My Pet Is a Holy Maiden
Flying Dragon Approaching
A room with a royal palace.
There is only one large table and a few chairs in that room where the decorative, untidy stone walls have been stripped out.
Among the many rooms in the Royal Palace, this room is only used for military discussions. As a result, no wasted decorations have been made.
Inside such a cold atmosphere room were now gathered the heavy towns of the Kingdom of Largofiri.
Generals and ministers in charge of the kingdom's army and politics, including King Barride Rezo Largofiri. Among them is the figure of Tatsumi and Taurod Chrysoprese, Calcedonia's brother-in-law.
And the figure of the Supreme Priests of the four denominations. Bugarank Ishkan of the temple of Goraiba, the sun god; Gurgnard Armart of the temple of Dalagabe, the marine god; Mairina Kiscult of the temple of Gravabi, the Xiaoyue god; and Giuseppe Chrysoprese of the temple of Savaivo, the abundant god.
They were all listening to the report with seriousness.
"This is the report of an emergency bird flight (Tori) today."
When one of the heavy towns told him so, each face that was with him exhaled a heavy sigh.
"... Though the border, I didn't know two villages had already been destroyed..."
"The fact that not one resident of the village was eaten seems to have delayed the discovery."
"It's going to be a harsh way to say it, but I don't care if it's over now. What we're going to do is more important than that."
Those gathered together nodded simultaneously and switched their heads to what was to come.
Things to come.
Yes, according to urgent news from the lord of that region, who realized that both villages were devastated, because the warcraft that drove the villages into devastation - the giant flying dragon - is now on its way to this king's capital, Levantis.
"... when the opponent becomes a Fei Long, the struggle is inevitable."
King Burride, sitting back in the chair at the back of the room, exhaled deeply as he put his arms together.
"Sometimes it's a dragon species, but most importantly, they're in the sky. There are only a few ways to attack from here."
In response to the King's words was Mairina Kiscult, the supreme priest of the Xiaoyue Divine Church. And all those who are with her snort at her words.
Normal swords, spears and other weapons naturally do not reach more than the opponent is in the sky. If it were to arrive, it would be bows and magic, but in a normal bow it would be difficult to pierce the strong outer skin of a flying dragon, nor would it be easy to let a flying dragon hit the magic at high speeds.
"We are currently preparing more than a dozen large crossbows on the outer wall surrounding Levantis... but with a large crossbow that is poorly handled, it seems difficult to hit a flying dragon"
As long as we hit it, we can expect that effect, but it was Taurod who went on.
Large crossbows, also used as siege weapons, are operated by several soldiers per unit.
Powerful is what it is, but the drawback is that it is poorly handled, as Taurod put it, and whatever castle or fortress your opponent cannot move, it will be extremely difficult to hit a flying dragon who dances freely through the great sky.
"I wonder if there's any way to drag the Fei Long down to the ground somehow?
"If I could, I wouldn't have to argue like this here."
Gurgnard Armart, the supreme priest of the marine god Dalagabe, embarrasses Bugarank Ishkan, the supreme priest of the blurry sun god Golaiba, in the seat next to him.
Even after that, although opinions and opinions are given by the heavy towns, none of them can be decisive.
Still, those in this room give thoughtful opinions as to whether there are any effective tactics against Fei Long.
Barride, the king, stares silently at such people.
No, it wasn't the heavy towns in this country he trusted, it was just one guy he was staring at.
The person who notices the gaze being directed at him opens his mouth in surprise.
"It's Barride. I've been staring at the face of Nannon for a while now... but I can't believe I'm thinking about something that's not good?
Giuseppe was the only one who asked the King that question.
Those who had until then exchanged their opinions in a hustle and bustle over the words of Giuseppe will quietly turn their attention to the King and to the Supreme Priest of the Toyotomi God.
In the meantime, King Burride told Giuseppe what he had been thinking.
"Giuseppe. Can't you ask your beloved apprentice to work hard on this Fei Long case... for example" Heaven "?
"How come in the fight with Fei Long, my husband has to stand in the front, so it's awesome!?"
Angry voices echoed inside the office of the High Priest of the Temple of Savaivo.
