My Pet Is a Holy Maiden
Is the Lord of that voice a disappointingly long man, of such an age as around 40?
The face is more neat, but the lower half of it is covered with a dark mustache, so the impression of martial bones is stronger.
And it was readily apparent from what was wrapped around him and his waist that the man was a high-profile figure.
"So? What are you fussing about? Not now, is it?
The man looked around at those gathered with a sharp gaze.
"Captain Tawlord! In fact, this busy cleric is interfering with the healing of the Virgin!
A knight who was about to pull out his sword tells him, pointing to Tatsumi.
"You think it's in the way of healing...?
The man, called Taurod, turns his sharp gaze to Tatsumi.
But Tatsumi never moves to that gaze. As far as Calcedonia, which was beside him, he looks happy.
You mean my brother-in-law?
"Ha... ha!? Captain Tawlord's brother-in-law...... take it!?"
"'Soon I'll be my brother-in-law,' to be exact, but I already think of this guy as my brother-in-law"
Until then, the knight who was breathing saw Taurod and Tatsumi again and again with a surprising look on his face.
"Tatsumi, Karse. Tell me what's going on."
Taurod told Tatsumi and Calcedonia that, with a harsh look on his face.
Tawlord Chrysoprese.
He is a man who is the captain of the second division of the Knights of the Kingdom, the eldest son of Giuseppe, and the person who hits the brother-in-law of Calcedonia.
At his age, Calcedonia also passes with parents and children, but he was adorable as a family about Calcedonia, who became his last sister-in-law.
And although it was at first that I felt frigid about Tatsumi, who would be that Calcedonian companion, I listened to him from his father, Giuseppe and Calcedonia, and I actually met him and exchanged words and decided he was a man enough to entrust my adorable sister-in-law.
Since then, he has treated Tatsumi as his brother-in-law and as his family, and Tatsumi also trusted his estranged brother-in-law of this age.
"Dear brother (Y), That's..."
Calcedonia alternates between her brother-in-law and Tatsumi with a troubled look.
"Oh, you know, Mr. Tawlord..."
"... Tatsumi?
Taurod stares sharply at Tatsumi when he looks in a bad mood to see.
For a moment, Tatsumi shook her body with fright, but soon she changed her words somewhere smelly.
"Uh... Brother Tawlord"
"Um, that's fine"
Tatsumi called me "brother-in-law," and Taurod nodded satisfactorily.
Since Taurod acknowledged Tatsumi, he has forced Tatsumi to call him "brother-in-law" or "brother".
He was so sweet to his family that Tatsumi was clearly in a bad mood when he didn't call him that.
"It's an emergency. Explain it briefly."
Tauroad prompts me, Tatsumi briefly explains.
In the limited phase of medical supplies, such as the scene of such disasters and accidents, Tauroad explained, desperately recalling the knowledge he had heard from television dramas and others, that if a large number of injured persons came out, treatment should be given from those in need of urgency and, to that end, the injured persons should be separated by their degree of urgency before they were actually treated.
"… this is what I call a 'triage' or 'identification emergency' in my hometown."
"Hmm. That does make sense. But from the common sense of this country, the idea is heterogeneous."
According to Tauroad, the more noble and other persons of higher stature are still treated as a priority in this country.
Regardless, from the point of view of common sense in this country, there is no doubt that what Tatsumi said is more heterogeneous.
"And isn't it also an issue that everyone is working on the rescue in a variance? It should be more efficient for someone to take command and follow the instructions and hit the treatment."
"In that regard, His Majesty the King, who heard of this accident, gave me an order to take command of the scene. That's why I'm here..."
Tawlord looked around the scene.
There are injured people and others falling all over the place, some of them unconscious.
"All right, you're in charge here."
And Taurod suddenly said something outrageous toward Tatsumi.
"Oh, I'm in command of this place... Huh!? Huh, I can't!!"
"But your idea of" Tori Aji "is far from ours. But I decided that the way you said it would save more lives. If you're familiar with the way it's done, it's natural for you to take command, isn't it?
"I can't believe I'm familiar with it... I heard about it too!?"
"Still, it's better than us not knowing anything. Don't worry, I'll assist you with any irregularities or details. Even Calse would be happy to follow your instructions."
If Tawlord told me to look back at Calcedonia, she was smiling and nodding.
"I apologize for inadvertently running ahead earlier. I thought we should hit the wounded healing a little sooner..."
"I can't help it. I knew I was still oblivious to common sense in this country."
If Calcedonia makes a name for herself on this occasion, it will be convenient for her prestigious as the Virgin to heal.
But that's only if the individual calcedonia heals. You should definitely do Tatsumi's stated triage to efficiently operate all the healing magic users on this occasion.
"... ok. I'll try."
Tatsumi made that decision after a little worrying.
Now is not the time to worry about this. Some of the wounded may have to be healed soon.
