My Pet Is a Holy Maiden
Magic Verification of Tatsumi
Tatsumi closes her eyes and slowly releases her own senses.
Tatsumi, who has liberated her senses, can certainly feel the presence of the magic that surrounds her.
The magic that slowly flows around you. Tatsumi incorporates the magic into her body.
The image is breathing. Breathe in, but also take the magic that drifts around you into your body.
Ordinary wizards like Calcedonia and Giuseppe say they think of "wells" in their bodies and feel their own magic in the image of drawing up water from them.
But Tatsumi doesn't have a "well" on the inside. As a result of various advice received from Calcedonia and Giuseppe, the image of breathing was most easily understood by Tatsumi.
Oxygen entering the lungs melts into the blood and is pumped into every corner of the body by the beating of the heart. On that image, Tatsumi fills her body with magic.
Learning the mechanism of breathing in modern Japan around here was helping Tatsumi's magical circulation image.
When Tatsumi opens her eyes, she picks up the stone she had at her feet, feeling her magic build-up all over her body.
Very ordinary stone everywhere, about the size of a fist.
When Tatsumi gently squeezed the stone, he was able to squeeze it lightly as if it were a mud dumpling.
Subsequently, Tatsumi turns to Katsuyamako, who stands in front of him and wears leather armor that is also used in martial arts exercises.
If he smashed his fist full of golden magic into that Kaiseyamako, Kaiseyamako blew it into wood dust as if it had exploded with the roar.
Seeing the sight, Giuseppe and Calcedonia breathed out a deep sigh of hah at the same time.
"... as always, many things are out of cod, my son-in-law..."
"... cod is a good place too, your husband..."
Of course there's a reason the two of them were stunned.
In today's world of Calcedonians, "using magic to directly strengthen physical abilities" is not the first thing to do.
Magic that improves physical abilities does exist, but it is only a "magical effect" and not like increasing physical abilities directly with magic.
generating predetermined phenomena by chanting spells. That is the magic of this world - chanting magic.
Magic is the energy to activate magic, and chanting a spell automatically consumes a certain amount of magic that is woven into it.
It is possible to consume more magic than is originally required to increase the power of magic or widen the range of effects, in which case extra magic is consumed to increase power or widen the range of effects by chanting more than once the defined part of the spell.
In other words, very little has been done to manipulate only magic directly.
"The amount of magic that is automatically consumed by spells has been narrowed down to aperture in the long history of research. Of course, there are still wizards who study to further improve their spells, and some devote their lives to that research."
Let's say, for example, that there is magic activated by the magic of "10" by casting a spell.
Beyond chanting the same spell, the magic consumed by whoever uses this magic is always "10". But if we try to manipulate and express the same effect of this magic without going through a spell, the magic consumed may be "20" by the power of the surgeon, or "30".
"... I see. I mean, if you don't use spells, you're going to be extremely fuel-efficient."
Hearing Giuseppe's explanation, Tatsumi is also convinced.
Of course, it is not impossible in itself for the wizards to manipulate magic directly either.
Suppose that Calcedonia sent magic all over her body like Tatsumi, strengthening her physical abilities.
Because Calcedonia has hardly ever had any direct experience of magic manipulation, it will take longer to develop magic than Tatsumi does today.
And most importantly, there is a problem with the amount of magic that we enclose.
The amount of magic that can be stored in each human body is known. If a normal wizard uses magic like Tatsumi, he will soon lose his magic.
Even Calcedonia, which boasts an extraordinary amount of magic as the amount of magic that an individual encloses, will not have enough magic until it is depleted if it strengthens its body by sending magic across its entire body like Tatsumi.
But if you use the same effect as magic through spells, Calcedonia won't deplete its magic if you use it more than 20 times.
"Long ago... before something called a spell was developed, I hear they all manipulated magic directly, like their son-in-law. But when the spell spread, the method of direct manipulation of magic gradually became obsolete."
The development of a spell that has magic and has the same effect with an optimized amount of magic for anyone as long as it is chanted.
Naturally, as this user-friendly technology spread, the previously less user-friendly technology was naturally phased out.
The spell created a "wizard", but at the same time it was a cut-off for the "wizard" to decline.
That was also why there are only a few wizards and only a few magicians today.
However, Tatsumi, who is not a "wizard" but a "magician", has no choice but to rely on spells and directly manipulate magic.
That said, Tatsumi is also too substandard to use external vegetables as a magician.
Tatsumi, who has practically no such thing as out of magic, can use magic without worrying about the amount of magic left over.
