My Pet Is a Holy Maiden
Judgment Footsteps
"... and well, that's why. It depends on what Gardeau says," With the help of Diguan, I want you to do something about that blackened mercenary. "
The town of Toga is the hall of deputies.
In that one room, Diguan had been welcoming one guest since the early morning.
The guest is someone Diguan knows well and has met in the past. But it was not one-on-one, as it is now, but with the others.
Needless to say, the customer is one of Gardo's surroundings.
Leaving the village of Laguine at the behest of Gardo, he camped a little off the street because the sun went down along the way, making it now time to arrive in the town of Toga.
The jolts, who gained the lights by the magic of Morgarnike's "flame" system and ran through the night, would have overtaken him along the way.
Diguan listens to the surrounding story in silence on the top of the Buddha.
Those around him also told him what Gardo had told him, even though he was deeply frightened by Digguan's expression, which seemed grumpy to see.
"What do you think? If you can help us, Gardo says he will offer one female slave as a thank you…"
"That you're a slave to a woman...?
At this time, for the first time, Diguan opened his mouth.
I thought that was because I showed an interest in women's slavery. The surroundings go on to lay down words even more.
"Yeah, that's right. One of the women who used to be in our village came home all of a sudden. He said he intends to enslave the woman and dedicate herself to Master Digguan..."
"Is that a woman by the name of Calcedonia?
Suddenly the door of the room opens and several humans enter the room without saying no.
Surrounded by the matter gave a surprising look, but the look becomes stronger when he sees the leading adult and awakening boy.
"So, what... the kid who came to the village with Calse and that black-out...? Why are you here...?
Behind the boy is also the figure of the deputy of the land, Lyceum Granbia, and several fully armed soldiers.
While what the hell is going on and the surroundings are flashing, Lyceum gives instructions and the soldiers surround him.
"HI...... Huh!!"
The sword-drawn soldiers poked their sword tips around them, and the surroundings screamed pitifully.
"So no, Dear Diguan... what the hell is this...?
The surrounding turned bright blue at the sharp sword tip poked at him asked Digguan with a convulsed voice.
"Diguan. Now you understand?
"Yes... to be honest, I can't believe it... no, I didn't want to believe it..."
Diguan leans down and drops his shoulder disappointingly. The boy, Jolt, laid his hand on Diggan's shoulder.
"Don't you dare, even throw this guy in jail. More than that, would you be ready to head to the village of Laguine right now?
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Parents and children of Lyceum and Diguan, kneeling on the spot and drooling their heads deeply.
The two rulers of the region looked at each other like that with a glimpse of the incredible, as Gardo's surroundings were drawn to the soldiers.
The second night Tatsumi and the others visited the village of Laguine.
A certain family was visiting the house of Nephro, the village chief.
When they were told of their visit, Nephro, the village chief, and Gardo, his son, had a real similar grin as they did.
"Kuku. Looks like you're finally ready, Dad."
"Um, that was faster than I thought. Thought you'd be worried for a few more days."
They rejoice that the woman they were after fell into their own hands.
Gardo took Carcedonia, and Nephroe his mother, Nemea.
Nephro in particular said he could release the thoughts that had pushed him into the back of his mind for many years, and the joy was more than Gardo.
"Dad, what about Calse's father and sister? Hi. I hear you're here with me.
"In front of the pavilion owner and his other daughter watching, it would also be a pleasure to let Nemea and Calcedonia vow to become slaves"
"I see. And then you're gonna hold Calse and her mother in front of you two watching?
In front of the family's eyes, enslaved Calcedonia and Nemea serve their new masters throughout their bodies.
Just imagining the sight, a black flame burned in the hearts of Nephro and Gardo's parents and children.
The two headed to the room waiting for the poor family, smiling with the same inferior smile.
Calcedonia and its families who visited the village chief's house.
They were put through to a room in the village chief's house, where they waited for the village chief and his son to show up.
"Am I the only one who's ever been here?
"Hey, what are you talking about! There's no way I can just let you go to the village chief's house!?"
Calcedonia says to the nervous family next to her.
She quickly understood what Tatsumi thought and told Calcedonia to go to the village chief's house.
So she was going to come here by herself.
But the Calcedonian families vehemently opposed it.
"Mostly, what the hell, that guy!? I thought Calse chose him, so I tried to think of him as my stepson too... so lightly to Calse... go to the village chief's house to my own wife!? What does he think his wife is!?"
Beckley steps on the floor in frustration.