"Okay, Brother Tawlord. Collect all healing magic users first. Then people with medical knowledge even if magic can't be used... doctors with them"
"I understand."
Tawlord makes his men run to gather healing magic usable wizards and doctors.
His men immediately gathered the men as Tatsumi had requested and returned to Tatsumi.
And Tatsumi opened his mouth in front of those men never.
"I'm a senior Yamagata cleric at the Temple of Savaive. At the request of Lord Taurod, the Knight of the Kingdom, I was entrusted with the command of this occasion. You have some thoughts, but it's an emergency now. Follow your instructions for this occasion."
The assembled wizards and doctors expose their confusion in front of the unfamiliar brunette, dark-eyed youth.
But there was no one to complain about, either because Taurod, the knight of the kingdom, and the famous Virgin, were withholding behind Tatsumi.
"Okay, let's ask the doctors first. Diagnose the wounded one by one and mark them according to the severity of the injury."
"Mark it... what are you marking it for?
One of the doctors asks questions. Along with that, the other doctors and wizards were snorting as well.
"To give a glimpse of the severity of the injury. And we will prioritize the magic of healing from the badly injured."
"What? Aren't you giving precedence to nobility?
"Yes, it may not be familiar to you, but ignore previous practice here"
Doctors and wizards see the tawload behind Tatsumi with a troubled face.
"I'll take responsibility for that. Now shut up and follow this guy's instructions."
Taurod slaps Tatsumi on the shoulder as he says so.
From the doctors, I guess I was afraid they would complain to me later from the nobles.
It is obvious that in this country of common sense that it is to be treated from the high-profile, if it is to be treated from the badly injured, regardless of their status, the aristocrats and others angry at it will complain about it.
But if Taurod, the knight captain of the kingdom, takes responsibility, the doctors follow Tatsumi's instructions.
With them, I want to save lives that I can help.
"Right...... those who are in danger of not applying healing magic immediately should draw a big" O "in a place that is easy to see." △ "for those with low urgency but severe injuries, and" # "for those with obvious minor injuries."
Tatsumi explains by drawing shapes on the ground so that it is easy to understand.
"Do you have anything to draw? If not, I'll ask Lord Tawlord to arrange it as soon as possible.
"I always carry my profession as a doctor, pens and ink."
When one of the doctors pounds the bag in his hand, the other doctors give their consent. And he immediately moved out to see how the wounded were doing.
"The wizards who can use healing magic, starting with Calse, ask for healing as a priority from the" O "depicted wounded."
When Calcedonia praises, other wizards nod.
"Your brother-in-law commands his men to gather the wounded in the same place. If possible, so that those with the same landmarks may gather together. That would be more convenient for the wizards to hit the cure. However, do not force those who are unconscious or unable to move. It's dangerous to move a wounded person who's hit in the head the same way, so don't move it."
Copy that.
Taurod nodded and immediately ran his men as Tatsumi instructed.
Tatsumi then sits at the corner of the practice field with Tau Road and gives detailed instructions for dealing with the wounded.
I'm never an expert with Tatsumi, but I still have more knowledge of triage than anyone else on this scene.
I will seriously consider the questions that will be asked and desperately explore the answers that I think are best.
Supported by Taurodo, who is always beside him, and Calcedonia, who sometimes comes to see how things are going, Tatsumi desperately skips instructions.
Thus, when Tatsumi was dealing with this, a knight walked over to Tatsumi.
"Oh, you..."
Tatsumi immediately realized who it was. He was a knight who had been eating at Tatsumi earlier.
"The shrine... sorry for earlier"
When the knight came to the side of Tatsumi, he bowed his head deeply.
"The doctor who took care of this arm asked me what I thought about your healing"
The knight is laughing bitterly as he raises his left arm with a bandage wrapped around it. Apparently it was a minor injury, which was done to the extent of wrapping the bandage around it.
"On second thought, your thinking is right. Magic is not infinite with the Virgin and other wizards. No, there's no way there's a man with infinite magic."
Now it was Tatsumi's turn to laugh bitterly. Because he is a man of essentially infinite magic.
"Apparently, I was sweet to my status as an aristocrat. I thought I was a knight, not a nobleman..."
If you ask me, this person seems to be a certain aristocratic three man. He can't inherit the house himself, so this is how he joined the army and became a knight?
"I'm so sorry. It's not about making amends, but I want you to say anything I can."
"Is it okay if you're injured?
"Oh, no big deal. Now with this degree of wound, I am ashamed to have tried to rely on the healing magic of the Virgin."
The knight laughs as he pounds his injured arm.
"Okay. I'll send it to you."
"Oh, I'm late, but my name is Gail Utrilos. I'd love it if you could easily call me Gail."
"I'm Tatsumi Yamagata. Please call me Tatsumi."
Tatsumi and Gail held each other's hands.
As Tatsumi and Gail were shaking hands, Calcedonia rushed over with a cut feathered look.