He is also unique in his absurd technique of directly knocking down magic and bursting it, as he did with Kasayamako earlier.
This was why I played Giuseppe with Calcedonia and made Tatsumi say, "Cod is a good place too".
"Hmm. Finally, my son-in-law felt the magic and was able to manipulate it consciously."
"But you're still slow to expand your magic. I don't think we can use it in action."
"Sure... I can feel the magic around me and use it with some consciousness now... but you're not at the actual level yet"
Considering the points pointed out by Giuseppe and Calcedonia, Tatsumi also nodded convincingly.
"Well, that's not a challenge for the future. Now I can consciously manipulate magic."
It's been a long time since Giuseppe and Calcedonia began to teach me magic.
While his work as a junior cleric and martial arts training are also mature, his magic training has accumulated diligently.
I think Tatsumi finally got here, but from Giuseppe and Calcedonia, it was enough to say that his progress was dramatic.
Sure, it was the first time I took the trouble to feel the magic, but Tatsumi's progress since I could feel the magic was really fast.
Because there are no spells in Tatsumi's (Heavenly) system, everything must be activated by direct manipulation of magic.
However, Tatsumi showed an unusual adaptation in terms of this "direct manipulation of magic".
The environment of Japan, where Tatsumi had lived to date, had been instrumental in this.
Needless to say, in Japan, no, there is no such thing as magic or magic in the Earth world. Maybe it exists secretly on the back of society, but at least Tatsumi doesn't know the real magic.
But even if magic and magic did not exist, magic was very common in so-called subcultures such as comics and games.
Tatsumi was not so deeply involved in the subculture, but still touched it once and for all as he did.
I have used magic in games. I've read comics about wizards. The wizard appearing in the movie was throwing a stunning fireball or lightning bolt.
Graphics such as modern Japanese sophisticated games and comics engraved clear magical images into Tatsumi's brain.
Link a clear image engraved in your brain to the magic you take in from your surroundings. By doing so, Tatsumi is activating magic.
However, this method will require immense magic. Transform abstract things like images into real things. There needed to be such an enormous amount of magic there that it was absolutely impossible for a common wizard.
In the future, if Tatsumi becomes more accustomed to linking image and magic, the amount of magic consumed may also be reduced. Still, the only person who can activate magic in this way would be Tatsumi, who is still an exogenous vegetarian.
"Shall we move on to the next training?"
Calcedonia's bright voice echoes inside the room.
Now with Tatsumi and Calcedonia, and Giuseppe was a certain room in the temple, this was a large room with nothing surrounded by fortified stone walls on all sides, prepared for magical workouts.
All I have is one door to get in and out of the room. Is it about twice the size of the basement where Tatsumi was summoned?
Calcedonia removed a piece of silver coin from the sachet that was lowering to her waist.
It is a unified coin commonly used throughout this Zoisalite continent, called "Traded Silver Currency".
"As your husband knows, I left one of the same silver coins on our living room desk in our house. Your husband would like to transfer the silver coin to this point."
Tatsumi snorts at the words of Calcedonia. He also sees Calcedonia putting silver coins on his desk as he leaves his home.
What they are about to do is train the magic of Moment Transfer, which should also be synonymous with the (heavenly) lineage.
Tatsumi closes her eyes and thinks of her completely familiar home living room in her brain. And a single piece of silver coin, on a desk placed in the center of your home.
The magic taken from the surroundings gathers at Tatsumi's fingertips. A pale light of gold lights at his fingertips, and its brilliance gradually becomes stronger.
And when the golden glow flashed and I could play it.
At Tatsumi's fingertips, a piece of silver coin did not exist.
"Hmmm... fail...?
"Sounds like it..."
I could clearly picture the silver coins placed on my desk at home. Still, I couldn't bring that silver coin to the occasion.
"Now let's move this silver coin elsewhere"
Encouraged by Calcedonia, Tatsumi concentrates on the silver coin above her palm.
When magic gathered at his fingertips just like earlier and touched silver coins at that fingertip. Silver coins disappeared from Calcedonia's palm and appeared in Giuseppe's palm the next moment.
"Now it's time for success."
"Right...... hmmm......"
Tatsumi tilts her neck with her arms together.
When you fail and when you succeed. Both felt the same in response. Yet different results mean what the hell made the difference?
I guess Calcedonia and Giuseppe feel the same question as Tatsumi. They both noted the silver coin on Giuseppe's palm with a strange face.
