My Pet Is a Holy Maiden
Freedom Knight's Advice
"... I see. So Tatsumi and Karse were in this town."
Morgarnike, who heard from Tatsumi why they were here, nodded loudly just saying he was convinced.
Of course, Tatsumi also explains to Morgarnike after getting permission from her clients, Jolt and Yerimao, to tell them their true identities and purposes.
"For once, we can't stand out. Would you treat me with that intent, Knight of Liberty?
"I understand...... Now, with all due respect, let me call you Jolt, just like Tatsumi"
"Yeah, that's fine... because you can't have a much changed attitude, can you?
With a bitter smile, Jolt added that.
"Then feel free to call me Yerimao too. I'll call you Morger, too."
Morgarnike squeezed the right hand offered by Yerimao.
"So, as we talked about earlier, we're going to the village of Laguine, Calse's hometown... What about Mr. Morger's plans for the future?
"It's like I don't have any plans. We were going to hunt around here for a while, but there's nothing wrong with that hunting ground going a little further north."
As soon as Morgarnike said so, Tatsumi's expression became brighter.
"So can you come with us?
"Oh. But you're not paying me cheap, are you?
"Negotiate there directly with your client, Jolt or Mr. Yerimao"
After saying that to each other with a serious face, they both laughed from either side.
"Fine, fine. If the prestigious Knight of Liberty will accompany you, I will pay you as much as I want. Right, Dr. Yerimao?
"Yeah, Jolt's right. Guards who can be trusted and have arms are valuable. I'll play the reward."
Thus, the "Freedom Knight" Morgarnike was to join the line of the Tatsumi.
As Yerimao says, every one of the Tatsumi brightens his expression to the participation in the Warcraft Hunt, which is trustworthy and stands on his arms.
"... come back later and take all your husband's trust..."
Oh, my God, some "Virgin" was whining in her heart or something, and she said she wasn't there.
The line with the addition of Morgarnike decided to rest in preparation for tomorrow after finishing the meal.
Morgernike somehow stops Tatsumi from taking his seat and heading to the room he took upstairs.
"Tatsumi...... can you just hang out with me for a little while?
Morgarnike, who had not yet risen from his seat, showed him with an empty jock.
"Fine... is it just me?
Tatsumi glanced at Calcedonia behind him.
"Oh. I'd like to talk to you a little bit, if I may."
"Okay. Calse, I'm sorry, but you need to go back to your room first."
Tatsumi tells me that I cannot go against it by Calcedonia.
She looked back over and over again and climbed the stairs... but suddenly she returned to Tatsumi again.
"My husband is not very strong on alcohol, so keep it as much as you want, right? Besides, it's early tomorrow, so you can't stay up late, right? Because tomorrow's itinerary will be affected."
"I know. I'll be back in my room as soon as I'm done talking to Mr. Morger."
Tatsumi smiles at Calcedonia, pounding her head. Is Calcedonia happy with the feel of Tatsumi's palm as well, but she keeps her eyes closed?
So satisfied, he finally dropped off Calcedonia as he returned to his room, and Tatsumi settled back on the table.
"You're a perfectly caring wife, Calse."
"Yeah, she's got a lot to take care of."
I ordered the liquor again from the lady's salary on the street, and when it arrives, Morgarnike, who poured a sip of liquor down her throat, opens her mouth.
"Are you sure you're okay with this?
"Maybe... you mean Calse?
Morgarnike nodded at Tatsumi's inquiry.
"I've also heard from her in the past about how she was treated in her hometown village. Tell you what, my home village would be a heartbreak to her. Getting back there doesn't necessarily mean that the wounds of the past will open again. Well, maybe it's not something I worry about, but think of it as advice from Tatsumi and Karse, two common acquaintances."
It is understandable to Tatsumi that Morgarnike is worried.
The problem with the mind will never be easy. If what happened in your past home village is traumatic for Calcedonia, there's no way Tatsumi would know what kind of stimulation that trauma would be if you went back to your home town, or learned anything about psychology.
"I used to have a place in the Temple of Savaivo, too, so I'm going to know what's inside the temple. I also understand that there was no wizard other than Calse who could be sent this time."
Apart from Calcedonia, of course, there are healing wizards in the Temple of Savaivo.
However, this time it is sometimes an unexplained illness, and it is necessary to send a wizard with a slightly higher strength.
I didn't have enough strength to cure my illness, then it doesn't make sense.
But in the present temple of Savaivo, when he becomes the wizard of a healing system equal to or greater than that of Calcedonia, everyone is in a high position, headed by Giuseppe, and also in some position.
For this reason, Calcedonia is the only wizard who can move lightly and with great strength.
"Anyway, this is how I was supposed to accompany you. Tell me if you need anything. Anything will help."
"Thank you, Mr. Morger. Once we get close to the village, we'll keep an eye out for Calse"
"That's all we're talking about. I'm sorry I had to take your time."
When Tatsumi stood up, he thanked Morgarnike again and went straight to his room.
Dropping off that back, Morgarnike pours the leftover liquor down his throat at once.
And I went to my room to rest in preparation for tomorrow.
When Tatsumi returned to her room, Calcedonia waited with a worried face.
But as soon as I saw Tatsumi entering the room, my worries disappeared from her expression.
"... have we talked yet?
"Oh, I'm done."
"That was faster than I thought."
Tatsumi gently hugs Calcedonia, who smiled and approached her.
"Maybe Morger and I even said something bad about me?
"That? You get it, don't you? Actually, Mr. Morger and Calse were having a rough time."
"Ha ha!! My husband's mean!!"
Of course, Calcedonia does not believe that Tatsumi and the others spoke ill of themselves.
She doesn't know what they were talking about.
But if it has something to do with me and I need it, I'm sure Tatsumi will tell me. Calcedonia, who believes so, doesn't dare to listen to what they were talking about.
Calcedonia deliberately slaps Tatsumi's chest with a grumpy face, but she feels Tatsumi's warmth and her cheeks really shake.
The warmth of Tatsumi's arms is pleasant, turned on his back.
I love the gentle glance, looking down at myself.
I am now embraced by the happiness of the name "Tatsumi".
Calcedonia thought so from the bottom of her heart, closing her eyes and keeping her cheeks close to his chest.
Did you feel the mood of Calcedonia?
Tatsumi's arm, turned on his back, increases its power to envelop Calcedonia even harder.
".............................. n"
Is the voice leaking small from poor lips a sigh of happiness or a voice of sensuality?
Calcedonia opens her closed eyes and looks up at her husband's face again.
As always, she smiled contentedly at that gaze of tenderness, closing her eyes again.
And I offer my lips to Tatsumi.
This is not Tatsumi who doesn't know what his wife wants.
He slowly lowered his head to fulfill the wishes of his beloved wife.
Only the candlelight gradually fills the dim room of the light source with hot breath.
More force in our arms holding each other together, making us both feel hotter and hotter, not just breathing.
The two, who were holding each other as they stood and devouring each other's lips, fell from either side to the top of the sleeping table.
The next morning.
"... I know you two are close, but at least you can weigh in a little bit during your journey, right?
And, I got a betty scratch from Jolt, and Tatsumi and Calcedonia go bright red together, but, well, that's the usual thing, too.