It is, of course, Calcedonia who is reluctantly and relentlessly questioning the supreme priest of the Church, who is said to have authority over the kings of one country as well.
Having lodged the flame of anger in its crimson eyes, Calcedonia today is as compelling as someone else from her, who is usually calm and even called the Virgin.
"Are you a little restless? As always, when it comes to my son-in-law, you're being drastic."
Giuseppe gently played Calcedonia's forehead with her peppered fingers, grinning at her granddaughter, who kept her face close with the momentum of all the bites.
Calcedonia unwittingly takes a few steps back while holding her forehead with a cute scream.
"I don't want to send my son-in-law to the forefront of the battle against the Fei Long. But it's also true that there's no other talent."
Having said that, Giuseppe turns once again to Tatsumi.
"No matter, I can't force you. Then the armies of the kingdom will fight together, and the four denominations will do their utmost to support you. If you want, I promise I'll help you in any way. Of course, at dawn, when he crusaded the Feilongs brilliantly, the king clearly said that he would reward them commensurate."
The tone is the same as usual, but the look on Giuseppe's face that told him so is serious in itself. Tatsumi also understood very well what Giuseppe was not saying in half jokes and jokes.
"I understand what Mr Giuseppe is saying. But why me? Besides, Mr. Giuseppe used to say that it's not the first thing a Fei Long would do to attack a people's settlement, right?
If you try Tatsumi, it seems like there are other talent even if it's not you. Even though the numbers are small, there are wizards in this city who deserve it, and there will be plenty of warcraft hunting with arms.
Besides, in a lecture previously heard from Giuseppe, he said that dragon species, starting with flying dragons, would be territorial in remote, deep forests and rugged mountains. And they rarely get out of that territory, and they never get close to people.
"What is it... reports from the Lords of the devastated villages that the eyes of the flying dragon were red."
The history of one of this Fei Long raid brightens up to a bird flight from a lord of land with a devastated village.
Bird flights are so called "biographical pigeons". It is not pigeons that are used in empty flights of the message in this world, but small raptors that closely resemble falcons called faster peers, who use this peer as an urgent means of transmission.
It was at the beginning that pedestrians who regularly visited a village discovered that all the inhabitants, livestock, etc. of a certain village were being devoured, present in the territory of its lord.
And when the lord, who received a report from a pedestrian trader, immediately sent soldiers to examine the village and its surroundings, he discovered that a large number of warcraft and wildlife were being murdered in the woods.
All the warcraft and wildlife that had been murdered were devoured and only a fraction of the body was left behind. He was literally devoured with no bones left behind.
The soldiers later discovered another devastated village, similar to the one earlier, and said they witnessed the appearance of a giant flying dragon flying away from that village.
The lord who received that report immediately informed the King's Capital of this using an emergency bird flight. The direction in which the flying dragon flew away was the direction in which the Wang Du existed, and even more so with the additional information that its flying dragon's eyes were stained with crimson red.
"He said his eyes were red... then..."
"Hmm. Apparently possessed by the Devil."
"So, but didn't you say [the Devil] doesn't get very close to people?
"Exactly. So, although the Fei Long was possessed by the Demon, it is the idea of the country's heavy towns and towns that it has been reversed."
If the power of the possessed organism was strong and the power of the possessed Demon was weak on the contrary, very rarely, but the Demon would lose more dominance, Giuseppe said.
If that happens, the possessed organism loses its self and becomes an extremely dangerous being simply driven by desire.
That's what caused this Fei Long raid, it seems, is the speculation of the kingdom and the leaders of the Four Churches.
"... I see why the Feilongs are approaching this city. But isn't there a wizard who can use magic like flying in the sky, even if it's not me?
"If it's the magic of flying through the sky called" Flight, "it's certainly in the" Wind "system. But that magic doesn't fly that fast. Because of this, we can't really keep up with the speed at which the dragon flies, and if we do poorly, it's the dragon that captures us in the air and eats us."
Ketsey, one of the other species of the Six Asians, can walk in the air as a special ability of the species, but this is also simply the ability to walk and run in the air, which is very much no match for the speed of a flying dragon.
In the first place, Ketsey is a race that prioritizes fleeing rather than fighting, so it would be impossible to rush out into battle with the Fei Long first.
