My Pikachu will open Suzuo

My Picchu will open Sasoko 289

Su Xiaowu walked in the big mist, slightly closed eyes, suddenly had a volatility formation, the moment of opening his eyes, he pointed to a direction: "Let's go, although the sense is not very strong. But Pikuchi they are in this position. "

The water nodded and lifted his footsteps.

On the way, both people didn't speak.

All ghosts ... No, it is all kind.

After half-embarrass, it may be a bit wrong. Shujun will slowly speak: "Xiao Wu ... I think it is, in fact, you are too arrogant."

Su Xiaowu came back and asked in confusion: "How do you say?"

Shujun has a lip, open mouth: "In fact, you don't think so weak. Do you have to think about it carefully? Whether you are in the martial arts in Changzhou City, or the Dakuo battle at Qiki What should these two people should be the strongest person you encounter? "

"Of course, although these two people are not a level."

"But you find out, no matter which one, Pichaku's defeat is complete because it is excessive due to excessive consumption, even if it is the same. In other words, if you are in full's physical strength, you are unbeaten. "

"Win your, it is not an opponent, but yourself."

Su Xiaowu heard such a summary, and suddenly the face became a little quirky, and the eyes were also exposed.

It is reasonable to say.

The neighborhood is invincible ...

The skill is better than a weird, and the power is not good.

The reason why you lose it, it seems that it is the way to say.


At the same time, on the sea, a teenager dressed in red cloak, red vest, black trousers and red boots, has a hairstyle that bounced with elegant hair, all over the sea.

I saw him riding on the hack dragon, all the way straight, after a piece of sea, the eyes were gave a sweep, and only this hit into the clouds, the top of the mountain is like an ax directly cut half, and On the plane, the distance is not far away, it is filled with a strong fog, and all the conditions of the sea-plane area are covered.


The teenager can't help but surprise, he felt obviously, this dense fog is not naturally formed, and in this fog, there is a three-hidden beast!



The author's words: Dangdang, the second to ~ 2500 words +, more 500 words are doing the compensation of the morning inverted biological clock forgetting. It will continue to recover 10 o'clock in the morning and update in the morning.

Finally, ask the recommended ticket monthly ticket to reward.

Chapter 194 cooperation? Mobilize? Su Xiaowu VS Tour! (Two in one)

San Holy Beast.

Shujun, Yan Emperor, Leigong.

The number one of Fengwang is known as the mysterious elf of the three gods.

The teenager sits on the Hacon, slow down, wrinkled with the eyebrows, in his impression, in his impression, one of the three sings and beasts, is the Water waiter, specializing in Purified water resources around the world, and the plan to establish an ideal town is almost consistent.

Is there a way or maybe it?

At this time, Hucklong also induced the breath of the water, and suddenly stopped in front of this slowly fog, turned the neck, and looked at his own owner, with the meaning of the question.

Under the huge fog, you can't see the energy trajectory, in slow flow, occasionally there is unable to say energy fluctuations to go back, but after a moment, with a slight sound, , burst The fog is scattered three points, followed by, and there is no energy to make up in time.

"It doesn't matter, rush it in."

Under the face of the teenager, there is an extreme confidence. First of all, he thinks even three gods ... No, even the real beast appears, he does not think that he will lose to such an opponent with his own level.

This is ... Absolute confidence in your own strength.

Seeing home trainer, the arrogant look, Hucklong's wings, suddenly entered the fog, even if the front is Long Tiger points, it also dares to fight!

According to the idea of ​​the king, it is actually very simple.

For now, their plan is actually very simple, that is, destroying the existing system, destroying everything that is now, and re-establishing a new magical baby town.

Although this plan sounds some horrific, if you can get the support of the San Holy Beast, then it is better, even if you don't get the support of the San Holy Beast, you will have a feeling of feelings, it is nothing.



"So, don't always say what is fighting for the other party, you are doing it!" Su Xiaowu walked in the big mist, and it was completely observed for the fog around, and the face was calm: "You will only stand in it. At the side of the wind, it is not afraid of flashing on the side. "

Shujun silently speechless.

However, just a moment, the water is also nodded slightly, because it is very clear, although it is the fog it makes it, it is absolutely not a general manager, if Su Xiaowu If there is a special ability, I have never had energy fluctuations here, and I have exited this big fog.


Light spitting a sigh of relief, Shujun slowly looked at Su Xiaowu standing in front of himself, could not help but be a little stunned: "said, this time, you escape the one ... It seems to be a pursuit of Women called Coach, But when you meet again next time, you must see it in the blade? "

"And, if you want to run, it is not so easy."

Su Xiaowu has nothing to refute to this sentence. He said that if he is a department, when the next reunion, it is sure that the first time is to win the other party, and force all intelligence.

Because ... this skill that avoids attacking, it is too rare, too rare.

He is very calm, because these four days, everyone has its own unique skills, such as the death makeup for the child's mother-in-law and the skill of the coffin; and Koa is the use of ice lines. Small people, closed opponents ...

In other words, it is called, the mother doesn't have to worry about my study, where is it uncomfortable, where is the painting! I only need a pen, you can let the opponent die!

As for the Zhiba and Double ...

Su Xiaowu's calm opening: "Fortunately, we just see it is not a king .... "

As long as you dare to attack, wait until you die!

After the water joke, he heard the words, he didn't know if it was a happy or awkward: "That ... I have a bad news here and a good news, what do you want to listen?"

"Well ... first listen to the news." Su Xiaowu took the mouth and expressed dissatisfaction with the adjectment of Waterjun.

When Shu Jun suddenly nodded, after the words just finished, the eyes of Su Xiaowu were able to feel that in his body, it seems that the source is constantly released, some saying that there is some energy that is not clear.

It is also the existence of these energy, which makes it easy to stand in this fog with the body of the body.

"The bad news is ... The one you said ... If you don't feel wrong."

"I have broken into this big mist, it seems that I have not been hindered, I am afraid I have to see himself."