In the meantime, Giuseppe looked up all the time as if she had come up with something.
"Maybe... Hmm, sounds like it's worth a test. My son-in-law."
"What is it?
"Now send this silver coin... well, why don't you send it across that door?"
It was the only entrance and exit door in this room that Giuseppe pointed to. The door is currently closed and you cannot see the hallway beyond it.
As Tatsumi was told, I will touch Giuseppe's silver coins in the same process as earlier.
And a golden light to play. But now the silver coin never disappeared from Giuseppe's palm.
"What does that mean?
Calcedonia tilting her neck. In contrast to her like that, Giuseppe had nodded again and again with a convincing face.
"Hmm. Again. But we need to do a little more validation. My son-in-law, why don't you do what he says a little more?
Tatsumi, who nodded at Giuseppe's words, tried to transfer silver coins many times according to his instructions.
It may have succeeded or it may have failed. Repeating them over and over gradually showed the magical properties of Tatsumi.
After many verifications, Tatsumi's Moment Transfer was found to have some limitations.
Firstly, that Tatsumi can only transfer it to what he is in direct contact with.
This is not biologically irrelevant and cannot be transferred unless some parts of Tatsumi's body are touching it.
I experimented with creatures like bats caught in the temple yard for this validation - although they had eight legs instead of six - but with the same results as silver coins and other inorganic objects.
There were also restrictions on where they could be transferred. That it is limited to Tatsumi's "visible range". Therefore, metastases cannot be used in places that are not directly visible, such as beyond the door.
Conversely, there seemed to be no particular restriction on what was to be transferred. No matter how big it is or how small it is, it may be a creature but it may be inorganic, but it can be transferred.
However, the larger the transfer, the more magic it consumes. Likewise, more distance to transfer consumed more magic.
Most importantly, this point would not have much to do with Tatsumi, an exogenous vegetarian.
They changed the location of the verification into a temple garden, and the results were the same whether it was a large garden stone placed in the garden or a pebble falling around it.
However, it is unclear at this time whether this is the limit of Tatsumi's immaturity or the limit of the Moment Transfer itself.
"So let's finally get into today's experiment for the main purpose."
Tatsumi returned to the stone wall room for magic training again. Erasing his usual calm grin, Giuseppe told Tatsumi and Calcedonia.
Various verifications and training of Tatsumi's "Momentary Transfer" conducted today. What is its last experiment and its main purpose.
That is the human "instantaneous metastasis".
Previously, Tatsumi did transfer herself in Momentary Transfer. But that's what he did unconsciously. Let's do it consciously this time.
Of course, making humans "instantaneous metastases" involves unexpected dangers. For this reason, the two most powerful Giuseppe and Calcedonia, both as wizards in the Temple of Savaivo and as therapists, stood together in this experiment.
"First, let's transfer ourselves."
Giuseppe tells me that Tatsumi closes his eyes and concentrates his consciousness.
Feel the magic swirling around you, picturing the scene behind your brain where you travel momentarily yourself.
The famous "Don't Think, Feel" dialogue in a movie. Tatsumi slowly concentrates, remembering that dialogue for some reason.
When the magic surrounding him is absorbed into his body and filled with it.
As Tatsumi opened her eyes, her appearance scratched off and appeared in a corner of the stone room.
First of all, it's a success.
Giuseppe smiles and Calcedonia applauds with a smile.
"But it still takes too long to activate the magic."
"Well, that's not part of the challenge ahead either. So..."
When Giuseppe glanced at the neighboring Calcedonia, Calcedonia nodded only once and approached Tatsumi.
"... let me transfer other than myself next"
Tatsumi transfers people other than herself. This is the first attempt and it is completely unknown what happens to the person when the metastasis fails.
It was still Calcedonia who named himself as the subject of this dangerous metastasis without showing any hesitation.
Calcedonia standing silently in front of Tatsumi. What comes to that face is a smile, and I see no fear of experimentation at all.
"Jiu, Mr. Giuseppe... after all, isn't it dangerous to suddenly try it in humans? First with small animals like dogs and cats..."
The opposite of Calcedonia is the uneasy look of Tatsumi. That would be so. Because if you fail magically badly, you have no idea how it will affect his precious family, Calcedonia.
"Is that what you're saying? All of a sudden, you don't get convenient little animals or anything like that, do you?
Apparently there is no custom in this Largofili kingdom of having small animals as pets.
When it comes to dogs, wolves, mountain dogs, and cats, bobcats are normal, and there is no such thing as breed improved dogs or cats for pets.
