- Rumors are spreading really fast.

If that is a topic that does not attract interest, it is even more so.

"I heard you, Luke! We've got a date for the Symphony, haven't we?

On his return from finishing his lunch break at the Young Leaf Pavilion in the spring, he visited the Hollow Bottom branch of The Sun Clock Forest as part of his work.

I was just about to leave the Alliance Branch building, and Travis called me off without any foretaste.

"It smells like water. You should have told me."

"You're too early for information. The letter arrived this morning. You think I have time to look for you?

"No! But don't lick my information-gathering network."

Laughing in a joking tone, Travis has been disappointed to shoulder with his thick arms.

I have long believed that Travis is a great advantage to be truly pleased with the promotion (ranking up) of others.

Around that doesn't change not being an adventurer but success in another area, I guess this is still an element close to the essence of this man.

"So, are you going to luxury me with something to celebrate? It's A-rank, so I'm counting on it."

"Of course I was going to. The Spring Young Leaf Pavilion said it would hold a celebration, so I decided to let them cover some of the costs over there. I'm going to get you some southern sake, so stay tuned."

"Then again, in your case, you're not the main one"

One of Travis' party members came to get a leader after some time of such inexcusable interaction.

"Oops, I'm sorry. Next job. Don't worry, you should be able to twist the time to attend the celebration."

"Don't push it. You're the main explorer."

Dropping off Travis, who is still being chased by A-rank-like businessmen today, Garnett, who had voluntarily taken a step back, came back next to me.

There is a grin in its mouth.

Not that it was funny or made me laugh bitterly, but an atmosphere of unconsciously springing smiles.

"You're still close, you guys. I envy you."

"Which one of you is jealous?

"I wouldn't be happy to change positions with you."

Garnett kicked me in the leg with force to the point of slight pushing, and slowly started to fold and count something as I walked out.

"You also call the adventurers for the celebration. To Melissa and Nagi, to the Branch Manager's parents and children... Roy from the Hundred Beasts Plains has arrived this way too. Do you even speak to demon king hunting?

"Dustin or... I'm going to call him, but maybe he won't join us because it's about him"

"Naturally. I'm not interested in your personal advancement."

Interrupted into conversation by surprise, he looks back.

A ghost-like man with two spears was standing on the wall of the gate (gate) just diving in.

"… but let us celebrate when it comes to the establishment of the new Knights"

When I heard that, Garnett looked surprised next to me.

Apparently, it was unexpected that Dustin uttered a blessing.

But the remarks that followed were hard to believe for Garnett and obvious for me.

"It's also convenient for me to be able to explore underground without going through golden fangs. They tend not to take into account the convenience of adventurers."

"Well, in the end, it's a loss to me."

"I'm no longer with people who deserve to be outweighed."

That's all Dustin said, he cut his gaze from Garnett and glanced at me again.

"I expect from your Knights. That's all I have to say here."

Leaving that behind, Dustin turned his heel back and dived the gate, disappearing into the guild branch without even showing a bare look back.

Garnett gave him an imaginative look when he wondered if he had distorted his face in anger, and eventually frowned because he felt depressed for some reason.

I don't get tired of looking at the complexion that changes from time to time...... it seemed like a serious bareback, so I just decided to keep my voice shut.

"What's wrong with you?

"No... it happened after he lost the other guy. What if, but if the same thing happens, I might be there too, recently..."

I don't seem to have thought together in my head, the line of words I utter is subtly chiseled, and I don't have much power in my voice color.

But I know exactly what I'm trying to say.

I put my hand softly close to Garnett's head, and instead of stroking my golden hair, I squeaked it to mess with my hair.


"There's no hanging up how much bad imagination you've done. That's what I think every time something bad happens to me."

Walk out with a gentle tap on Garnet's shoulder as he manages the attitude that there is nothing going on.

Every time I fight a terrible enemy, my little back stands like a big shield in front of me.

If we'd just met, maybe we'd have thought we were reliable for the little one, but now I know how thin that is. I know how soft it is.

If I saw him hurt and hurt, I could not help but shelve my own weakness completely and get my heart pounded and moved.

"... generally, if there's anything we can do about it, we can fix it with [repair]. Don't worry too much."

"I know that, but... hey, wait a minute! Hey!"

Garnett comes after me as I fix my messy hair with my hands.

I will soon be a knight, and eventually I will be given the position of leading a new knighthood disproportionately.

Garnett plans to stay next to me as one of the knights afterwards, but can I fulfill it and continue the relationship as it has always been?

... No, I'm sure you can. Not as long as we want.

I just told you not to worry extra by inflating your bad imagination, but if you imitate like that, you don't have a face to match Garnett.

Garnett catches up with me at different strides and slows down to his fast feet in pace.

I also changed my stride into small pieces and put my feet together so that I could walk shoulder to shoulder with Garnett.