My Pet Is a Holy Maiden
The Devil's Whisper
─ ─ Don't you want that woman's tender body?
When his voice was in his ear, his heart beat hard.
He sees her a little further away in such a noisy motion.
She has been working together ever since she was first given a mission as a demonic master by the Temple.
All this time, all this time he kept thinking about her.
She's right next door. Reach out and you'll be where you reach.
-That's right. Make that woman your own. Look, look at this. Give me milk that's about to fall out of that torn clothing. I'm showing it to you. I'm asking you out. Come on, get him on that woman's invitation. That's what she wanted.
A voice that keeps whispering in my ear. He nodded at it - Morgernike took a step toward the Virgin with his sword hanging from his body.
But Morgarnike only took that step.
Something to whisper in your ear. You should know exactly who that thing is, but for some reason I can't think of that identity in his hazy head.
Still, there was an alarm somewhere in my heart.
Morgarnike removes his sword and holds his head with both hands.
Don't ask. Don't lend your ear to this voice whispering in your ear.
I know that by my head, but the voices I hear are very comfortable. It twitches and erodes the spirit of Morgarnike.
- What's going on? You don't want that woman? You've been thinking about that woman for a long time, haven't you? You're gonna get everything you got on that woman now, right? Nothing to shy away from. Make everything about that woman yours.
The whispering continues.
As his voice guides him, Morgarnike sees Calcedonia.
A woman who was much more in love than before. His love may have started when he met her.
I want to make her my own. I want to keep it in my arms forever without giving it to any other man.
I want to take care of her. Be sure to protect her from any danger, so much so that she secretly took an oath to her own God.
Those two conflicting feelings stir up violently in Morgarnike.
When two feelings bumped into each other in his mind and the balance still leaned towards his desire to take care of her.
There was something moving in the corner of his sight.
That's one man.
A man who has recently appeared in this temple and is very close to Calcedonia. Honestly, that wasn't funny to Morgarnike.
slightly different waves that occur in his mind. "Something" that notices its various waves visibly stimulates the matter.
-You don't like that guy? Then... you should finish it, right? Can I keep those featherworms wrapped around your precious woman?
There's no way. It can't be tolerated to keep such an unidentified man beside her dear.
─ ─ Then you should just crush those annoying featherworms and so on. I'm sure your precious lady must be annoyed by that feather worm.
Yes. Like many other aristocratic men, I'm sure Calcedonia must be annoyed by that man's entourage.
-That's right. I suppose so. Cleaning up that feather leads to protecting your precious woman. I'm sure that woman will thank you and forgive you even more.
Eliminate that man. That would please Calcedonia.
Happily, Morgarnike picked up his love sword, which was falling at his feet, then painting her illuminating expression on the back of his brain.
"It" sneered secretly.
A human being chosen for a new prey. The man who was the prey before also had a great desire in his heart, but this man also had a desire no less than that.
Desire is the food for "it".
The creatures live with not less desire. Wildlife also has a variety of desires, including appetite and breeding appetite. But they have a lot to do with instincts to live, and not so strong as desire.
The strongest and most complex desire of living and living things. That would definitely be human.
Inside humans, there are indeed many kinds of desires swirling.
appetite, financial appetite, lust, birth appetite, etc.
The more complex, large and varied the negative desire, the more delicious it will be for the "it" people. So the "it" are aimed at human beings to possess the opportunity.
The human desire possessed until earlier was also delicious, but this time the human desire was going to taste better than that.
Pure admiration for one woman. But pure thoughts also become more and more black exclusivity if they go too far sometimes.
"It" stimulates and amplifies the pure thoughts of possessed human beings, transforming them into a variety of negative desires. And sip the desire that leans in that negative direction.
I transformed the love that this human still had for a woman into an intense and ugly desire for exclusivity.
But this human mental power was much tougher than "it" could have imagined.
Once again, he tried to transform his admiration, which turned him into a black lust for exclusivity.
So "it" changed its purpose.
Instead of boosting my appetite for exclusivity towards women, I incite jealousy towards men wandering beside women.
Jealousy is also part of a desire for exclusivity. The comatose flame in the name of jealousy, which burned violently in my mind because "it" incited it, was more delicious than any desire "it" has ever tasted.
Come on, kill that man. And the next thing you know, the woman over there will get dirty, too.
Little by little, if we strip the possessed man of his reason, we will all turn this man into a demon who follows his own desires faithfully.
"It" continued sipping a boiling comatose desire in the possessed human heart with an unpleasant grin.
Morgar Nike, which has changed since then and has suddenly become a vain look.
As he slowly circled his neck, he stared at Calcedonia.
In his eyes, which were vain, gradually, but the light begins to dwell.
But that light, unlike the usual harsh and gentle light of his eyes, by disastrous means, in red light.
"Also, Morger......? No way... not just Master Baldio, but even you..."
