My 【Repair】Skill Became an Almighty Cheat Skill, So I Thought I’d Open Up a Weapon Shop

Episode 262: Consultation with the Silver Wings Knights Preliminary

"I don't study. Wouldn't that be nice? It won't hurt to finally be here."

When he reported on the content of his conversation with Theodore and also told him that he should be used to the topic of political entanglement, Garnett unexpectedly lightly agreed with it.

"Do you think so after all? But where the hell am I supposed to start?"

"You can count on a real job like this."

"Are you going to tell me?"

"No, I'll introduce you to the guy from the branch"

I laugh unexpectedly because they say so in grandeur.

Seeing my reaction, Garnett laughed out loud.

"I'm used to this kind of thing. I'm most sure I can rely on a guy. Let's just stop by the Green Hollow branch on the way home."

On Garnett's suggestion, he decides to take a trip to the Green Hollow branch of the Silver Wings Knights before returning to the White Wolf store.

There are two Knights residing in Green Hollow.

The Silver Wings Knights, whose main task is to maintain law and order on the ground.

The Golden Tooth Knights, whose main task is vigilant surveillance underground.

The two have long been in a confrontational relationship and continue to compete without the use of force even after coming under His Majesty the King's control...... but that is now an irrelevant story.

The Silver Wings Knights have bases throughout the earthly towns, the Golden Fangs have fortresses within the dungeons beneath them, and yet more than Garnett is a knight of silver wings affiliation, the opponent for advice in these times is almost determined by silver wings.

So when I stretched my legs on my way home and stopped at the base of the Silver Wings Knights, I was able to arrange an immediate meeting with Felix, the branch manager.

Originally in the high position of deputy head of the Silver Wings Knights, if he was seconded as a man worthy of the great responsibility of guarding the town ahead of the eye and nose of the Demon King's Castle, he is the perfect person to bring consultation to.

"Selling your face to the regiment is convenient when it's like this, right?

"It would be easier if I could name you the Silver Winged Knight."

"I can't. I'm on a covert mission with your escort, and in the first place, the knight at the bottom doesn't know my side."

They wait in front of the office until Felix is ready, whispering such a conversation.

"Just for the record, Mr. Felix doesn't know the real relationship between you and a (...) l (...) ma (...)"

"Oh, you normally think they're siblings. I've seen him in that outfit a couple of times, but the signs I noticed aren't dusty."

Being vice president of the Knights, he also has just had the experience of seeing Captain Carmine's sister.

And even though you know Garnett's face, you still don't doubt the explanation that he's a twin brother and sister?

Was it a practical example of how difficult it was to overturn a preconceived notion that once settled, Garnett's acting skillful, or was it simply Felix's gullible nature (s)?

... Personally the latter two are hard to think about, so I decided to think it must be because of the preconceived notions.

It's more convenient in terms of deluding Theodore.

"Thank you for waiting. Please come in."

After a while, there was a voice encouraging me to enter the room from across the door.

"Long time no see, Lord Luke. What can I do for you today?

"Actually, I wanted to fold in and talk to you."

A good looking young man, called the so-called female face, greets me and Garnett with a calm waist.

"First of all, this is my first consultation, but can't we just reveal to certain people that Garnett is a silver wing knight? There's been a little inconvenience."

"Inconvenient… can you elaborate"

For one thing, I will explain how I went with Theodore, taking care not to touch Garnett's true gender.

"... I see. A Rank Adventurer for the Borderline Bojia Kiko. I've known the Argentian family for a long time, and it's hard to let them accompany me because I could possibly remember Garnett's face before I became a knight,..."

"Yes, because he says he doesn't remember, and he's growing, so he probably won't notice, but he doesn't necessarily remind me of it in some applause"

Just in case.

I hit this and the fabric stone when I met Theodore, but if I could introduce Garnett to him as' actually an escort dispatched by the Silver Wings Knights', the cover-up of the information I really want to hide should be more dazzling.

"This escort mission is information we want to keep as secret as possible. But releasing information to other organizations is going to mark Lord Luke's positive (...) ceremony (...) appointment (...), and most importantly, if you're Mr. Borderline's Beaufort family, it's too good a reason for special treatment."

Felix fisted his mouth and thought for a while, and returned a full answer.

"Okay. You may introduce Garnett as the Knight of the Silver Wings to that person. However, please inform us that it is an exceptional measure and will remain secret until officially announced."

"Thank you. This will make it easier to respond to things. When you're in a high position and you owe money, you can't treat it like it's evil."

"Do you owe me...... oh, that's an example thing. It's in my ear, of course."

That's what Felix said, with a full smile.

I could see that it was not a laugh that arose from emotions such as fun or funny, but a smile that arose from pure joy and blessings.

"Lady Alma was never a parent (or a little) of a superior officer and her subordinate sister, but I took the liberty of caring. What can I say, because… it was a family that could not grow with too many wings stretched"

Felix looks like he's chosen words, seeping through the bitterness of the Argentian family's policies.

When it also becomes the family policy of Sir Rembrandt, a substantial former head of the Knights to whom he belongs and who still has a strong influence over the regiment, I guess he can't speak out and say it, even if he thinks something.

"We have a strong tendency to value old-fashioned traditions and are rarely outdated, but among young knights there is also a strong tendency to question child marriage as a tool of politics"

"Is it still Captain Carmine's influence?"

"Perhaps so. Some of them are ruinous, but there's no room for consciousness reform to bring the silver wings closer to the current (...) costly (...) Knights."

"... also think about, for example, the registration of female knights?

I'll take the story and see what I can do about that.

"It's just a story here, you're on the agenda. There's also strong opposition from members of the general public about this, so I guess it's just not a glimmer."

He hears stories that he can't hear unless from Felix, close to the center of the Silver Wings Knights, and exhales for a long time with a strange sense of satisfaction.

"Besides Captain Carmine, you had someone who was worried about Alma. I'm just glad I found that out."

Move your gaze sideways subtly as you talk to Felix.

During the conversation, Garnett kept pointing that way with his arms on.

It's like, if you're facing the front, you're not going to have a decent face.