It was specified in a letter from the Royal Palace. Exactly that day, I took Garnett to Tribrook City.

I've been visiting this town since I negotiated with Alan, a blacksmith, to procure high-quality weapons.

In contrast to how Green Hollow has changed in the short term, this one hasn't changed at all since then.

"White Wolf's, your mansion is this way."

Walk around the city with a garnet guide to your destination, Tribrook City residence.

It is situated on the edge of a luxury residential area, the most heavily guarded section.

I could see the temper that the Knights of the Dragon King and the Knights surrounded the mansion surrounded by a high fence and would not tolerate just one intruder.

"Big towns like the city have places to stay for royalty and duke class aristocrats... just when the king himself is staying, the level of security is different."

Garnett looked over at the Dragon King Knights security system and muttered in an impressive manner.

He turns to the front of the mansion, reveals his identity, shows his writ, gets permission to enter, and walks to the front of the reception room, accompanied by a knight (escort).

"Stand by indoors for a while. Please wait until Your Majesty is ready."

It was obviously not the only ones who waited for us to enter the room as prompted.

Carmine, head of the Silver Wings Knights, a blonde, blue-eyed, light-hearted man.

Gilbert, head of the Golden Tooth Knights, a man with a murderous face who can't read emotions.

I've known these two for a long time.

And the two remaining people - one of whom can follow more than one squire - are people I don't remember at all.

First one is a well-faced, elderly woman.

Of the four, she is the only one sitting in a chair, her eyes closed completely for some reason, even though she is not even asleep.

There are several girls following around her, but when it came to girls, they weren't 'women working out of society of what's still young' like Garnett and Sylvia, but (...) children (...) of genuine women (...), who only looked like they were ten years old or there at best.

And the one who remained was a strong knight with gray hair stroked behind him, thinking he was even older than His Majesty the King.

Even better as a generation than Sir Rembrandt, Garnett's father.

You can call me an old knight.

Unlike the white wizard's blanc-like luminous gray hair (soldering), the hair is weakening due to the loss of its original pigment.

But as for the decay of the flesh due to aging, it seemed to be eaten to a minimum by training, boasting a physique that was more benign than a lousy young knight.

"... dude, that's a tough joke. The Knights of the Senior Knights."

Garnett groaned so with a bitter grin on her mouth.

Faster than I revealed my surprise, Carmine noticed our visit and spread her arms with a full grin.

"I've been waiting for you! You've finally arrived as the star!

"Don't make a scene, Carmine. It hits my head."

Gilbert with the same faceless expression as Carmine with a delightful face.

The temperature difference in the reaction is too intense and I think I feel dizzy (dizzy).

"So maybe you're Alma's?

A woman with her eyes closed turns to this side of every spinning chair.

However, the angle slipped subtly, pointing towards the nearby wall, and the accompanying girls moved the rotating chair again to adjust it to the correct position.

"(Could this man be blind)"

I behaved too well to look into that.

It seems to be an open fact that her vision is not functioning, as other faces, including Garnett, take it naturally without surprise.

One surprised me, an old knight with gray hair called in a majestic bass voice.

"Luke in the White Wolf Forest. And Sir Garnett. Your Majesty will arrive soon. Don't just stand there. Come here. Your Majesty will be prevented from entering the room."

"Ah... yes"

There is only one entrance and exit in this reception, so His Majesty Alfred will come in through the same door as us.

If I stood and blurred in front of the entrance and exit, I would be in His Majesty's way no matter what I thought.

Leaving in front of the door as noted by the old knight, he is guided by Carmine but still moves to the center of the four.

Just to the left and right, it is sandwiched by Carmine and the chair's female knight captain, further in a positional relationship that Gilbert and the old knight refrain from next door.

"Uh, that was Mr. Luke from the White Wolf Forest. Mr. Alma's fiancée in the Argentian family. Rumors have come from Sir Carmine."

"I'm not a formal fiancée yet. Because it's like I've been told this conversation by Sir Rembrandt to admit it. Uh..."

"It's Angelica. I'm a young man, but I'm here to head the Knights of the Knights of the Neon Scale."

Honeyscales - commonly known as Knights of the Temple and Knights of the Temple - are senior knights who undertake official duties related to temples everywhere.

If Garnett is right about the statement he just leaked, "The Knights Leader of the Advanced Knights Step Together," it would mean the Knights Leader of the Dragon King Knights, the one senior knight left with that old knight.

Dragon king, golden fangs, silver wings, neon scales.

Are you really going to talk about my Knights Symphony and the New Knights on this occasion when the four senior Knights leaders at the top of the Twelve are all here?

If so, it is a truly outrageous situation.

"Um... Captain Carmine. Is this really an example?"

"I don't like screw-ups, but I don't think there's anything roughly wrong with what you're imagining. So we finally have a project that we've been working on and coordinating."

Half the cause of the prolongation is the backwork of the silver wings.

Gilbert spits poison from side to side against Carmine's easy-going remarks.

That gaze seemed to be directed at Garnett as well as Carmine.

"It's still okay to have a covert escort. I can't even be convinced as part of my duties as a silver wing. But it wasn't a good idea to send the Knights Commander's sister to his wife. The three regiments have shown difficulty because of it."

"They were also convinced by the proposal to 'send up to one initial constituent from each regiment'. If it's over, it's all good. Besides, Gilbert."

The content of the explanations Carmine was about to tell was roughly speculative.

So I decided to tell Gilbert that with my own mouth, in the form of sidetracking Carmine's remarks.

"The order is the opposite. I wasn't sent over Alma because I was recommended by the Knights Commander. I got this conversation to be recognized as the man Alma deserves."

"... well, it would be the same thing. Well, fine. I don't see that as a problem. Just reiterating that some of the other regiments weren't."

Captain Angelica smiles when he hears that on the side.

Garnett is using his maximum energy to keep his emotions off his face, pulling his mouth tight and tied.

Tightening the slackening air at once was a word of the old knight who had been standing like a snake before.

"End the futility story. Your Majesty will be here soon."