My Pet Is a Holy Maiden
Another tatsumi.
"My name is Tatsumi... Yamagata Tatsumi"
A figure with a look very similar to Tatsumi, who suddenly appeared. The person casually crossed Giuseppe's clerk's office, naming his own name, and dropped his hips on the bench somewhat.
And when you put your feet together in a transverse manner, you continue to say the words as you hang the corners of your mouth all the way up.
"And Cheeko's... the true owner of Cheeko, who was an octopus"
"Cheeko's... true former owner...?
"Yes," Tianxiang "Sama. You're not the real owner of Chico, you're me."
"Oh no!! I grew a chick with these hands since I was a chick!!"
Unexpectedly, Tatsumi returns to the words of the other Tatsumi who suddenly appeared.
The wolf main cock chick my parents bought me at a young age. There can be no mistake in remembering giving that chick the name "Cheeko" and raising her lovingly while feeding her every day.
And that memory and memories are the foundation of everything that connects him to Calcedonia.
The other tatsumi stares at Tatsumi, who is denied and exasperated the part involved in his roots, with cold eyes.
"Oh, your memory isn't wrong either. It's just that you didn't have the same reincarnated Chico you raised there."
"... doth the same... exist...?
"Have you ever heard the word 'parallel world'?
Tatsumi asked Tatsumi as she sat with her feet together in the bench.
The word "parallel world" itself sounds familiar to Tatsumi, of course. It is one of the subjects used for a long time in SF novels, comics, etc., and Tatsumi himself once had experience with them.
And in those words, I realize what a person like myself in front of me is like.
"Oh, you... of parallel worlds... me...?
"That's what happened. That's how we have different worlds in front of us, right? So it's no wonder there's a parallel world?
Tatsumi looked around as she sat in her bench, spreading her arms with some playful trick.
I don't have to wonder if I can identify "different worlds" with "parallel worlds", but I can understand what Tatsumi is trying to say.
Besides, I've thought about parallel worlds before. That was the first time I met Elle at [Elf's Pavilion].
There was a slight discrepancy between my memory about Japan and her, including the time deviation from it. "It's possible that Japan, where I was, and Japan, where Tatsumi was, is' Japan in another world very similar '," Elle pointed out.
If, as El put it, Japan, where she and Tatsumi lived, was "another very similar Japan," it is not surprising that another self existed.
Understanding what the person in front of him is like, Tatsumi stares at the other self, smiling invincibly with a flashing look on his face again.
In response to such a tatsumi, Tatsumi continued his words with his cold eyes as usual.
"Have you understood," Tianxiang "Sama? I mean, you weren't the real owner of Chico."
"Mmm... I'm not sure what your conversation is about."
Of course it was Giuseppe who spoke so from the side to Tatsumi and Tatsumi, who looked at each other with a flashing expression and a cold expression.
"I understand the difficulty, but in short, does your lord mean another son-in-law?
"Exactly the same person, but not the same person? There are a lot of different things about me and this guy that are basically the same. For example... this guy or something?
Saying so, Tatsumi reaches into the hollow. As soon as possible, Tatsumi's eyes do see that something begins to stir in the palm above her.
Eventually, on Tatsumi's palm, that gets a clear look. Tatsumi opened her eyes in amazement when she saw it.
"... Demon...?
Appearing on Tatsumi's palm were heads the size of apples and beings with thin, small bodies disproportionate to them - that is, demons.
"It doesn't look like your grandfather or Chico, but I knew you'd see this one."
Tatsumi laughs with a "demon" appearing over her palm.
"The Demon possessed by a fool like Armored Dragon or that Gardo... I thought I was watching over my Demon. Apparently, you're seeing this."
Throwing the "demon" of his palms between his hands as if they were balls, Tatsumi had found an answer to the questions he had previously felt.
Tatsumi has both lightly defeated the "Demon" away from the body of Armored Dragon and Gardo. Tatsumi, who was watching Tatsumi through the sight of the Usage Demon, who had accurately slashed and torn the invisible Demon, predicted that he could recognize the Demon.
And Tatsumi is convinced that his predictions were correct in Tatsumi, who looks at the "demon" he has summoned and opens his eyes.
While Tatsumi nodded with a good face, Tatsumi was feeling surprised how many times it might be today.
"Well, then... you take Gardo or Armored Dragon..."
At the end of the battle, an armored dragon possessed by a sudden appearance of the Demon. And Gardo, possessed by the Demon, who murdered many human beings and fled. What Tatsumi had suspected since he used Moment Metastasis became the truth in front of Tatsumi.
"... you were pulling the thread...?
"Even so. He's what I call a mastermind."
Tatsumi without a bad wind and even good at it on the contrary.
"I told you. Though you and I are the same, you are not the same person. I have another system besides the same (heavenly) magic system as you. That's the system that summons the Demon and manipulates him freely... well, shall we call him" The Underworld "against" Heaven "?
Magic system named by Tatsumi, "The Underworld". It is magic that summons and freely manipulates the Demon, as Tatsumi says. Furthermore, it is possible to manipulate the organism to some extent by possessing it by other organisms.
"The system of manipulation of the Devil..." The Underworld...?
"There is such a system of magic… I have never heard of it before…"
"Oh, no... your husband... ho, not your real husband...?
Like Tatsumi, Giuseppe and Calcedonia are also pale. Giuseppe was stunned by the presence of the magical lineage of the "underworld" of freely manipulating the "demon", but for Calcedonia, he had been devastated to shake his roots.