"So what Nong and the others are thinking is that Naotsu approached the flying dragon in the air with a metastasis, and when he put in an attack with" Magic Strike, "he left with a metastasis. I repeat this."
At that time, Giuseppe and the others seem to think that several recovery personnel, led by Calcedonia, will follow Tatsumi and focus on his recovery.
"As I said earlier, you never leave everything to one person. The Royal Army and the monster warriors and cleric warriors of each denomination, as well as the warcraft hunters of Shirai, have also asked for their help and are preparing to intercept the Fei Long whenever possible. But the problem is that they're empty."
After all, it seems the biggest problem is that Fei Long is in the sky. If this is the other dragon species that put their feet on the ground, they won't be bothered this far.
It seems that only one person, Tatsumi, who can use Moment Transfer, can be fleshy to Fei Long, even though it is limited at the moment.
Until then, Calcedonia, who had been silent and listening to him and Giuseppe interact behind Tatsumi, called on her own companion, worried.
"... Your husband... has already made up his mind, hasn't he?
She understands. What decisions will her partner make in such cases? And she's attracted to him because he's the kind of person who can make that decision.
Even without cause and effect from her previous life, she would have been attracted to him like that and would undoubtedly have fallen in love just as she is now.
"Oh. I'll do it. I don't know how far I can go to fight a powerful enemy... but still, I'll do it. In the first place, even if I say I won't do it, Fei Long is coming to this city. Then we have to protect this city where we live."
Tatsumi grinned as she turned back to Calcedonia.
Yes, the city of Levantis is already an important place for Tatsumi. And I've come to this world to meet, and I live with my loved ones.
Beginning with colleagues who said Bath and Needs, Elle and Jaddock, Mill Ill. Warcraft hunting companions and acquaintances, and residents willing to live in their home neighborhoods.
More importantly, there is a woman here who is most important to Tatsumi.
Then there is no reason for Tatsumi not to cooperate in protecting this city from the Fei Long.
"So... Calse can help me, too. Give me a hand. Together… let's defeat the Fei Long"
"Yes! Of course! If my husband is going to fight the Fei Long, I will fight with him!
The two smile trustingly at each other.
If they were to protect each other, they would face any predicament and let them overcome this. It was a clear grin that such thoughts and determination could be well understood by third parties.
And it is, of course, Giuseppe who looks at the two of them satisfactorily.
As their own people and as followers of the Savaive God, the patron saint of marriage, I am honestly glad that Tatsumi and Calcedonia trust each other.
But I can't even be happy here. The threat is imminent.
"Fortunately, Fei Long relaxed and headed this way, reports are coming in from the scouts who are monitoring Fei Long. He's headed this way, eating the warcraft he caught on the way."
Upon receiving urgent news, the king immediately dispatched a number of scouts around the king's capital.
And some of the scouts immediately received reports of the discovery of the Fei Long.
"If we stay like this, there will be respite for one more day until Fei Long reaches this city in a few days. In the meantime, we need to work out more specific measures. Non also has a simple abdominal proposal. So my son-in-law."
"What is it?
"Did Shade excel in his warcraft hunting companion?
"Are you talking about Jaddock?
"Oh, you sure got that name. Why don't you call that Jadock and them?
"I don't mind that..."
Strangely inclined Tatsumi. Next to him like that, Calcedonia has the same look on her face as her husband.
Friendly couples and couples accompanied for years sometimes do the same tricks and do the same behavior at the same time. Maybe they fall into that now, too.
"Amongst the magic seals that Non keeps, there are weapons that can't be handled by ordinary people. Well, I was wondering if Shade, who excelled in strength, could use it."
Tatsumi also knows that Giuseppe collects magic seals as a personal hobby. I guess some of those collectibles are going to be useful in this Fei Long Battle.
"Okay. I'll call Jaddock right away."
Giuseppe stopped Tatsumi from leaving the scene precisely because of the transfer.
"Well, my son-in-law. Leave it to Calse to go and get that Jadok and the dogs. And in the meantime, there's something I'd like you to go with."
"Where you go with Mr. Giuseppe...?
"Master Left, I want you to take me to the temple of Goraiba, the god of the sun."