Lilinaria shook her body frighteningly at the loud noise, and Nemea also gave a sad look.
Calcedonia stares at such a family reaction with a decent face.
"Oh, was there something wrong with your husband's attitude?
"Oh, isn't that crazy? Ugh!? That man seems to offer his wife to the village chief and his son..."
"That's your father's misconception. My husband didn't mean for me to come here."
Now it was Beckley's turn to make a decent face.
With a grudge, he sees his daughter's face and listens to her.
Now Calcedonia remains normal.
There is no sense of sadness that he was offered to the village chief's son, just a soft smile.
After all, isn't my own daughter out of her mind somewhere?
It can't be a normal daughter, such as being flat over this period.
As Beckley stared into her daughter's face as she thought about it, the door leading to this room opened and Nephro, the village chief, and his son Gardo showed themselves.
Together, with an inferior grin with a clear lower heart.
Nephro and Gardo's complexion changes as they see it.
Parents and children of the village chief had an unpleasant grin until earlier. But what is now on their faces was a stunned look of surprise.
No, they're not the only ones surprised.
Calcedonian families such as Beckley and Nemea, and Lilinaria also can't help but look away from one point with the same expression as the village chief's parents and children.
from several colorful gems arranged on the table.
"Now that I'm on a journey, I only have this much to go with me... but with this much, I can afford to pay off my family's debts, can't I? Of course, you can think of the rest as interest on debt."
Calcedonia smiled completely unharmed as she removed the gem from her lumbar bag and finished arranging it on the table.
"Oh, hey, Calse... oh, you... this is all the jewelry... dude, where have you been stealing...?
Gardo, stunned and unintentionally speaking of such a thing.
Calcedonia answered flatly without breaking his smile, even though he shook his eyebrows unexpectedly at the words.
"Excuse me. This is what my husband and I earned by working. It's not you, and you're not gonna steal it, are you?
Calcedonia mouths sarcasm with a smile. But Gardo's eyes at the time are nailed to the jewels arranged on the table, and he doesn't seem to react to her sarcasm.
"I'm not bragging about anything, but about eight hundred pieces of silver coins, it's not even that much money for me or my husband right now, is it?
Still smiling, I declare so with my chest stretched. At that time, her abundant breasts wobbled pompously, but no one as one on this occasion paid attention to it.
"Okay, village chief. My family's debt, I did pay it back. If you have a debt statement, would you give it to us immediately?
"Ugh... um..."
While smiling, Calcedonia relentlessly exposes herself to the inexplicable force against the village chief.
Neflow rises up slowly so that it is pushed by its force.
Perhaps, pushed by Calcedonia's powerful smile, he tried to go get a statement of the debt in another room.
When Nephro rang his chair and stood up, cursorily trying to get out of the room.
Another time, the chair rang.
Everyone in the room turns their gaze to the source of the sound.
At the tip of several gazes, the source of the sound - Gardo - stood up with a bright red face.
".................. don't be ridiculous...... ugh!!"
A bright red face - a gardo with an angry shape - groaned as he roared.
"Don't be ridiculous!! How could you... you're crazy you have such a lot of money!? Oh yeah!! I came with you to make that middle-aged father contribute!? That's what a bum whore is going to do!!"
Spitting and screaming, Gardo stretches out that thick arm to grab Calcedonia's thin arm.
And I pulled her body into letting her keep it strong.
"Then you can taste it for me, too, right? Give me these big breasts! Get your ass out of here! I'll spend the night making you crazy with plenty of connections, and you won't be able to leave me! You belong to me! That's what I decided!!"
Calcedonia doesn't look frightened at all, even if she is hugged by her thick arms and put her face close to Gardo enough to breathe out.
On the contrary, its eyes, embraced and looking up at Gardo from close range, looked down at him cold everywhere.
That makes Gardo even more annoying.
Calcedonia never breaks a cold look. Still, words are spinning out of poor lips that do not accompany Gardo's will any more.
"In the first place, wouldn't you say something unsolicited? Everything about me... these breasts, my buttocks..."
Calcedonia's fingertips gently stroke her chest and waist glossy.
"─ ─ ─ Everything from the tip of my nails to every single piece of hair belongs to my husband... no, it belongs to your husband. It's never yours."
"It's your husband!? Oh yes, your husband is this me!! From today on you are my slave!!"
When Gardo summoned something even more unsolicited.
All of a sudden, there was a clear sound in the room called pioooooo.
