My Pet Is a Holy Maiden
In my student Nori.
That was one day.
It was on the way to the usual place in the temple garden, where, as usual, we had finished our morning workouts and Tatsumi and Bath were the place for lunch with Calcedonia.
"Oh, um... Dear Tatsumi Yamagata... are you there...?
Suddenly, a reluctant voice of a young woman was heard from behind her back, and Tatsumi looked back.
There's one girl I'm not used to seeing there. Is the age the same as Tatsumi or a little below?
She is a cute impression girl with fluffy chestnut hair and blue eyes that make her feel loved, although she is never beautiful or pretty.
"Ah, yes. I'm Tatsumi...?
From the design of the clergy clothes and the holy seal, I can tell that she is also the same junior cleric as the Tatsumi.
But although they did call him by his name, he was a stranger to Tatsumi.
"Oh, good... I heard you were a black eyed junior cleric with dark hair... but I wondered what I would do if you were wrong."
The girl smiles at me. But you reminded me of something, and I immediately squeezed my expression.
"I'm late. My name is Kuri, and I'm a junior cleric. I'm here today using Calcedonia."
"Cheeko... no, the use of calse...?
Yes, the girl named Kuri, who replied energetically, told Tatsumi about Calcedonia's case.
Today, Calcedonia was quickly set to a certain aristocratic mansion, it seems.
An old aristocratic lady who was once more gracious with her seems to have gotten a little sick.
Calcedonia, who had received a request for treatment from the old lady's servant, said she had also visited the old lady's house.
As a result, he entrusted Kuri, who was familiar with his face, to send a message to Tatsumi and the others that he could no longer participate in lunch as usual.
"I see. I don't have a cell phone or e-mail over here. If something suddenly changes, we'll have to ask for a message."
Maybe there's some magic of transmission of will or something, but I haven't heard such magic stories from Calcedonia or Giuseppe.
If it exists, it will definitely teach Tatsumi its magic because it is about Calcedonia.
Perhaps the most existential is magic that neither Calcedonia nor Giuseppe can use.
"So I left this with Master Calcedonia..."
That's what Cooli offered me was a basket-like cage, always used by Calcedonia to carry lunch.
"I think Calcedonia will be served meals on the go, so I don't mind eating them with Tatsumi."
"Thank you. Uh, was that Mr. Cooli? You're the same junior cleric, and you don't have to worry about me, do you?
If Tatsumi says so while receiving the cage, Kuri shakes his hands in front of his face with his eyes rounded.
"Oh, you can't do that! Isn't Tatsumi the one who will be Master Calcedonia's husband! Moreover, I have also heard that the Supreme Priest of Chrysoprese himself is a firm and instructive man. Even the same lower clergy will be in a different position from those who are told that they will take a high position in the Temple in the future!!"
"What!? That's how I was seen!?"
To Kuri's words, Tatsumi turned to the neighboring berth, more surprised to the contrary, and Berth sighed with a shrugged shoulder.
"You don't know about yourself, do you? There's been a lot of rumors lately, including with Master Calcedonia.
Person whom the Supreme Priest of the Savive Church deliberately invited from a distant exotic country as the companion of his granddaughter.
The High Priest teaches and guides himself, and he sees himself as a high place in the Temple of Savaivo in the future, or as his successor.
It may possess vast powers of human separation and become a successor to the name of the Great Mage.
The arms of the sword as well as magic will show a rare glimpse, and slowly will be the chief warrior who binds the cleric warrior.
He defeated Morgarnike in a duel, who was once in love with The Virgin, and took Calcedonia from him.
A considerable number of rumors about Tatsumi, including those conveyed to the Great Jubilee and those without roots or leaves, are spreading not only within the Temple but also to the city of Levantis.
And these days, the royal family and the families of each nobleman have asked Giuseppe to meet Tatsumi at the time.
"In many ways, now you're a man of the hour."
Tatsumi looked sinister as she was told by Bath with a slight grin.
"I'm sorry you took the trouble. It's no big deal, but a rushed servant called you..."
An old lady lay herself on the sleeping table turned a gentle grin towards Calcedonia.
"No, never mind. The Big Mistress has taken care of a lot of things since I was a little girl, so call me anytime you need anything. We will do everything we can."
When Calcedonia applied the magic of "Disease Cure" to the old lady, did her body get easier? The old lady woke her upper body up on the sleeping table.
The name of this old lady is Elisia Quarrotto. A previous wife of the Duke of Quarrot family, her husband, the previous Duke of Quarrot, traveled to the throne of God, a figure who hid when his son succeeded the governor and now enjoys the rest of his life in relaxation.
But even though he has hidden, he still has tremendous influence in the aristocratic society of the Kingdom of Largofiri, especially in the world of women such as aristocratic ladies and courtiers.
Its influence was even said to be "if the Duchess of Quarrotto's predecessors cared about it, even the Queen's neck would be replaced", and among the noble women of Largofiri, he was a respected but feared figure.
