My pet is snapping turtle

Chapter 518 is amazing

Thirty pirates finally got a "World Valley", they were obviously enemies, even the fighting teams were not, they were so chaos, which was completely a bunch of blacks.

"Boss, ask for fire!"

In the wireless headset, heard the voice of the players. Kang Zheng Kong saw these pirates, and the mouth came from the killing, agreed, "can fire, free shooting!"

Soon, " " gunshots rang, these pirates are completely caught off guard, completely without reacting, then fell half on the ground.

The battlefoot team members are precise, almost biting meat, very small bullets.

not good!

We are very good! ! !

The rest of the pirates were very shocked, scared, wanted to counterattack, but only only played a few bullets, soon the gunshot stopped.

In just two or three minutes, more than 30 pirates are all killed, one is not left!

Dry beautiful!

Kang Zheng Kong is satisfied. As for Tao Wenguang, it is already cheering in your heart. This is a lot of crew members who want to look at the gun war. The "World Valley" is shocked!

"This is how the same thing!"

"I shot, soon stopped!"

Some courageous, extended half a head, take a look at the glass, see the chaos on the deck, first shocked, and then cheers.

"My God, the pirate of the ship is all dead."

"This is long, it's hard to confuse!"

"Who is our ship, I feel that it is more powerful than a special forces."

"I am finally relieved, there are so many people to protect, we will not have something."


The original nervous atmosphere seems to be one of them, and the crew is also active.

Kang Zhenggang, looked at the small gunboat in the distance, thinking about it, how can I deal with it ...


Small gun boat.

The pirate leader Maika heard the gunshot, but did not put it in your heart, thinking is his man who shot the "World Valley".

"How to shoot it, don't kill the crew, and remember to leave a few."

"The leader, the gunshot has stopped, how do I feel a little strange?"

The "World Valley" is a huge round. The deck has a height of more than a dozen meters, which is equivalent to several layers high, from the small gun boat to "World Valley", it is equivalent to looking, limited vision.

They still can't see everything happened on the deck, McCa is thinking that his people shot.

He is full of confidence, "There is nothing strange, we went to thirty people, it is estimated that many crew have been killed, and the gunshots will of course stop."

After waiting for one or two minutes, Maika seems to be a bit wrong. According to the reason, if his people control the ship, at least there is information.

They have limited conditions, and only one person carries a wireless communication device, but it does not seem to have any messages.

Unce the depth of the sea, dozens of meters.

Black and Mun have finally come over, just after it left for a while, I caught some things in the vicinity.

In this past few days, it has quietly followed the "World Valley", very concealed, and Lian Kang, did not detect the existence of black.

Overlord, of course, did not follow.

Escorting this kind of thing, the overlord feels too boring, especially the speed of ship sailing is too slow, it handed this task to Black Tie.

There is a black , of course, you don't have to kiss your pro, and the black troops have been following the "World Valley".

Black scorpion came back.

It quickly found that it was not right, "World Valley" has stopped, not far, the cannon of a gun is actually facing "World Valley", this is to fire.

This is also getting, it is fast to travel toward this gun boat.

On the gunboat, McCaica is unsatisfactory, and even the small head of the team, but there is no response.

Finished, the grass rate!

Maika's face change, waving, "Give me a gun, a test!"

The artillery can shell, ready to test, suddenly, some people shouting.

"Let's see, what is it!"

Black Jun has come over, to the bottom of this gun, no longer dozens of meters deep deep, it is now around the depth of depth, it is about ten meters.

The sea is clear, the depth of ten meters, can have seen the blurred figure of the black and mood, this is the black huge, up to two hundred meters of super giant beast.


What is this ghost!

McCa is also a shock, he knows, this is definitely not a submarine, because the submarine does not have such a long length, it seems to be like a beast.

He quickly remembered, two, three months ago, the news of the ocean giant behemoth in the North Atlantic waters, it seems to be similar to the beast in front of him.

Finished, finished .....

God bless, it doesn't hit our ship's idea, just just passing here .......

Maika is praying, sweating, other pirates are panicked, even frightened, even more, some people hold the life boat has jumped.

Black is coming!

Prepared that it has been a little late. If you don't have to leave nearby foraging, you have been following the "World Valley", it is estimated that you will get up early, where you get those pirates.

Fortunately, it is not too late. At least this small gunboat has not fired, and after it is under this boat, one of the giant claws waved.

The ship shell of this gunboat is like a paper paste, it is easy to grasp a big hole, and the black scorpion seizes the bottom of this gunboat. It is slightly pulled down. This gunboat is pulled underwater.

Less than one hundred tons of small gunboats, in front of 2500 tons, even a toy is not possible.

Black scorpion grabbed the bottom of this gunboat, flying to the deep sea, dozens of meters, hundreds of meters, until more than 2,000 meters deep.

Kang Zheng has been paying attention to the gunboat, and the mind is thinking about how to solve this big threat. They have no weight weapons, only light weapons.

He took into account a method, a delayed time, one party sent several players to the sea, quietly swim from the bottom of the water.

I am thinking about the feasibility of this approach, there is a player surprised, "Head, you see, the gun boat will not see it."

Although I thought about the countermeasures just now, my eyes have been watching the gunboat, and the scene just now, he can see clearly.

The small gunboat, as if dragged underwater, and then quickly did not see.

Kang Zheng has a surprise color, and there is no unidentified scene.

The gun boat is gone, the threat is not, Kang Zheng has not considered a bad thing, waving, "Old Tao, boat, we quickly left here."

"World Valley" begins to leave, and gradually accelerate, almost the maximum speed ...


The third is more sent!