- Underground in the entrance hall, unknown underground space revamped, combat golem unit hangar for ground invasion.

Demon King Gandalf has a cold eye on me and Garnett with a well-lined and massive battle golem on his back.

"If there's no more fu, let's make him want to beg to give in."

"Damn. You think you can do something?

"I thought it was possible. If you inflict the right amount of pain, you will break your knees. He must be a man who has called himself a loyal warrior."

Lifting his arms lightly, at the same time, heavy magic swirls at the feet of Demon King Gandalf, generating innumerable spines of magic in the air.

They were like blue and black crystals, in a distorted shape to inflict tragic scratches to see.

You should be able to exercise diverse magic, but you dare choose the magic that causes the greatest suffering.

I've known for a long time that I'm extremely spicy, but they make me realize that fact again.

"Back off! White Wolf's!

Shortly after Garnett screamed and I tried to retreat, the spines of magic unfolded around Demon King Gandalf were fired simultaneously.

Immediately Garnett unleashed a magic slash and shot down some of them, stopping them with a magic barrier for what they couldn't shoot down.

The spines of magic pierced the floor split instantly, destroying even wider ranges at once.

"This would be tragic if you ate even one shot."

"Are you satisfied just to protect yourself?

A large number of magic thorns expand to a height near the ceiling and are ejected to pour down on me.

I just broke down the basement wall and squeezed the fragments in order to create an impromptu barrier with the application of [restoration].

Faster than that, Garnett turns his heel and fires a series of magic slashes.

The thorn of magic that is cut off and shot down.

But turning his back on Demon King Gandalf for interception has become a decisive gap.

"There is...!

A spine of magic pierces the swollen tibia (calf) of Garnet's right foot, splitting into fine thorns and chopping bone meat from the inside out.

A chase is ejected into the fallen garnet, and a bullet that didn't make it to the wall pierces the right arm, expanding the thorn like a root and hurting the garnet.

"Gee... but...!


"Human beings are strange."

Gandalf, the Demon King, has spoken to me in an unpleasantly calm voice, watching Garnett suffer with screaming without any emotion.

"Many people, even if their own suffering is tolerated, cannot stand the pain being inflicted on another individual to whom they view it specially. It is not once or twice that a formidable brave man bowed to his knees and pleaded"

And expand the thorns of magic into the air that will exceed twice as much as ever.

"According to Norzuri, you challenged the battle by taking an overwhelming view of the difference in power by precedence of this human crisis."

"... Huh! White Wolf's! Don't worry about me!

Some of the deployed magic thorns are continuously ejected with only the garnet as the target.

Countless magic thorns pierce the magic barrier deployed for defense, cutting down the barrier so that split thorns can root.

Bounce, fly, disappear.

A clear shot is fired in there, piercing his left shoulder and destroying it from the inside.

"Gu...... ahhhhhh!

The scream echoes into the underground space.

Right leg, right arm, left shoulder.

It seemed that he had to endure severe pain even if he no longer lifted his sword.

Demon King Gandalf is obviously waving his garnet very hard.

Just to break my heart and make me give in.

I can't possibly stand there in silence for the most part while they show off something like this.


Hide the slightly [disassembled] wreckage of the wall in both hands and run out to [repair] the garnet injury.

"You idiot! Don't come!

"I can do that!

All I'm saying is shut up and watch, and a few magic thorns get shot out at me.

Throw [restoration] magic into the gripped wreckage and defend the thorns with walls that distort [restoration] the floor as material.

As we circle in front of the garnet, more massive spines of magic are swept away, but the remnants of the wall are [repaired] to prevent them.

"What, so... why did you come...!

"Don't take a sweet look at my weakness, okay? If you get hit, you're gonna get caught fast. I don't like it, but I have to [repair] it, and..."

It simultaneously activates the [disassembly] of the spine of magic and the [repair] of the wounded area, restoring the limbs of the garnet.

"I never want to do anything but imitate like abandon you. Even if you told me to."

"... this, big fool..."

In one more step I heard an arrow tip to complete all [restoration], part of the protective wall I was turning my back on being damaged.

Looking back to understand the current situation.

Precisely at that moment, the first shot through the wall flew in from the direct front of his gaze, making a big picture on the right half of his sight.

Half of my vision dimmed, severe pain ran - and my consciousness interrupted.

- When I realized, I was lying in a white space with nothing.

I get up in a hurry and look out over the surrounding landscape.

I have no idea where this place is.

At least not in the basement hangar, and the Demon King didn't even see Garnet at all.

Though I have the feeling of standing on a solid scaffold, everything was really white and I didn't even know the boundary between the floor and the wall.

No, I'm not even sure if walls or ceilings exist.

"Looks like you finally rebuilt your consciousness."


I'm called from behind and I look back.

There he was, a boy I had seen somewhere...... that was also a young child who seemed to be about single-digit old.

"... uh, what is this situation...?

"Haha, you know. Have you forgotten about your right eye?

"Right eye?...... Grr!

I lost consciousness in the right eye with the stray bullet of the Demon King's attack - the moment I remembered that fact, the right half of my vision disappeared with severe pain and a huge amount of blood overflowed from my orbit.

Trying to activate [Repair] while upset doesn't stop the bleeding at all for some reason.

- In the first place, I didn't feel the activated response.

The mysterious child started walking around me looking at me in a strangely pleasant way, stuffy with pain.

"No, no, no. That power is what lives in the flesh. You don't have enough connections right now."

"What... are you talking about..."

When the child circled around me, the figure had grown once and for all at some point and looked about fourteen or fifteen years old.

Just about the time I flew out of my hometown village.

"Gandalf has always been a favorite of that magic. It automatically avoids fatalities unless it hits a steep spot, for the reason that it inflicts a lot of pain."

By the time we went around another time, the boy had already become a youth.

You can understand me if you get here.

This guy in front of me, he said, looks just like me in the past.

"You... what the..."

"It's a difficult question. Hurlbalds, Gagnlers, or simply Wise Men... because there were so many ways to be called."

How long before the man looked just like me now, and stopped trying to face me.

"If it's a name that's easy for you to understand - well, shall I call it an alphazle? Yeah, of course this look is tentatively the first. This is more convenient."