That Tatsumi was his own owner in his previous life. That is the most fundamental part of Calcedonia. A shake arose in that fact, and Calcedonia was greatly stunned, bewildered and confused.
Tatsumi smiles gently at such a pale calcedonia.
"I'm sorry to surprise you, Cheeko. You can't be surprised that the guy you thought was your own owner before was actually someone else, can you? But don't worry. From now on, I'm the real owner, and I'll always be with you as Cheeko's family."
Tatsumi stood up from her bench and just said, "Come on, jump into my chest," she let her arms spread toward Calcedonia.
But Calcedonia never jumped into Tatsumi's chest.
Calcedonia is not so dark as to believe so much what she was told, although she still looks pale and feels stunned and confused.
Breathe loudly, and exhale. Calcedonia, who manages to calm her mind forcefully, turns her definite gaze toward Tatsumi, though pale.
"Ah, you're my husband... you can't be my former owner!! No matter what anyone says, my husband..."
With that said, Calcedonia moves to the side of Tatsumi. However, Tatsumi interrupts between Tatsumi and Calcedonia in Moment Travel.
"No, I'm Cheeko's real master."
"No!! My... my husband..."
Calcedonian crimson eyes are directed toward Tatsumi. Tatsumi's black eyes were also directed towards Calcedonia.
The foundation of the name love that supports the bridge of sight still does exist between the two of us.
That fact gives me the heart of Tatsumi to stand.
"Chi... I knew you were in the way"
Tatsumi looks angrily at Tatsumi. And moved that gaze to Giuseppe.
"Hey, Grandpa. Remember what I said earlier?
"Of the Lord's Word... Could it be the guy who says, 'There's more if you can do it'?
In Giuseppe's response, Tatsumi laughs satisfactorily.
"You've already noticed that, haven't you? The dragons are surrounding this city now... well, I'm in control"
"After all, those military dragons are also the work of the Lord..."
The dragons don't attack the city because they've been instructed not to. That was what Tatsumi was trying to say, and it was the truth.
"If you can drink my terms, I'll withdraw the dragon immediately... but what do we do?
"Depends on the terms."
Giuseppe tells him like he's stuck, handling a white, long mustache. In fact, Giuseppe has some predictions as to what the terms of Tatsumi are. But you can't drink that condition unilaterally.
As the Supreme Priest of the Savaive God. And even as Calcedonian adoptive father.
"Hmm, this grandfather, he's quite a raccoon. You've noticed my terms... You can't just not drink my terms anyway, can you?
Tatsumi glances over his shoulder like a shudder, turning into a serious expression and confronting Giuseppe again.
"My terms are twofold. Another me... banishing Tianxiang from this country. And..."
Once the words were cut off, Tatsumi turned again to Calcedonia. Tatsumi's gaze at her has great love for Calcedonia.
"... for me and Chico to live together as they once did... as a family. That's my deal."
"Don't be ridiculous!! You can drink on such terms!!"
It was Tatsumi, of course, who was enraged by the conditions offered by Tatsumi.
Giuseppe keeps her mouth shut and stares at Tatsumi.
As a public priest - the supreme priest of the Savaivist denomination - Tatsumi's conditions can be described as good for breaking.
If offering Calcedonia to Tatsumi gives the safety of the inhabitants of the city of Levantis, that is by no means a bad condition.
The life of one Calcedonian and all the inhabitants living in Levantis. Needless to say, which should be valued.
But that's only if you judge me as a public figure.
As a private person - as Calcedonian adoptive father - it is a condition that you cannot drink. There is no way Giuseppe can do this, such as tearing down Tatsumi and Calcedonia, who live happily ever after.
Public and private. In the meantime, Giuseppe was troubled.
Such adoptive father's troubles are also passed on to Calcedonia. And it is sadly understandable to Calcedonia which position Giuseppe will ultimately take precedence over. I understand.
So now she pushes in so anxious that she's about to fall on the spot that she keeps desperately standing.
And a voice that supports the calcedonia of sorrowful thoughts echoes inside Giuseppe's office.
"I won't let you! Calse is... Chico is my wife! If you are in control of a dragon, defeat you and the dragon will be freed from that rule. Ugh!"
"Exactly. If I die, the dragons will be freed from my control and will probably return to their nest."
Even if the Demon is possessed, it can't beat the instincts of the wild Warcraft. The most important thing for a military dragon is the nest, just like a tin bee. As a result, military dragons cannot stay away from the nest for long periods of time.
"If so... I will defeat you... ah!!"
"Tianxiang, can you beat me to death?" That's funny!
Tatsumi pulls the Flying Dragon Sword out of her hips, and Tatsumi sets her body in half.
"Tianxiang" Sama doesn't like to hang out in such a tight place, does she? Then why don't we do it where we deserve it?
Tatsumi smiles invincibly and points out the window. What spreads there is a grey sky covered by more and more clouds.
"I kinda don't like it when it's not blue sky, but there's no stage for you and me as much as the sky deserves. So I'll give you guidance."
Fluffy, and the body of a tatsumi floats in the universe. And it pops out the window like it's slipping.
After that, Tatsumi also rises to the gray sky.
"... Your husband..."
Calcedonia rushes over to the window where the two of them pop up and look up at the sky from there. In the sky the two had already crossed blades, occasionally scattering sparks in the grey sky.
"O Savaive God... bless my lord..."
Calcedonia, with her hands together as she looked up into the sky, could only wish her husband well to the God she believed in.