My Pikachu will open Suzuo

My Picchu will open Zodo 79

Under the dark night sky, I started to have a thunder. When I was a rain drop, Su Xiaowu saw clearly. Just now Xia Bo's duckbill fire dragon's spray flame, the entire side of more than half of the guardrail, all melted ...

Chapter 072 Have the glory.

How long is the entire Shengan slave?

Su Xiaowu has not been calculated, but hundreds of meters are absolutely! And the spray flame of the duck dragon is actually dissolved in half of the guardrail.

This is his first time I see the skills of the elf actually produce truly effect on objects!

As everyone knows, in this unshistable world, 100,000 volts will explode will be fried. The spray flame will fly the opponent. The shadow ball will explode to fly the opponent, the cross, the cross, so sharp hand knife can't The opponent is smashed in two and a half, it will fly the opponent ...

But this time, he is really very cut.

Xiao Ye looked at the fence that was melted by high temperatures. "It's a horrible strength, I don't know the strength of the four days and Shamber, who is more powerful."

Su Xiaowu received back to the law, and he didn't make a bitter, and he smiled: "Let's go, go to the Junsa little sister and those newcomers trains."

The small ink shakes his head: "It is useless, it can't stop."

"The Rockets are installed in the underlying detonation ... too much, and there is also in the bottom of the boat! Now clearing the foundation, we can only quickly evacuate the crowd." Xiaoyu gave up the plan to save the San Anni, "I just escaped just now When the Rockets were selected, they found a lot of roads on the road ... "

Su Xiaowu wondered, and it was stagnant to think of this.

You are so pitted teammates, do you lose my Master?


"what is this?"

Xiao Yu took Su Xiaowu, I didn't know where to touch the props, and I found out that it was a diving suit, and there was a simple respirator, and suddenly shocked: "Where did you get it? If you really sink, have you wear these? "

"Don't take so much, you first put it first, in case the ship is really sinking, it is not a sea for a moment."

Didn't see the Titanic number starting from the shipper to the end of the plot!



"It's a hero who has a young man."

"Teenage, beautiful! Is there interest to come to our Covsdorf family? We are very optimistic about your future."

"This lady, you just have the heroic let me see your potential, don't ..."

In the hall, the business will blow praise is still going on.

Su Xiaowu wondered, with Xiaolong to bypass these people, directly found the Junsa little sister: "Junsa little sister ... that, we have important things to report."

Junsa heard the words, turned around: "Ah, you are the newcomer trainer who took the lead in rebel, it is beautiful! The alliance now needs you to stop in the crisis ... Yes, what do you find me? thing?"

Su Xiaowu was so embarrassed by her, and the nose was touched and touched. The boat fried, but it is certain! What should I do? "

When Junsa shouted, there was a shocking look at the exquisite face: "How do you know?"

Xiao Yu did not hesitate, and the dragon in the future said it once, but it was still anti-water in Xia Bo, in fact, the Rocket team hidden in the league.

After all, there is a concern for newcomers' training officers. If you explode in this area, I am afraid that many trainers have no way to accept.

Junsa little sister is shocked to look at them, unbelred in the eyes: "You ... two people ... daring! Do you know how dangerous? Why don't you notify me!? Why don't you notify me!? on?"

"The situation is urgent ..." Su Xiaowu continued to touch the nose: "Junsa little sister, now we have to discuss the problem is not that we are on, but ... What about the explosives?"

Junsa was silent for a while, suddenly looked up: "In fact, these ... we already know."


Su Xiaowuox is suspicious of: "Do you know?"

"Yes." Junsha little sister took out a communication: "The King of King has notified me when they left this ship, and this ship is likely to be sinking, let me do a good deal in advance. "


Su Xiaowu voice did not fall, Junsa's little sister is to pick up the words: "You want to ask me why I have not evacuated these trainers and the people who boarded the ship?"

"You think too easy."

"Do you know how many people now on this boat? If I tell you now, there is an unspeakable explosive in the bottom of the ship, and you know what is the most likely resulting? Most likely What is the consequences? "

"Never take crisis to test humanity."

Xiaoyu is silent, and it is said that it is true, but there is no one wants you to be in the drum. "

"Yes?" Junsha little sister showed a smile: "I know that you also have a lot of things, such as the fight on the deck, why do you want to conceal it? Have a lot of things, is it afraid of the panic of the newcomer training? Is it still disappointing this world? Since you have chosen hidden, you will explain that you are also recognized from some way. "

"If you log out on the 'Alliance inventory tomorrow, how many earthquakes will be caused by protecting the Shengan Son to complete the patrol?"

"This world is existed, but don't add darkness."

"The storm is coming, it is the best choice to push all the responsibilities to the storm."

Su Xiaowu is silent.

He has always thought that Joey sister is also good, or the Munsha little sister is also a stupid and sweet, until today he discovers that these two huge families are far more complicated than him. Many: "That ... How do you handle this thing?"

Junsa laughed and laughed, and there were so many unwillingness in the smile: "I have sent hands to go to the captain, I hope to have good results."

Xiao Yeard is half-awaited: "Is there really no way to rescue it?"

Junsa shakes his head: "From the moment of the Rockets, we will do the worst plan, little girl, some things, some dark you don't participate, we have solved. You as a sun, just need to look at the sun Just well. "

Isn't it sweet?

Is it unwilling?

Yes, it is indeed unwilling.

To put it bluntly, it is still too bad.

Su Xiaowu thought, he took a deep breath. Although he is not a smart person, he also knows that some things are indeed clearly published. The words of the Munsha little sister are very popular, which is both presupposes the face of the league, and there is a perfect speech, nothing bad.

"Well, then let's leave."

Leave this sentence, Su Xiaowu leaves the hall with Xiaolu, first to find the large needle bee, throw all the suction units to the storage space under the eyes of small ink, and then faintly open : "Xiaol, you go to the gold market waiting for me, next ... I have to handle some things."

Chapter 073 Total male cancer is advanced?

This world is like this.