wander through the woods and wilderness until we defeat the target, the Warcraft and Demons.
It was only in the beginning that we had minimal conversation, but while we had been asked to do so many times together, gradually the two became close.
While we were fighting the Warcraft with our lives together, we broke it with nature. It was only at first that the two of them dived through the training ground together many times, building trust and credibility with each other.
The fact is a definite confidence in Morgarnike.
Though the adopted daughter, Calcedonia, the daughter of the Supreme Priest of the Savaivist Church, said that stories of consecutive mountain-like proposals set in.
Fortunately, Giuseppe doesn't seem to have the political ambition to make her an instrument of political marriage. And the man closest to Calcedonia was Morganik.
There are widespread rumors in the public that the two are in love. By always working together, the two of us started to make such rumors at some point.
And Morgarnike at the time also, at some point, had more feelings for Calcedonia than his work colleagues.
It is called the Virgin and other two great names, but in fact to its character, which is no different from that of a very ordinary daughter.
Anyone who is hurt, to that tenderness that reaches out for healing.
Sometimes too many wings off to fail, and of course to tongue down to the innocence of trying to delude that failure.
And most importantly, hidden in a fake smile, as I watched her real smile that gave me a glimpse of herself.
As a single man, Morgarnike was starting to see Calcedonia as a single woman.
"When I was wrong yesterday, I couldn't even talk slowly because I seemed to have something to do with it... but with that being said, I haven't seen Calse in the last few days"
Morgarnike pushes and kills the questions that spring to his heart and turns again to Calcedonia.
"Yes, because it's what your grandfather used to say to pick up this Yamagata."
Only Calcedonia and Giuseppe know at the moment that Calcedonia has succeeded in summoning magic and invited Tatsumi to this world.
Summoning magic is not magic that can be done to anyone, even if its very existence is known. On the contrary, it is now so magical that it can be called a legend.
Giuseppe decided that if Calcedonia was found to have succeeded in its summoning magic, it could be an unexpected noise.
Of course, the next time Calcedonia does summoning magic, there is no guarantee that it will succeed. Nor am I confident that I can summon someone other than Tatsumi to Calcedonia.
Because the caller is Calcedonia. And because the caller is Tatsumi.
Summoning magic may have succeeded because this condition was in place.
For this reason, Calcedonia, which had been underground for several days for summoning magic, was ostensibly supposed to have picked up guests under Giuseppe's life.
Most importantly, the apparent reason is no lie at all. Because Calcedonia welcomed Tatsumi into this world.
"Was it? Oh, I'm sorry. You were on your way to escort your guests to the lower quarters. I'm sorry I stopped you, Lord Yamagata."
"No, never mind. Then you can call me Tatsumi."
"I understand, Lord Tatsumi. Then call me Morger, too."
Morgarnike laughing and saying. But Tatsumi, who was directly in front of him, did see that his red-brown eyes emitted a compelling light only for a moment.
A thankless Morgarnike shows the two of them his back and walks away.
Tatsumi stares at his back with a slight lean neck. That strangely compelling gaze that Morgarnike showed earlier. I don't understand Tatsumi's meaning.
"What is it, my lord?
"Oh, oh, no, it's nothing. Besides, that Morger guy, he's called the Freedom Knight, right? What does that" freedom knight "mean?
"Master, you know his two names very well... Oh, speaking of which, Mr. Sankerai was talking a little about him today"
Looking at Tatsumi with a glimpse of how he cared about something, Calcedonia explained what a "freedom knight" was.
Originally, knights are those who serve kings, kingdoms, nobles, etc.
He who devotes his allegiance and force to the Lord (or the Lord), literally shields and swords for the Lord, is called a knight.
A noble spirit and a steel flesh are demanded, and to do so we must always continue to discipline and train ourselves. And because of its gorgeous and brave impression, it is extremely popular with women and children.
Of course, not all knights fall under this condition, but when you ask the world about knights in general, you will get a response like that.
But the Freedom Knight does not have the Lord to serve.
Instead of having the Lord, he calls those who take the sword for the weak and needy in the world, the Knight of Liberty in the Kingdom of Largofiri.
Nevertheless, not everyone calls themselves the Knight of Liberty.
As mentioned earlier, a knight serves the Lord. And they shall be paid by their Lord to feed their lives.
For this reason, free knights who do not have the Lord do not have a determined income.
Even kids know what's going on and that they need some kind of income to live.
As a result, those who have become freedom knights are often pushed financially into distress.
Unlike the gorgeous and honorable knight, the freedom knight makes a truly plain impression, although honor and fame are no less important to the knight.
For all the above reasons, few people name themselves freedom knights. It is also a reality that there are not many who try to be.
Having heard an explanation about the Freedom Knight, Tatsumi was under the impression that he might be closer to a brave man than a knight.
"Morger has defeated numerous warcraft and demons for those in need so far. It's never like demanding money, just because there are people in trouble there. If, of course, it is a formal request, the reward will come out of the temple. But he takes the sword for those in need at his will, even if it is not a request from the temple. I think it's natural that he became known as the Freedom Knight."
"... so when he fights for those in need... Chico was with him, wasn't he?
"... right... as a cleric too... and as a friend of his... I wanted to help him... so, crap!!"
Calcedonia turned to Tatsumi with momentum.
"Wow, I am, you know, just as a friend... heck, never, as rumored by the world, or about him... because there is never a fact!! wow, what I'm thinking is..."
With a bright red face. Still with a desperate look. I understood what Calcedonia wanted to say to Tatsumi.
She probably cared about the rumors about the Freedom Knight and the Virgin, which Carsin also talked about earlier. So Tatsumi will answer you with a smile.
"Okay. So rumors are just rumors, huh?
"Ha, yes......!! And can you believe...?
"Of course, I believe you."
Keeping his head down, Tatsumi stroked the head of Calcedonia, staring still at Tatsumi with his upper eyes, with his palms.
"Well, let's go report the house to Mr. Giuseppe sooner than that."
As he had done when he left the city, Calcedonia leans softly against him with joy when he holds Tatsumi's arm in his arms.
At this time, I could no longer feel the little pain in the depths of my heart that Tatsumi had felt earlier.