That is a testament possessed by the Devil.
The strongest warrior Calcedonia has ever fought with. I didn't know the warrior would turn into a demon.
Calcedonia where that fact is not immediately believable and unexpectedly keeps staring at Morgarnike with a stick.
From such calcedonia, Morgarnike moved his gaze to Tatsumi, who was behind him.
As soon as I admitted Tatsumi's appearance, a fierce rage appeared on Morgarnike's face. When he shook up the sword he had picked up, he rushed straight to Tatsumi at an awesome rate.
Morgarnike rushes to himself in a demonic shape. The fear that springs up in its too much shape forms a chain, tying Tatsumi's mind and body together.
Reaching Tatsumi in a short amount of time, Morgarnike waves his sword up over Tatsumi's head.
But just before the shaken blade reached Tatsumi, purple electric light pierced his body.
Morgernike's body is blown away by electric shock from the side.
When Tatsumi, finally freed from fear, saw the electric light flying, there was the figure of Calcedonia with her right hand protruding.
"I won't tolerate anyone trying to hurt my husband, even if I say Morger!!"
When she declares clearly, she stands between Morgarnike and Tatsumi while chanting a new spell.
Earlier she was flabbergasted, but seemed to have regained her sanity to the crisis of her beloved boy.
Simultaneously with the completion of the spell, once again a thunderbolt emerges from the hands of Calcedonia, shooting through the falling Morgarnike body.
Whenever he is struck by lightning, Morgarnike's body jumps up like a fish launched ashore by Bikun Bikun.
"Oh, hey, Cheeko... not too much for anything... Mr. Morger, are you okay...?
"It's all right!! I'm doing it right, and Morger isn't as yawdy as dying in about this!! First of all, it's more than trying to hurt your husband. This is still so raw and warm!!"
Calcedonia to speak for itself. Its eyes are completely seated.
Wow, Tatsumi with a look like that. But I didn't say anything more, except that Tatsumi just wishes Morgarnike well.
While doing so, the fallen Morgarnike has been struck by lightning many more times, not even groaning already.
Although how much Morgarnike is a resilient warrior, isn't it just about time you sucked? and when Tatsumi worried. Finally, Calcedonia's chanting of the spell stopped, and a series of electric shocks broke off.
"............ now that he is weak too, he will also be losing his resistance to the spell. He possesses the Devil in this gap."
Calcedonia begins chanting "The Devil" three times.
Apparently, the goal was not just to hurt Morgarnike, but to weaken him and cut his resistance to the spell.
The chant of the spell is complete while Tatsumi leans her neck inside, "I wonder if it's true" to such Calcedonian words, and a clean light envelops the falling Morgarnike.
Silver Light of the Devil's Epic. Captured by this light, the Demon is sealed off and eventually extinguished.
Sometimes a powerful Demon can withstand the rays of evil, but it is only "withstand". Once trapped in the light of destruction, there is no escape from the light in the Demon.
But now. Something has popped up in momentum from the silver light of Calcedonia's "The Devil".
"Something" popped up - Morgarnike hits Calcedonia as he growls like a beast.
The pain and suffering of the "demon" burned by the light of purification and, above all, transmitted by anger to Morgarnike, the possessor, who has completely forgotten me, points the cutting edge of that sword at the beloved woman.
That was a complete ambush. There was also a slight alarm in Calcedonia, as no "demon" had ever existed before caught by the light of purification and escaped from it.
Has Morgarnike's forged body accomplished something that has never been possible before?
A close friend who jumps on himself with a demonic look. Besides, carry a sword with swordswallowing light in its hands.
Surprisingly overlooking Calcedonia. The body does not move at all as if it had been tied to gold.
At present in Calcedonia, Morgarnike broadens his arms with a sword greatly. The transverse giraffe of divine speed rolled out of it would easily amputate the thin body of Calcedonia.
A ferocious blade that slides straight out to the side.
The Virgin can't even afford to avoid standing up.
The blade emitted by Ben (Hashi) instantly increases its speed and turns it into a silver lightning bolt like the electric light emitted by Calcedonia earlier.
And the blade of the Freedom Knight, possessed by the Demon, struck the body of the Virgin.
The sword of the "Freedom Knight" swept through firmly.
Crimson blood tides splashing around.
Becha, and did not wipe the blood on his face, Calcedonia looked at the sight flashly as he lay on the ground.
Just before the Morgarnike sword reached her.
Her body was thrust hard from the side and fell straight into the ground.
A warm, lukewarm red liquid descends on the side of Calcedonia falling to the ground.
At the same time, the smell of iron spreading around. To Calcedonia, who has confronted warcraft and demons many times before as an exorcist, is nothing more than the smell of blood used to sniffing.
And what she saw as she fell and looked up lying down.
It was the figure of her beloved boy, whose chest was mutilated by the sword of the sworn out "Freedom Knight" and fell to the ground bleeding.