But if you take it to Calcedonia, this carefree old lady, who was an ancient acquaintance of her grandfather - blood adoptive father - is only her favorite "sweet aunt" who took care of her more than she did when she was a little girl.
"As always, your magic works well. By the way..."
Elisia turned her calm grin until then into a childish grin playing a prank.
"Did you hear that? Finally, you made up your mind to consolidate yourself, didn't you?
"Well. Has it even reached the ear of the great lady yet?
Calcedonia to dew surprises. However, Elisia clearly saw what seemed to be happier in her eyes and mouth.
"Yes...... Apparently, you were able to make a tour with a good mate. To tell you the truth, I wanted you to be with someone of my grandchildren..."
Until now, Elisia has had an affair with Calcedonia about something.
Starting with her grandchildren, she was trying to connect Calcedonia with some of the nobles, especially with promising future warrants.
This is not a political ambition to incorporate the "Virgin of the Temple of Savaivo" into the bloodline, but merely a sincere concern for Calcedonia, which was also in its late years of appropriateness.
Just knowing that, both Calcedonia and Giuseppe felt distressed every time they refused, unlike any other.
"But if you look at your table right now, you shouldn't say anything wild. Hey, can I ask you something? what a lovely man you chose."
And Calcedonia seemed really happy to tell them about the man who would be her partner.
It was Elisia who seemed to enjoy listening to the story at first, but as she listened to Calcedonia who spoke extensively, it didn't take that much time for that grin to gradually turn into something that attracted her, and into a laid-back look.
Tatsumi and Bath broke up in thanksgiving to Kuri.
They were now walking towards the dining room in the temple, not the garden, which was their original destination.
If Calcedonia isn't with us, we should eat in the cafeteria once in a while.
The two of us step into the dining room as we hang the Calcedonian cage that Kuri delivered to us.
Sometimes just at meals, the dining room was quite crowded. Nevertheless, the vacancies are not as good as they seem.
Now, as Tatsumi and Bath looked around to see where to calm their hips, a person noticed the presence of the two and called out.
"Is that it? Tatsumi and Bath? Didn't you guys have lunch with Master Calcedonia, as usual?
If Tatsumi turned to the voice, there were three very similar faces lined up there.
"Needs, sago and sheelo? Were you here too?"
Those were apprentices who were both trained as cleric warriors, arguably for Tatsumi and Bath as contemporaries.
By the way, these three, they look just like each other, but they are not triplets, they are brothers of their older sons.
Scorched brown hair and bright brown eyes are all common to the three of us, with the oldest needs being 17, Sargo 16, and Sheelo 15.
They are the second, third and fourth sons of a small merchant, who goes from outside the temple to the temple of Savaivo every day in order to be trained to become cleric warriors, not clerics who take their place in the temple of Savaivo.
In this world, far more dangerous than modern Japan, there are those who seek to defend themselves among the general public.
To those, the temple teaches them how to handle weapons.
But there is no first visitor to the temple of the Savaive God, the God of the earth and abundance, for the treatment of weapons.
Those who seek the treatment of weapons in order to defend themselves are God who directs the sun and light, from which they often go to the temple of the Golaiba God, who also has a side as the patron saint of the law and god of war.
Those who come all the way to the Temple of Savaivo to train cleric warriors, like the Needs, can be described as considerable strangers.
The merchants, their parents' houses, were trained at the Temple of Savaivo, thinking that the three brothers would be cleric warriors in the future or, if that were not possible, warcraft hunting, because their eldest sons would inherit them.
They chose the Temple of Savaivo rather than the Temple of Golaiba because of the boyish "impure" purpose of their time, combined with their proximity to their parents' home and possibly their approachability with the prestigious "Savaivo Temple's" Virgin ".
Most of all, that "impure" purpose was accomplished more than I had imagined by becoming close to Tatsumi.
Invited by such needs, Tatsumi and Bath settled down in the seat next to them, which was just empty.
"So, what's going on? Isn't Master Calcedonia with you?
"That's why Cheeko went out with a sudden request for treatment or something. That's why we're here today."
Tatsumi explains to the needs while taking out the lunch that Calcedonia made for us from the cage.
But the Needs brothers stared silently at the lunch box placed on the desk in the sky above Tatsumi's explanation and so on.
A lunch box placed on a desk. That's the so-called sandwich Calcedonia made me. Others contain cut fruits with a flavour and texture very similar to pears.
An elongated piece of bread very similar to French bread with just a pinch of broiled incense meat and vegetables, but the sandwich made by a good cook, Calcedonia, was very tasty and popular with both Tatsumi and Bath.
"Thank you for a delicious meal today, Master Calcedonia. I'll never get my head up on you in my life."
Bath to be the attitude when you combine your hands and pray to God. But I guess his prayers are now offered to the Virgin, not to God.
Then grab a sandwich on your desk with a hand you're used to and cheek it up.
Needs three brothers staring silently at the state of it. That look still drools me.
"Uh... if it's good, I'll eat the needs too...?
