We then reported a series of events that occurred at the ruins to the Golden Tooth Knights and decided to take them to the ground early.

Dealing with trouble in the realm of Demon King Castle is their job.

Even if I had something to do, it would work after I received a request from the Knights.

'Waiting for instructions' if you say it in a bad way, but this is the right thing to do all the time.

Arbitrage is just a pull on the leg.

I'm just an external collaborator. I shouldn't think or act on my own.

I could only think of bad consequences, no matter what you think, for a guy who is not in charge or in charge to take action without a report or consultation.

"Ha... so tired..."

Return to the White Wolf store at home and work, leave your luggage and exhale deeply.

The time is already past evening.

If you look outside, it'll be dark in a little while.

It was the mountains that I wanted to get some rest, but there are a few things I need to do.

Start by preparing a report on the collection of misthrills.

In this country, Mithril is designated as a prohibited product, and authorized vendors are also required to record and report collection volumes, uses, etc.

Naturally, I'm no exception.

Garnett gave a glimpse of his face as he proceeded with his paperwork at his desk in the workplace.

"Hey, White Wolf's. What are we gonna do about dinner tonight?

"I don't have the energy to go out there...... can you ask for an easy guy?

"Well, I'll make the right one if I like. Don't complain."

I'm in a position to have this one made on purpose, so there's no way I'm complaining.

After completing the paperwork, the misrills shall be stored in a dedicated and robust container.

A substitute for various schemes used to prevent theft, loaned by the State when the authorization was granted.

Rather, this should perhaps be called a vault rather than a container.


I was about to move on to my next task, and I could hear you knocking on the winning hand.

The visitor was a girl who had become completely familiar with her face.

"Sakura. What's going on at this hour?

"I received venison from my client today, so I thought I'd recommend it to Lord Luke."

"Oh, thanks. I was just getting dinner ready. Hey, Garnett!

Garnett came unsatisfied when he was forced to interrupt the cooking, but giving him the venison he had just received gave him a satisfying face at once.

"Always bad. That's why you're eating, too?

"I'm sorry, I have an appointment with Sylvia."

"Bye, shaggy. Say hi to him, too."

"If I get the next chance, I'll give it to your partner."

We had a short conversation and Garnett went back to the kitchen with venison.

Sakura's attitude when she talks to Sylvia and Garnett is a vegetarian behavior that she has nothing to show me.

It's not like I'm being distanced, it's called a 'respectful treatment'.

He said that he was accidentally supposed to save Sakura's life when he first met him, and that it was because he was an elderly man of a different age than ten years old.

"Lord Luke. Actually, I have another business to attend to..."

"You mean the Hiirokane knife?

"... were you prospective"

Sakura smiled to deceive her embarrassment.

"I don't mean to rush it, but I thought it was time to get it done."

The request I received from Sakura - is to build a knife with a special metal from the East called Hihiirokane.

Precious metals whose processing means were also lost locally, and one of the reasons Sakura visited Westland was to look for their processing means.

So far, the progress of the request is half as good.

By [synthesizing] Hihirokane in half a percentage on a regular knife, he has succeeded to the point of making a Hihirokane alloy knife.

If "Memory of the Shape of the Knife" settles on the hihihirokane you used, all you have to do is eliminate iron from the knife and make it up to you with a new hihirokane.

Doing so will finally complete a sword made up of only hihihirokane - but it will fit when the boulder has also settled its memories.

"Sure, it sounds like it's time to move on to the final process"


"Before I do, I need to ask you something."

This is just a precaution.

Now, I'm not going to imitate you to withdraw your promise.

"Nagi warned me, 'I'd rather not build a Hiirokane knife.'"

"... Huh!

"Of course I'm not going to renege on my contract with you. But if you know why he said that, why don't you tell me?"

Only for a moment, I could see Sakura distorting his expression.

That wasn't against me, it was like an emotion directed at a guy who wasn't here.

"... does Lord Luke think the gods exist?


"Oh, no, not in a weird way. It's what it means."

"As it is...?

I didn't really understand the meaning of the question, but for now I decide to think honestly.

"... skills are given to you from the temple that protects your profession. If you call 'something' that gives human beings skills God, doesn't it exist?

"So what about the idea that there are gods as real as humans...?

"A lot of people think that, and not many claim to be a supernatural mass of power with no personality. As far as I'm concerned... I've never seen it, so I can't say anything."

It is not uncommon for people in the temple to claim very seriously that they heard the voice of God or met him in person.

Perceptions from the public would be something like 'Probably exists in some way, something to be grateful for'.

"I see, that's a perception not very different from the Orient"

"And what does that have to do with what Nagi was saying?

I felt it was just too far away, so I'll ask for a more specific explanation.

"The forces to which I belong consider the gods a 'supernatural mass of power', and the forces to which the Nagis belong consider themselves' superior species with self '"

"That's why you were so vigilant."

"No... there are other causes of conflict of forces, which are more realistic or more vivid reasons..."

Sakura had a vague, half-way bitter smile, as if she had recalled the pitiful story.

"My clan has not only been endowed with divine power (skills) by training and faith, but has also explored the means to 'unload' the power of the gods directly. If the Nagi were a force, it would have been reflected in an inevitable outrage."

"... Could it be that a sword of pure hyirokane alone is a necessary tool for this"

I just made a sword made of pure hyirokane, and that doesn't necessarily beat a sword made of steel.

It is possible that alloys mixed with other metals are better.

The processing method is lost, so it should be necessary to re-examine it from those matters.

Despite this, Sakura wanted a sword made of pure hyirokane first as not even requiring verification.

There is only one rational interpretation.

It's not that I wanted a high-performance knife, it's that I wanted a knife for another reason.

You can't hide anything from Lord Luke after all.

Sakura smiled and shook her neck small and sideways.

"Yeah, you're right. Scarlet Golden Knife is a necessary offering for the ritual of divine descent. I only successfully manufactured it once a few generations ago, but it was accidentally lost along with materials on the means of processing scarlet gold."

"I see. Nagi thinks the accident is a divine punishment, and he warned me that if I helped him try again, it wouldn't be a lot of trouble..."

All the information in my head led to one.

The reason why Sakura asked for the Hihirokane sword was also convincing, as was the reason why Nagi would be wary of it.

"Even if a total Scarlet Gold (Making) sword is available, it doesn't immediately resume the ritual of divine descent. After completing his martial arts training, he should take it back to his hometown and need to be ready for many more years. I swear I won't bother this country. So..."

"Don't worry about it. I'll do what I've been promised."

I suppose Sakura thought I was reluctant to fulfill the request.

You don't have to worry about that.

The question now is only because I wanted to dispel the doubt, and I had absolutely no intention of rebelling the contract from the outset.

"If anything happens, I'll take responsibility. So don't hesitate to take it when you can."

"I can't believe it's a responsibility... it makes me extra sorry"

Sakura with troubled faces.

Just at that time, I could hear Garnett telling me that dinner was complete.

"... more. Now, if you'll excuse me around here."

"Be careful."

Think lightly about the future as you drop Sakura off and head to the dining room.

A request from Travis, a request from the Golden Tooth Knights, and a request from Sakura.

It's going to be a busy and fulfilling day.