Time is up, noon.

Ask everyone to take their lunch breaks in order, and at the end of the day I decide to go in for a break.

I was a little worried about where I would eat, but in the end I would take a trip to the Spring Leaf Pavilion where I was used to going through.

Fortunately, the daytime peak time at the restaurant had passed, so the dining room at the Spring Young Leaf Pavilion was not as crowded, and even a little loose air flowed.

Sylvia, holding the tray, spoke to me in wonder as I was being guided to an empty seat and thinking about ordering.

"That? You're not with Mr. Garnett today, are you? Is something wrong?

"Garnett would be home. I'm on vacation for a while from today."

"I see... it feels a little strange that Mr. Luke and Mr. Garnett aren't together"

That's what Sylvia says with an unrelenting smile, a complicated feeling that's hard to put into words.

"Am I that impressed that I'm one set with him?

"Huh? Isn't it obvious because it's an escort"

"... Indeed"

You were right, if you ask me.

Originally, Garnett was a knight sent as my escort, and it's natural to act together without me alone, and Sylvia and Sakura both grasp that fact.

There has been a change in our relationship… In short, we know only ourselves that distortion (...) has occurred.

Even the fact that we are constantly acting together is a natural behavior for Sylvia as an escort.

So if you think about people other than Sylvia and Sakura, this should still be the same as the two of us.

Even if Garnett hasn't revealed himself to be a knight, it's a fact many humans know, including ordinary people and adventurers, that he also leaves to work like my bodyguard, who doesn't have all sorts of practical skills.

Among other things, the fact that he was piercing a guard role throughout the Demon King's War plays a part in making that fact known.

In the end, I'm not the only one who feels more than an escort for Garnett being next door all the time.

"(... from the side, it's also 'the escort just took a vacation' without him)"

First I order lunch and casually look out the big window.

Green Hollow is no different today.

With the dedication of the Silver Wings Knights, they are so peaceful and safe that the need for escorts is at stake, and the boulevard is full of life.

Because of the usual lack of escorts, the guy who calls out to me with strange intentions caught my eye more than usual, but that's also trivial.

Mostly it just ends properly and if it persists, the knight on the patrol will get rid of it immediately, so there's not even room to develop into some sort of problem.

Yet - unspeakable blankness fills my chest.

It's a great sentiment while I'm at it, even though there's just no garnet in the opposite seat.

"Here you go, take your time"

"Lord Luke. May I have your seat?"

With Sylvia bringing the food, Sakura came to my table, too.

I don't mind anything, so when I urged him to sit across from the table, Sakura looked from me and lowered his back to the chair in front of the diagonal.

We started taking a little late lunch while talking about each other's work, and almost finished eating, and Sakura has changed the subject in a casual manner.

"By the way, Garnett says he's going home, but where is his hometown?"

"That bothers me, too. Yes, water please."

Sylvia, who happens to be here to pour more water, also tunes in to the question.

Simply considering where Garnett's hometown is, it would be either the home territory or the king's capital, but in this case you should answer where you are currently headed.

"The destination seems to be Wang Du. Isn't that why we're still on the move?

"Wang Du! I've been on a long martial arts training journey too, but you haven't been to that city yet..."

"Me too. There's the headquarters of the Adventurer's Guild over there, and there are the most mythrill processors on the continent, so I'd like to go there once."

It is only the capital of Westland, which unites the majority of the continent, and the King's Capital is the most advanced city in all respects.

Of course there are cities that are comparable or outnumbered in certain areas, but it is widely said that the Wang Du would undoubtedly be the culmination if assessed overall.

"I knew you wanted to go, didn't I, Wang Du? Grandma's invitation, I thought I'd take it."

"Lord Dorothea's?

"Grandma's chamber of commerce is also headquartered in Wang Capital. Sometimes I get letters telling me to come and see you. He said he'd pay for transportation now."

"Ha. I look like I can't help but want to spoil my grandson. Because of this, why don't you take the invitation? You better do it while you can."

Next to Sylvia and Sakura welcoming me, I turned my gaze to the empty seat across the street again.

Normally, I'm sure Garnett would have been mixed up in the subject and made a scene.

It seems hard to get used to this situation around me thinking about that one by one.

All the sales for the day are over, and I close the store after cleaning up.

Sitting alone in a living room with a halfway office, looking back into a quiet room, it makes me feel as if this is a strange place.

Previously, in my battle with the Demon King Army, I was driven by necessity to sever one arm myself.

It was an operation that presupposed [repair] later, but still the sense of loss was tremendous, something I swore to my heart I would do again.

The sense of loss now may be outweighing that moment.

Breaking that pointless sentiment was the sound of a strong knock at the back door of the house.

When I opened it, the four of us who were supposed to have just come home - Noir and Alexia, Erica and Leila - were all there.

"Shh, excuse me. I think I forgot something... it's a conditioning recipe, haven't you seen it?

It was Erica who cut out the errand.

Perhaps the four of us noticed Erica forgot something while we were home, and we all turned back because the night lane is dangerous.

For one thing, I'll put Erica and the others up in the house, split up the potion formulation recipes and look for them, but I can't find anything to do with them.

"I do feel like I put it on my working desk in the living room..."

"... maybe someone made a mistake and cut it with unnecessary paperwork and threw it away. Wait a minute."

Activate the [Repair] skill by putting your hands in a scrap cage for disposal documents next to the work desk.

The wreckage of torn or finely cut documents quickly regains shape in the crumb cage.

I took them all out and found a handwritten recipe caught between them.

"Look, there it is"

"Oh, thank you! Good..."

While I was relieved that I found an important recipe, I tried to [disassemble] the unnecessary documents I [repaired] again.

"-This, maybe"

I noticed a mixture of letters with majestic decorative patterns in that bundle of documents.

Definitely. That's the letter Garnett got from my parents.

If it's true, I guess it's the right thing to do as a human being to decide not to see it and discard it again.

But I couldn't resist the urge to stick it up from the depths of my chest, and I opened the letter and looked through its contents.


"I'm sorry I bothered you. Good night, then."

Erica and the others, who have finished their business, try to leave.

I was almost reflexive, stopping them - precisely one of them.

"Layla. I'm sorry, but I need you to stay a little. I need to talk to you."