― ― A split Explorer, Underground Explorer.

I led a member of my usual facial appearance to an underground library of valuable materials about ancient magical civilizations.

As I tried to resume my journey, High-Elf Eile prompted me to explore quickly.

"Look, let's hurry up and look for a staircase and a lift. If you don't hurry, you'll be surrounded and killed."

"No... no stairs, no lifts."

"Huh? Why is that...?"

"It's such an important library. We've already been alerted to the intrusion, and our defenses have been consolidated."

No matter how powerful Agart Ram is, it is unlikely that there is no force deployed in critical facilities.

It's a straight line of travel, but it's a straight line of battle.

"Nolzli, where do I punch a hole?

"Hmm, you're good at it. It is touched. Follow me."

The destination is neither a staircase nor a lift.

That's one thing I can do with my skills.

"Here it is. It should fall in the corner of the first basement of the library."

"Thank you. Everybody, prepare for landing. I'm gonna puncture a straight hole."

Point your hand at the floor and activate [Disassembly] with high output.

The floor in one corner of the castle was shattered without sound, and all of the exploration team descended into the large library at once - to put it in perspective, it fell.

Simultaneously activates the [REPAIR] skill to [REPAIR] the broken ceiling back to its original state when no one remained to dive through the ceiling on the first basement floor.

It is one of the trumpets that has saved my life in various ways, starting with the Demon King War.


Only Eile, who doesn't know what I'm good at, opened his eyes to surprise and fell to the floor forced by the nozzle to hold his mouth.

Difficulties in landing - Garnet supports me, and Hilde uses Alexia's [Weight Loss] skills to assist with landing.

And Ambrose and Lionel landed on their own.

"You don't seem to have noticed."

Watch your surroundings with the activated Right Eye.

It was a space that could only be described as a large library.

A three-storey corridor in the blowout hall.

We landed at the far end of the top four floors.

"What a huge..."

With a mixed expression of joy and surprise, Hild looked at the number of bookshelves that seemed dazzling.

From the second floor to the fourth floor, all the walls are literally covered in shelves without gaps.

And on the large ground floor, not only the walls, but also the shelves from the corner of the hall to the center were arranged, and from the top, the arrangement of the archives constituted a narrow mesh passage.

"Look at this book. It is preserved by magic, but it was printed and bound at the time of ancient magical civilization. That and this and that... ahh, what a wonderful..."

Hild grabs a book with a soft face and opens the pages one after the other as he holds it in his arms.

I was too obsessed with it and the hood that hid the appearance of the elf was about to shift, so I pulled it carefully to fix it.

"Seriously. It doesn't make sense. I thought it was just letters."

On the other hand, Garnett was completely under pressure from a large number of books, losing his energy with the picturesque expression of slowness.

"Hey, this is more than you can imagine... Luke, where's the mechanical engineering book? If you don't take plenty, you won't be able to die."

"There must be some material on the Beast and the Medallion. I'll definitely take it. If there's anything we can call the Magic Book, we should keep it as a souvenir for Noir."

Alexia and Ambrose - Agility and magic experts seem to be very attentive to their interests.

Next to that, Lionel, a knight who specializes in combat, whispers to me, carefully to keep the enemy from noticing.

"Captain, it's still hard for us to bring this amount alone."

"I guess. Exactly as expected."

Whatever it takes, there's a far cry plan to sew all the materials back to earth in between fights.

It was clear to me that the materials to inherit the wisdom of ancient magical civilizations were much larger than the materials of the recent earth leap.

We didn't embark on such a plan.

The focus of the operation is only to "prevent AGART RAM, who has learned of defeat, from taking out important materials or destroying other materials."

When we succeed in getting into the field before these painful plans are put into action, the primary gates of the operation are cleared.

"From now on, we will take possession of the Great Library and defend Agathe Lam from unnecessary imitation. At the same time, we'll be able to secure only important materials that need to be secured for anything, even if the offensive strategy fails."

Well, first, I'll get rid of the guards quickly, then I'll hit the reinforcements. My job with Lionel is simple and clear. "

I see. Norzuli, where is the most important item in the library?

Norzuli glanced at me silently and then moved his jaw, pointing to a picture of the large library.

"... alright! Launch phase two of the operation!