When Tatsumi moved some sandwiches toward them, the faces of the three brothers shone together.
Three brothers whose voices overlap brilliantly and flock to the sandwiches as if they were starving beasts.
"This is Calcedonia-sama's handmade..."
"Yummy!! I think Master Calcedonia made it, it feels extra yummy!!"
"Thanks, Tatsumi! No, Tatsumi-sama!! If you can eat such delicious dishes every day, I can be a slave to Tatsumi-sama... No, I want to be a slave to Calcedonia, not Tatsumi..."
"No, because neither me nor Cheeko need slaves"
When Tatsumi instantly penetrates, Bath and the three brothers laugh, and Tatsumi laughs the same way.
Indeed, living with Calcedonia is also a pleasure for Tatsumi.
The house where Tatsumi and Calcedonia live is definitely a cozy space for Tatsumi to calm her mind.
But having this ridiculous conversation with my careless same-sex friends and getting excited was a different pleasure than when I was with Calcedonia.
If you say so, it's like a conversation without other love where you interact with your classmates in a school classroom.
If you think about it, the five of us here now are close to our age, and in Japan, they are just about the age of high school students.
If you're in high school, it would be natural to have this kind of stupid conversation in the classroom.
"They say there's a guy in this class who's had a girlfriend lately, right?
"This Gravia idol has a nice body. Try worshipping the real thing in Nama."
"On the way from school to the station, we had a delicious ramen shop. Why don't we eat on the way home?
"Oh, you, when are you going to be rich with that girl? I think we should hurry up, huh?
If you're in high school, that's a very common conversation.
But Tatsumi doesn't have that experience. He didn't have such close friends when he was in high school.
But now the world we live in is different, but around Tatsumi there are companions of similar ages.
─ ─ Even if you meet Bath and his needs, you owe it to Chico for calling this world.
same-sex companions that were never gained in the original world.
Thanks again to Calcedonia for meeting them, Tatsumi had a great time with his friends.
".................. thanks. I understand very well the man who will be your partner..."
Elisia says, without hiding her tired expression.
"I'm sorry... but what I've done is keep me on track... no, I've spoken to you about Tatsumi... without even thinking about her health..."
Calcedonia in a cliché that drops and frightens your shoulders.
"I don't care. Besides, I see how much you like that princess named Tatsumi. Phew, welcome."
Elisia stared gently at Calcedonia holding down her red-dyed cheeks with both hands, with a slightly ill-spirited grin.
For some time afterwards, Calcedonia followed Elisia's mansion after exchanging public stories without stopping while eating.
Elisia was thinking about a boy named Tatsumi that Calcedonia had been attracted to, as she escorted the carriage of the Temple of Savaivo carrying Calcedonia away from her room window.
Elisia, too, had only known Calcedonia since she was a young girl and had been asked many times about the "boy in her dreams" she had long spoken of.
Calcedonia really summoned that "boy in a dream," she says. I knew she'd been researching subpoena magic for a long time, but I didn't know it would really make subpoenas happen.
That's Elisia, too, so much so that her open mouth didn't get blocked when she heard about it.
Of course, I have no other intention of saying that Tatsumi was summoned to Elisia.
Because if we were to succeed in the legendary summoning magic, we would never have to imagine that Calcedonia would be more prominent than it is now.
But Elisia really cared about that summoned boy named Tatsumi.
To the best of her knowledge, she is a Calcedonian who has never had a decent relationship or anything. A man who is a little accustomed to the treatment of women would not have made such a calcedonia in his hand.
Elisia is fully aware that Calcedonia's thoughts were directed more towards "boys in dreams" than they were at an early age.
But isn't the "boy in the dream" not necessarily an honest man, as Calcedonia calls it?
"... this is a boy named Tatsumi, I need to do a little digging... is anyone there?
If Elisia slapped her hands on her pussy, the door was immediately knocked and an old man showed up.
He is a man in a position to bind servants who serve Elisia, who she also trusts most.
If Elisia's life, a "loyal minister" who would do anything illegal. That's him.
"Find out as soon as possible who is a junior priest with dark hair and dark eyes named Tatsumi Yamagata of the Temple of Savaivo. I don't care how."
Without turning to the servant who came into the room, Elisia orders briefly.
The ordained servant also, when he utters a word "will", leaves a grace without sound to follow Elisia's room.
While perceiving the signs of moving away - deliberately sending out the signs so my husband can tell - Elisia whines to one person instead of telling anyone.
"Tatsumi Yamagata...... right. That Giuseppe seems to admit it too, so I don't think he's a funny guy... because that makes Giuseppe sweet for his granddaughter, too. What if... What if the man is cheating on Calse..."
Calcedonia has been adorable to my grandchildren as well. Just in case the man is cheating on that Calcedonia.
No matter how much Calcedonia resented me, Elisia was going to tear the two of us apart.
And Elisia will never forgive the man who cheated on Calcedonia.
"... be prepared then. I'll use everything I can to wipe the existence itself out of this country."