"Come right away!! I need your husband's help!!"
"Ok!! Show me!!"
Tatsumi does not ask for a detailed explanation. It's impossible for him to pinch suspicion there, etc., than Calcedonia says he needs his own power.
When Tatsumi and Calcedonia ran out together, Gail also ran out shortly after them.
At the place of arrival in the form of a lead to Calcedonia, a single round thickness was rolling. And the ground next to its marutai is black and damp, with one soldier falling on its damp ground.
The arriving Tatsumi confirmed that a pile of about 10 cm in diameter was pierced in the right thigh of the soldier.
Unfortunately, this soldier happened to fall on a pile to secure the pile he had placed on the ground when the pile collapsed.
Moreover, when Marutai collapsed, he also appeared to have suffered head injuries, etc., and is currently unconscious.
"Probably even stepped on the edge of the pile trying to escape when the whole thing collapsed. That's why the sharp end of the pile turned upwards, and it seems to have fallen there."
Calcedonia explains to Tatsumi with a sad look on her face.
On closer inspection, the bleeding has stopped because the head wound and the like have already been treated. The only thing left is a pile stuck in my leg.
"... but if we pull the pile out like this... perhaps this soldier could lose his life by bleeding all at once?
Gail, peering in from behind the Tatsumi and the others, still pinched his mouth with a sad look.
"So the moment I pull this pile out, I do the healing magic. That way, bleeding will be minimized."
"But this is the only pile of thickness. It's not that easy to pull through."
A pile about 10 cm in diameter penetrates the soldier's thick crotch completely. Surgical surgery, for example, would pull it out, but advanced surgical techniques do not exist in this world.
If so, in such a case, we have no choice but to pull through at our disposal. Naturally, soldiers would also be considerably burdened.
"Gather your men immediately."
"No, you don't have to"
Tatsumi stops Gail from trying to rush out.
That Tatsumi doesn't even look back at Gail, she just stares at Calcedonia.
Calcedonia nods in response to Tatsumi's gaze. And when I knelt beside a falling soldier, I began chanting the spell without worrying about the cleric's clothes getting dirty with blood.
When Tatsumi also imitates her and kneels beside the soldier, she prepares to release the magic.
"Oh, hey... both Tatsumi and the Virgin what...?
Only one, Gail, is perplexed without being able to read their intentions.
Shortly before Calcedonia's chant is complete, she glances at Tatsumi.
Tatsumi, waiting for it, releases at once the magic she was preparing, touching the pile that was piercing the soldier's thick crotch.
The pile that had stabbed him in the thick crotch disappeared in an instant, and the next moment he rolled with the sound of teasing on the ground beside Tatsumi.
Seeing the sight happening in front of me, Gail unexpectedly rounds his eyes.
The moment the pile disappears, blood blows at once from the wound that opened on his thigh, polluting the face and body of Tatsumi and Calcedonia who were beside him. But at the same time the unfolding healing magic of Calcedonia heals its wounds while it sees them.
Wounds blocked as you look at them. The bleeding also subsided with it, and the bleeding seemed to have been minimized just as Calcedonia expected.
Regardless, healing magic has not only blocked the wound, but has also healed bones, muscles and other damage.
Calcedonia checks on the soldiers again.
It's the unconsciousness that's lost, but now you won't have to worry about your life anymore.
With a sigh of relief, Calcedonia looks back to Tatsumi with a smile on her face.
Tatsumi, who only perceived it all, also exhaled slowly.
"Hey... what...? What happened...?
Gail groaned with a groan.
His head didn't immediately understand what had happened in front of him.
Understandably, the wound healed. It was the famous Virgin who applied healing magic. She would instantly heal even worse injuries than this.
But it is outside his understanding that the pile that was stabbing the soldier in his thigh disappeared in an instant.
Gail watched Tatsumi and Calcedonia for a while. Over time, he remembered some rumors he had recently heard.
It's rumours of a (heavenly) wizard appearing in the city beneath the castle.
The Wizard of Heaven has only ever existed in Miyagi and legends.
Guy wasn't trying to believe the rumor. I thought he was the only one in the Miga, such as the Wizard of Heaven.
But now it is not the phenomenon that has occurred before his eyes that is typical of the magic of Heaven itself, often spoken of in its mighty sight.
The Wizard of Heaven, who appears in the Miga, draws what is in the distance into his hands, or, conversely, sends what is in his hands in an instant in the distance, and throws giant rocks up into the sky.
It was the magic used by Tatsumi in front of Gail that appeared in his eyes in the very magic of that "heaven".
And rumors remind me that the wizard of "Heaven", who recently appeared, is a distant exotic young man with dark hair, dark eyes and light amber skin.
"... Is that the magic of 'Heaven'...? So... Tatsumi... the rumored Wizard of Heaven...?
Gail shrugged and whined without letting anyone hear him.