At the same time, the cold night air flowing in all at once from outside the room. Its chilled air cools all at once indoors that were filled with some kind of heat.
Those who were in the room looked simultaneously at those who were flowing in the air, and once again gave a stark look.
No, only one, Calcedonia, has a lying smile on her cold face until then.
The village chief's house is the only house in this village of Laguine built with stones piled up.
The stone walls of the house were beautifully squared - just big enough for each person to pass through - cut off, and there was a blackened figure behind the instant night sky of the stars.
Black armor blends into the night sky and its existence is hard to discern. However, the light leaking from inside the room slightly raises its appearance.
In the light leaking from the room, a blackened figure gently shook up his right arm. Then a thin chain of vermilion gold wrapped around its right hand makes a pleasant noise and runs through the universe, gently wrapped around Calcedonia's wrist.
At the next moment, Calcedonia's body disappears from Gardo's arms and appears in the arms of the blackened figure.
Carcedonia, embraced by her blackened arms, snuggled her body together to rub herself really happily with a delightful smile opposite to when she was being held by Gardo, advancing both arms to the neck of the blackened figure.
It was like a whore selling a charm to a guest man.
But from the two of us, I can't feel a single piece of nasty slut like a whore and his guests.
On the contrary, I can't help but look away, waving some warm, happy atmosphere around and everyone on the spot being drawn to the warm atmosphere they release.
"I heard it all the way out of the house, but stop thinking about that selfish thing, will you? And let my wife not touch me on her own."
"Ki, you... you black mercenary... ah!!"
"Yeah, that's right. And this is the one... I love only in the world... my lord."
Calcedonia proudly and happily proclaimed as she gently touched her lips on the cheeks of the darkest man, Tatsumi.
"Don't be selfish!! You are mine!! That's what I decided!!"
Gardeau rushes to the two happy embracing each other, waving her clenched fists.
Gardo's fist is pushed over the air, roared and rolled out to Tatsumi.
But that fist never captures Tatsumi.
Shortly before his fist touched Tatsumi, Tatsumi and Calcedonia's body could disappear neglectfully.
Gardo loses sight of the target just before he captures it, hits it more and more as it is and falls into the ground.
Gardeau, who didn't understand what had happened and still woke up in a hurry, looked around for a moment.
Gardo finally found the presence of Tatsumi. But his eyes gradually open.
Because Tatsumi was floating in the universe.
Keeping Calcedonia staring happily at Tatsumi in the so-called "princess hug" position, Tatsumi stands without any support on the stage in the name of the night sky.
Gardo looks up at the two people floating in the night sky with an incredible look on his face.
No, that's not just Gardo.
The mayor of Nephro, who hastily flew out, and the families of Calcedonia.
Everyone looked up to Tatsumi and Calcedonia standing in the night sky with a flashing expression again.
"Ma, wizard..."
Nephro, the village chief, or someone in the Calcedonian family, whined so unexpectedly.
They just stared at the fantastic sight of floating in the night sky holding a beautiful woman.
"Oh, come down, you coward!!"
Returning to me, Gardo yells at Tatsumi floating in the universe as he wields his fists.
But Tatsumi at the time just stares down at Gardo with a bewildered look.
"... Now I wonder which mouth says cowardice or something?
Suddenly, a voice was heard from behind.
If Gardo turned to that voice, there were nearly thirty fully armed soldiers there.
At the head of the soldiers is one boy who still seems to be before adulthood.
The boy is shaking his neck to the side with his shoulders clasped just as he was shuddered.
But Gardo's gaze was not directed at the boy. His gaze was directed at a well-known young man who stood behind the boy.
"So no, Dear Diguan!!"
Gardeau, who found the figure of Diguan, the deputy's son and who thinks he is his own back shield, dressed plain in in front of Diguan as he repainted his expression, which until then had been angry and colorful, with joy.
"Dear Diguan, this is him!! This is the blackest mercenary this guy ever talked about!! Whether this is the case or not, I took away the female slave I was going to dedicate to Dear Diguan, so sooo!!"
Kneeling at the feet of the parlour on which Diguan rides, Gardo rolls up at once pointing to the landed Tatsumi.
"Please, Diguan, and with the help of your men, capture that blackened mercenary!! And bring the female slave back into my hands! I will dedicate myself to Dear Diguan, but that is the woman who is going to be my slave..."
"Shut up!!"
Diguan blocked Gardeau's words from being aroused with an extremely harsh - then somewhere sad - expression.