He said that roles such as hounds and sheepdogs would be allowed to be performed by livestock warcraft.
In addition, there are few wolves and bobcats living around the Wang capital, and the only way to catch these is to ask for a warcraft hunt, which naturally costs and takes time.
That's why we didn't make it to today's training.
"It's okay, sir. I believe in your husband."
Trust is also directed with a grin and a smile, and Tatsumi unwittingly gets stuck in words.
"Besides, I have a grandfather, no matter what. Your grandfather can treat most injuries."
"Dear, dear. My son-in-law, you must believe in yourself."
Calcedonia and Giuseppe. The two of us, arguably Tatsumi's family in this world, prompted him, and he finally decided to be ready, too.
"Well............... let's go?
"Yes... go ahead..."
No particular feeling or nervousness, Calcedonia closes both her eyes in nature.
Tatsumi, who took in enough magic, touched Calcedonia's body with her right hand on her left shoulder as it was.
On his right hand conveys the warm and soft feel of Calcedonia. Because I live with her, who prefers skinship, it feels familiar to Tatsumi.
With a little regret that the feeling would be lost, Tatsumi let the magic go.
Right now, it's a corner of the room where you two are. From there to the center of the room, transfer Calcedonia.
I chose the center of the room as my goal because I decided that there would be less chance of an accident because there was nothing around.
And the sensation of Calcedonia disappeared from the palm of Tatsumi, and Calcedonia's body appeared in the center of the room without leaving any space between them.
"Oh, it's a success again... Huh!?"
"Heh...... bubble!?"
The center of the stone room, where Calcedonia did appear.
Only her body (...) body (...).
Calcedonia with a slight floating sensation. But the floating sensation quickly disappeared, and she slowly opened her closing eyes.
Apparently, Tatsumi's transfer was successful, and she moved safely to the center of the room.
Calcedonia moved her gaze to Tatsumi and Giuseppe, a short distance away. But why are they staring at themselves with their eyes open?
Calcedonia leans her neck wonderfully as the asshole hair at the top of her head rocks. In doing so, she moved slightly into her sight, and it entered.
White clergy clothes, like they were thrown off the floor. If you look closely, there is a slight but also a peek at white underwear.
And on that clerical garment, the holy seal of the very familiar Savaive God.
- Is that it? Is that my holy seal? So those cleric clothes belong to me, too?
It was then that her brain finally caught up with things.
Calcedonia moving her gaze toward her own body in fear.
Her crimson eyes, like those of a red ball (Ruby), clearly saw her body in bright white.
Sleek, long, and meaty legs.
Plumpy, exquisitely curved buttocks and a bush of the same shade of hair present at the base of both feet.
A tightly bracketed, thin hips.
And the swelling of both breasts that boast plenty of mass but never show off the mould.
At the apex of its swelling, the poor pale hued fruit has a slight peek in its face.
Calcedonia realized that she was now in what she called one soapy state, dying red in an instant to the chest, not to mention its face.
Apparently, the earlier metastasis by Tatsumi transferred her "only".
Calcedonia rushes to hold her rich breasts with both arms and hides them, squatting on the spot.
"I don't mind your husband, but your grandfather needs to turn around quickly!!"
To a scream that went up unexpectedly, Tatsumi panicked and Giuseppe slowly turned back.
Having confirmed it, Calcedonia moves to her own clothes, which are falling on the floor in tears, and hurries to wear it. Inside, even Tatsumi felt a little lonely turning back.
The sound of clothes rubbing heard from behind. It is very exciting for Tatsumi, a teenager.
Even now, I just saw Calcedonia's dazzling limbs. Even if I don't like it, Tatsumi's heart beats fast and hard.
Tatsumi comes to a certain fact, aware that his cheeks hold the lights of fire.
"Oh, that? In the end, the experiment..."
"Well, you can't fail. Nevertheless, is it not difficult to fix it?
I was too aware of Calcedonia, so I transferred her "just". Now if you recognize her and what she wears "the whole thing," you won't be transferring her "just" next.
"Sure, failure is failure, but this is a delightful failure for my son-in-law, isn't it? If your son-in-law cares about it, what kind of woman would he be... even a knight wearing armor would strip naked in an instant? Hey, hey, hey."
"And I won't, oh no!!"
A conversation between two people that is lowly with a blur so that Calcedonia doesn't sound like it.
To Tatsumi, who dyed and denied the reddened face even more red, Giuseppe burst out her right thumb with a very nice smile.